Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1586 Without strength, everything is nothingness

He can destroy the Guangming Sect at any time. Whether he chooses to destroy it when Chen Taixuan suffers a calamity or not depends on whether Zi Yun agrees or not.

As the supreme ruler of the Imperial Clan, Emperor Shitian would never allow a mere cultivator to abduct his daughter. When he agreed to the friendship with that hidden power, one reason was that the young master of that hidden power was worthy of him. Zi Yun, the second is that marriage with this hidden power can also bring huge benefits to the imperial clan.

But what can this casual cultivator bring to the Imperial Clan? He can't do anything. Instead, he will be a burden to the Imperial Clan. Even if word spreads, his Imperial Clan will become the ridicule of the world.

A noble princess from the imperial clan actually married a mere cultivator. Where would he put his imperial dignity?

It was true that he doted on Emperor Ziyun, but he shouldered not only the responsibility of a father, but also the responsibility of protecting a huge ethnic group.

When considering Di Ziyun's marriage, his first consideration was how much benefit Di Ziyun's marriage could bring to the Imperial clan, and then he considered whether Di Ziyun could be happy.

In Di Shitian's view, the so-called love is illusory in the face of absolute strength. Only those with strong strength are qualified to consider their own love.

Without him, without the Imperial Clan, Emperor Ziyun might be able to stay with the people she loves like an ordinary person, but this kind of life has no guarantees, and if she is not careful, she will be annihilated by powerful beings. .

Since she was born into the Imperial Clan, Di Ziyun should shoulder her responsibilities as a member of the Imperial Clan, and his daughter, Di Shitian, should dedicate everything to the Imperial Clan!

When Di Shitian finished speaking, Di Ziyun's pretty face changed dramatically. When she came, she had a premonition, but she didn't expect that her father was really so decisive. Was this the same father who doted on her?

Why can't he fulfill himself?

Di Ziyun was puzzled. She was still young and could not understand Di Shitian's thoughts at all.

In her opinion, since her father dotes on her, he should help her and let her stay with the one she loves, instead of deliberately obstructing her.

Born as a high-ranking imperial princess, Di Ziyun rarely felt the insidiousness and cunningness of the outside world, let alone the cruelty of the entire cultivation world. From birth to now, she has almost always stayed under the protection of Di Shitian.

Therefore, she has not yet fully realized that in this world, only strength can determine her own destiny.

If Di Ziyun was now an extremely powerful person in the seventh step of Hedao, Di Shitian would not care about her at all, let alone her finding a casual cultivator. Even if she fell in love with a mortal, he would not stop her.

It's a pity that Di Ziyun hasn't reached that level yet. At this moment, she is just in the realm of the God of Destiny.

In the past, a person in the realm of the God of Life might have been regarded as an extremely powerful person, but in today's era when powerful people are gradually emerging, how is the realm of the God of Life any different from an ant?

This world is fair, but it is also unfair.

Many practitioners have tried their best and practiced hard for countless years. They thought they were standing on the top of all living beings, but in the end they found that their end point was just the starting point for others. They had worked hard all their lives, and even the aftermath of someone else's blow was gone. Can't bear it.

Thinking of Chen Taixuan's determination before leaving, Di Ziyun's beautiful eyes filled with tears, she suddenly raised her head, looked at Di Shitian angrily, and nodded lightly.

She didn't want to be separated from Chen Taixuan, but she also didn't want to see Chen Taixuan fall.


Seeing Di Ziyun's resentful gaze, Di Shitian sighed inwardly.

Silly daughter, one day you will understand the idea of ​​being a father. No one in this world can love you more than your father.


Di Shitian withdrew his gaze and drank softly.


Not long after Di Shitian finished speaking, a burly figure quietly appeared in the hall.

The person coming was wearing a bright yellow robe and had a majestic face. Just one glance could make people fear him.

"I've met the clan leader!"

The visitor bowed and saluted Di Shitian, then glanced at Di Ziyun beside him, and said in surprise: "Yun'er, are you back?"

"I've met Uncle Huangying!"

Di Ziyun wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and bowed in greeting.

Di Huangying, the great elder of the Imperial Clan, is also the younger brother of Di Shitian. His cultivation has also reached the peak of the sixth step of Hedao. Together with Di Shitian, he is known as the two heroes of the Imperial Clan.

"What's wrong? Who dares to bully my little Yun'er?"

Seeing the tears in the corners of Di Ziyun's eyes, Di Huangying's face turned solemn and he shouted in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Di Ziyun pouted and glanced at Di Shitian without saying anything, but how could Di Huangying not see that look?

However, he did not dare to preach to his elder brother.

For a moment, Di Huangying was a little embarrassed, standing aside innocently, not daring to say too much.

"Huangying, take a few elders to destroy the Guangming Sect."

At this embarrassing moment, Di Shitian's words filled with cold murderous intent suddenly sounded, causing Di Huangying's pupils to shrink and he asked in surprise: "Why?"

Although the Guangming Sect is the leader of the ten most powerful forces in the Light God Realm, it is really nothing to the Imperial Clan, but it can affect the whole body. Once the Imperial Clan suddenly destroys the Guangming Sect, it will surely lead to the destruction of the entire Light Clan. The divine realm is shaken, and those enemies hiding in the dark will definitely use this to deal with the Imperial Clan!

It is easy to destroy a Guangming Sect, but the consequences that may arise after destroying it make the Imperial Clan extremely fearful.

Because of this, even though the strength of the Imperial Clan is strong enough to crush the so-called top ten extreme forces, the Imperial Clan still develops in a low-key manner without any arrogance.

"The young master of the Guangming Sect who dares to covet Ziyun must die!"

Di Shitian briefly explained a few words, and then snorted coldly.

"How brave!"

"You're just an ant, how dare you scheme against Yun'er?"

"Brother, don't worry, Huangying will definitely destroy the Guangming Sect and give Yun'er an explanation!"

After hearing Di Shitian's explanation, Di Huangying stared blankly and shouted coldly. He was so resolute that he turned around and left to summon the strong men.

"Uncle Huangying, I'm going too, wait for me!"

After Di Huangying left, Di Ziyun ran out and shouted loudly, regardless of whether Di Shitian agreed or not.

Seeing this scene, Di Shitian shook his head, but he did not stop him. He only gave a few instructions to Di Huangying.

At the same time, in the Jiuxing Mountains, Chen Taixuan was hiding under a towering ancient tree, with no aura emerging from his body, as if a huge stone was attached to the tree.

Even if a strong man at the peak of the Emperor God swept through this forest, he would not be aware of Chen Taixuan's existence. Only when he was close could he detect Chen Taixuan with the naked eye.


After a long time, a sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded in this area, and a dissolute young man in Chinese clothes descended here.

He had an evil look on his face and was holding a pink fan, swaying it gently. His whole posture looked extremely coquettish, but the aura that permeated his body was enough to reach the peak of an emperor.

This is the advantage of having a strong background. Such a dissolute young man can achieve such a level of cultivation at such an age, but ordinary people can't achieve his level of cultivation despite a lifetime of hard work.

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