Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1587 Rat, please me as much as you like

The young man is Hao Chi, the young master of the Guangming Sect!

Standing in the air, Hao Chi glanced at the entire mountain forest, curled up the corner of his mouth, and revealed an evil smile on his face.

"This guy, do you think I can't find him?"

The evil words that only he could hear came out. He looked at Chen Taixuan's figure emerging from the Haotian Mirror in his palm, and a fierce murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

Does Chen Taixuan really think that he, the young master of the Guangming Sect, is a fool?

Without any preparation, how could he go out alone and give Chen Taixuan the opportunity to attack and kill him?

If it was just for one of his subordinates, Hao Chi would not have gone to such great lengths. However, the woman next to Chen Taixuan was so beautiful that he was so beautiful that he was so lustful that he had no choice but to go out and kill Chen Taixuan himself. A mouse was lured out so that the woman next to him could be captured and kept as a captive!

In fact, in addition to the treasure in his hand to detect people, he also secretly follows the strong men of the Light Sect. As the young master of the Light Sect with an infinite future, how could Hao Chi put himself in danger?

Even if he is just a mouse like Chen Taixuan, he is extremely well prepared.

"Mouse, take action quickly, I can't wait any longer."

Hao Chi stood in the void and murmured secretly, the smile shining on his face was extremely sinister.


As if in response to his words, a roar instantly exploded in the sky and the earth, and Chen Taixuan's figure emerged from the mountains and forests, with a rainbow-like momentum and sword intent soaring into the sky.

At this moment, Chen Taixuan's entire body was like an unsheathed sword, with its sharp edge exposed, and the terrifying sword intent swept across the entire world. The next moment, he suddenly rushed out, the man and the sword merged into one, with lightning speed, and in an instant, Hao Chi rushed into the air.


Before the person arrived, the terrifying sword force had already made Hao Chi's robes rustle, and the skin all over his body stung extremely under the influence of this sharp edge.

"I underestimated you, you are so powerful!"

Feeling this peerless edge, Hao Chi had a look of surprise on his face and murmured softly.


The next moment, he shot out with his backhand, and the Haotian Mirror in his hand instantly enlarged, like a bright sun, horizontally in the sky, the bright light bloomed from the Haotian Mirror, and the extremely hot breath swept in all directions, as if to Burn the whole world.


As Hao Chi inputs power, a terrifying beam of light suddenly bursts out from the Haotian Mirror, falling like a sky pillar, and bombarded Chen Taixuan with unrivaled force.


For a moment, a dull roar exploded, and the beam of light collided with the sword energy. The impact of endless power mixed with the sword energy swept out in all directions, like a storm, invading the entire world wantonly.

With the battlefield as the center, all the trees, mountains and rocks within a hundred miles were shattered, and the earth was torn open with terrifying cracks.


Under the impact of that powerful force, Chen Taixuan flew backwards for dozens of miles before he could barely stabilize his body.


Chen Taixuan couldn't bear the surging energy and blood in his body anymore. He spurted out a mouthful of blood and stared at the Haotian Mirror in Hao Chi's hand!

"Yuanzun artifact?!"

Although Chen Taixuan knew that Hao Chi would be prepared, he didn't expect that when Hao Chi took action, it would be Yuan Zun's artifact!

The Yuan Zun artifact corresponds to the third step of Hedao, Cave Heaven Yuan Zun. Even if Hao Chi Emperor God's peak cultivation level is unable to exert the true power of this Yuan Zun artifact, just a trace of power is not something Chen Taixuan can bear.

If it weren't for his extraordinary combat power, far superior to those in the same realm, I am afraid that just this one blow would have seriously injured him.

"You do have some discernment!"

"You mouse makes it easy for me to find you."

Hearing Chen Taixuan's exclamation, Hao Chi curled his lips and made a joke, looking at Chen Taixuan as if looking at prey.

From the beginning to the end, he has never put Chen Taixuan in his eyes. As the young master of the Guangming Sect, there are very few people in the Light God Realm who can enter his eyes. They have no status and status. If they rely solely on their cultivation, they can only Only a strong person at the level of Hedao can make him treat it carefully.

If it weren't for Zi Yun beside Chen Taixuan, he wouldn't have taken action personally.

Chen Taixuan didn't pay attention to Hao Chi's sarcasm. He stared closely at Hao Chi, and the power in his body continued to surge, brewing a powerful blow.

A qualified killer will escape immediately if he fails to succeed.

It's a pity that Chen Taixuan is not a qualified killer after all. He will never leave until Hao Chi is killed.

"What other moves are there? Can you use them all?"

"I want to see if your strength can please me?"

Hao Chi could tell at a glance that Chen Taixuan was brewing strength, but he didn't care and instead chuckled.

Holding the Haotian Mirror, the Yuan Zun artifact, he was not afraid even if Chen Taixuan's combat power was extremely extraordinary.

Although he himself is unruly and lustful, it does not mean that he is a waste. On the contrary, his strength is still strong enough to rank among the top geniuses in the Light God Realm.

What's more, there are still several strong men from the Guangming Sect hiding in the dark. If Chen Taixuan alone could touch him even a hair, he, Hao Chi, wouldn't be able to survive until now.


Hearing Hao Chi's words, the coldness in Chen Taixuan's eyes became more intense, and the murderous intent that permeated his body almost condensed into substance. This murderous intent even affected the celestial phenomena, causing snowflakes to appear all around him.

"Wanjian Chaozong!"

In an instant, a roaring sound like thunder came from Chen Taixuan's mouth, endless power rolled out, and sharp sword energy condensed out, flying around Chen Taixuan.

At first glance, Chen Taixuan looks like the supreme sword god. His sword follows his words, and his sword power shocks the past and present.


As Chen Taixuan waved the long sword in his hand, the sword energy surrounding him began to tremble, dancing as the long sword in Chen Taixuan's hand danced.


The roar fell, and the endless sword energy spewed out like a long river, tearing the sky, and fell in front of Hao Chi in an instant. However, the originally endless sword energy condensed into a huge sword light before it arrived before and after Hao Chi. .

Under this huge sword light, Hao Chi was as small as an ant. The sharp sword edge caused the void around Hao Chi to crack inch by inch. The strong pressure made Hao Chi's whole body tremble uncontrollably. stand up.


Hao Chi's eyes condensed, and the Haotian Mirror in his hand burst into brilliant light. Faintly, he seemed to be able to see a golden crow glowing with endless flames emerging from the Haotian Mirror.


The cry that penetrated the gold and cracked stone came from the Haotian Mirror, and endless flames spurted out. These purple-gold flames condensed into a piece of purple-gold feathers in the void, and then like a sharp sword, they shot towards the huge sword. Impact away.

On one side, there are endless flaming feathers; on the other side, there is a terrifying sword light that is like the sword of heaven. Under the eyes of Chen Taixuan and the two men, these two extremely powerful offensives collided with each other.

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