Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1585 Ziyun’s true identity

In the main hall of the Imperial Clan, Di Shitian stood with his hands behind his hands, his face full of confusion. Until now, his whole head was buzzing and he had never recovered from what happened before.

An ancestor suddenly appeared, with such a high level of seniority, she was the sister of the strongest ancestor Di Gang?

Of course, Di Shitian was happy, because the return of Di Qin made the entire Imperial clan stronger, and he also knew something about the identity of the ancestor of Di Qin.

The number one female war goddess in the God Realm, she has experienced dark battles and even killed the Sky Master with her own hands. There is no doubt about her strength. I am afraid that not even the Di Gang Patriarch can compare to her.

With such a being sitting in the Imperial Clan, his Imperial Clan will surely be even more glorious.

If Patriarch Di Gang had not warned him, Di Shitian would have wanted to tell the entire Imperial Clan and let everyone in the Imperial Clan know the good news.

"Clan leader, the eldest lady is back."

At this moment, a strong man from the Imperial Clan suddenly appeared in the main hall and bowed to Emperor Shitian.

Upon hearing the words of the visitor, Di Shitian's face darkened and he snorted coldly: "Humph, she still knows how to come back? Let her come to see me."

As soon as Di Shitian finished speaking, a beautiful figure entered the main hall. What is surprising is that this beautiful figure is actually Chen Taixuan's beloved Ziyun?

I am afraid that even Chen Taixuan does not know that his true love has such a noble status. She will be the daughter of the patriarch of the Imperial Clan, the overlord of the Light God Realm, and the princess of the entire Imperial Clan.

"I've met my father!"

As soon as Di Ziyun stepped into the main hall, she bowed to Di Shitian.

Seeing his daughter's posture, Di Shitian did not curse angrily after all. He glanced at Di Ziyun softly and said in a deep voice: "Just come back, go down."

Di Shitian was angry at this daughter, but more importantly, he felt guilty.

Not long ago, a great hidden force in the Light God Realm that could rival his Imperial Clan came to visit him personally and wanted to marry him. The marriage partner was none other than Emperor Ziyun, and the other one was the young master of that great hidden force.

After many considerations, Di Shitian was reluctant to give up, but still agreed to the matter, because marrying this hidden power would be beneficial but not harmful to the entire imperial clan.

However, at that time, Emperor Ziyun's heart belonged to Chen Taixuan, how could he agree to this? After pleading with Emperor Shitian to no avail, she secretly ran out of the Imperial clan to avoid the marriage, which made Emperor Shitian furious.

After this news came out, the hidden power became angry and severed contact with the Imperial Clan. This incident made the anger in Emperor Shitian's heart even more intense.

Just because of Di Ziyun's insistence, his imperial clan not only lost a powerful ally, but also offended a powerful force.

At that time, Di Shitian really wanted to take action himself, capture Di Ziyun and send him to that great hidden force, but after all, they were connected by blood, so Di Shitian did not really take action, but in the next time Here, I feel more and more guilty.

When will he, Emperor Shitian, need to sacrifice his own daughter to preserve the Imperial Clan?

"If you don't want to join forces, my father won't force you anymore. From now on, just stay in the Imperial Clan and practice hard."

Di Shitian sighed, looked at Di Ziyun who had not moved for a long time, and said softly.


When Di Shitian's words fell, Di Ziyun's delicate body trembled, and then she suddenly knelt down on the ground, her fair forehead pressed tightly to the ground, and her tears fell to the ground, making the silent hall sound like ticking. Voices.

"My daughter has a problem and wants to ask her father for help!"

When Di Shitian was in shock and doubt, Di Ziyun's sad words echoed throughout the hall.

"you say."

Seeing his daughter in such a posture, Di Shitian felt distressed and angry. Could it be that his daughter was being bullied outside these days?

who is it?

Dare you bully my Di Shitian's daughter?


Anger like a volcano erupted from Di Shitian's body, causing the entire hall to tremble.

"My daughter already has her heart, but now he is suffering from a disaster. Please ask your father to save him!"

When Di Ziyun finished speaking, Di Shitian's pupils shrank and he looked at Di Ziyun in disbelief.

He originally thought that Di Ziyun was being bullied, but he didn't expect that it was because of her lover?

Di Shitian figured it out all at once. No wonder this precious daughter, who had always been obedient and obedient, would disobey his will and even escape from the imperial clan in order to avoid marriage.

"who is it?"

Di Shitian's entire face suddenly turned cold and he asked coldly.

Is my little cotton-padded jacket just gone?

What Di Shitian was really angry about was not that Di Ziyun had someone he liked, but that Di Shitian was angry that Di Ziyun would go against his will for that man?

Rather than saying that Di Shitian was angry, it would be better to say that he was jealous.

He was jealous that his precious daughter, whom he had worked so hard to raise, was abducted by that guy who didn't know where he came from.

"Chen Taixuan, a casual cultivator!"

"But his talent and qualifications are definitely not weaker than those of the most talented people, and the disaster he suffered this time was also for his daughter."

"When his daughter was out, the young master of the Guangming Sect coveted her and almost lost her virginity. It was he who saved her."

Facing Di Shitian's cold inquiry, Di Ziyun was not surprised. She lowered her head and sobbed.

However, when explaining, she played a trick and never told Di Shitian the truth. The reason why she lowered her head was because she was afraid of being seen through by Di Shitian.

Di Ziyun knew very well that even if she avoided marriage and therefore turned against a hidden power, Di Shitian still loved her. If she told the truth directly, Di Shitian would not be able to take action.

But if everything was attributed to her, with Di Shitian's love for her, he would definitely take action.

In fact, Di Ziyun's psychological speculation about Di Shitian was extremely accurate.

After hearing Di Ziyun's words, the anger surging in Di Shitian became even more intense. His anger towards Chen Taixuan was transferred to the young master of the Guangming Sect.

Di Shitian never expected that his daughter would almost lose her virginity when she went out? How dare that little young master of the Light Sect?

Even the ancestor of the Guangming Sect trembled in front of him. How dare a mere young master dare to set his sights on his daughter? I simply don’t know how to live or die!

For a time, Di Shitian was in a very complicated mood due to this series of news. He was angry that Chen Taixuan abducted his precious daughter, but he was also grateful to him for saving his daughter.

Otherwise, if I really let the young master of the Light Sect succeed, I am afraid I will regret it for the rest of my life.

However, Di Shitian never expected that the caring little cotton-padded jacket he thought would slip out and start playing tricks on him.

Looking at the grieving daughter below, Di Shitian's eyes flashed with distress, and he suddenly roared coldly: "Just the Guangming Sect, if they dare to have thoughts on my Di Shitian's daughter, there is no need to exist!"

"It's just that a mere casual cultivator is not worthy of you."

"I can take action for my father, but from now on, you must stay in the Imperial Clan. You cannot leave the Imperial Clan until you are in harmony with the Dao!"

"As long as you agree, my father will take action immediately."

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