Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1616 There is no one in the world who can compare with me

No one knows how deep the foundation of the entire Tiandao Nether Clan is. Even if it is just a branch clan, the foundation is extremely deep. With the five clans united into one, the true foundation of the Tiandao Nether Clan is enough to make any race tremble. Otherwise, it would not be able to be ranked. The most powerful clan in the world.

Even though he is the apparent controller of the Death Nether Clan, he doesn’t know how strong the entire Tiandao Nether Clan really is. I am afraid that only the former empress or the most mysterious person in charge of the Huangpo Nether Clan can control it. Only then did we know the true background of the entire Tiandao Underworld Clan.

However, Zhu Kan believes that as long as he can successfully capture the Luotian Divine Domain, his status in the entire Tiandao Nether Clan will surely rise to a higher level. By then, he will also be able to gain access to the true secrets of the Tiandao Nether Clan.

Of course, despite gathering so many powerful people, Zhu Kan is still extremely cautious about the Luotian Divine Domain. Even if it is just a domain of the God Realm, the water in the Luotian Divine Domain is still very deep and there is no room for any negligence.

This time, the many powerful men they dispatched were more than what they seemed on the surface.

The two major clans dispatched a total of 200,000 upper-level god-level experts this time. Each of the 10,000 upper-level god-level experts were practicing powerful formations. Together, they could unleash supreme power.

Not only that, there are nearly two hundred Hedao realm experts, and every twenty of them join forces to practice powerful formations. It is no exaggeration to say that the power that these ten formations can burst out is enough to rival ten Taoist masters. A super powerful person.

Such a powerful lineup is also the source of confidence for Zhu Kan to conquer the Luotian Divine Realm. What's more, there is a powerful existence like Zhu Ku secretly, who can provide support at any time.

Even without the help of the other three Nether Clan, Zhu Kan still has strong confidence.

He glanced at the many strong men of the Nether Clan in the square and shouted loudly: "Everyone, tell me, why do I, the Nether Clan, have to live in this barbaric realm of the underworld? But other races can survive in the vast and wealthy world. In the divine realm?”

"I, the Heavenly Underworld Clan, were born from the heavens and are extremely noble. How can I succumb to this barbaric land?"

"I, Zhu Kan, am willing to lead you to regain the rich land that belongs to our Nether Clan. Are you willing to follow me?"

The sonorous voice of Zhu Kan resounded throughout the square, deafening and inspiring, making all the strong men of the Nether Clan's blood boil with excitement, their eyes red, and they wished they could immediately rush to the Luotian Divine Domain to fight.

"We are willing to follow you to the death and take back the Luotian Divine Realm!"

The next moment, deafening shouts resounded throughout the square. The sound was so powerful that it could make anyone tremble. Every strong man from the Nether Clan stretched his neck red and shouted, as if he was using this to vent his inner feelings. dissatisfied.

Although the area of ​​the Heavenly Dao Nether God Realm is much larger than the ordinary divine realms, in terms of wealth, it is far from being compared with the nine major divine realms of the God Realm. They have long been fed up with this barren region. Now that someone is leading them, they will It’s the fighting spirit rising to the sky.

Seeing everyone's attitude, Zhu Kan nodded with satisfaction and continued: "The human race has been stable for too long, and they only know that they are drunk and dreaming, and they will never be my opponent to the great Nether Race."

"I have only one request for you, and that is to kill!"

"Kill everyone in sight!"

"Kill them all without leaving any trace behind, kill them all and bleed them for thousands of miles, to show off the divine power of my Nether Tribe!"

When the voice of Zhu Kan fell, everyone present shouted loudly again, and the shouts of killing exploded over the entire square. It seemed that even the sky was frightened by this terrifying murderous intention, and the cracks were torn like spider webs. Cracked.

The bone-chilling murderous intent caused the temperature of the entire world to drop to the extreme.

"Remember, as soon as you step into the Luotian Divine Realm, you must directly use the formation. You must use the fastest speed to catch the Luotian Divine Realm by surprise!"

"Those below the Hedao realm will harvest ordinary people from the Luotian Divine Realm, and those above the Hedao realm will deal with the powerful forces of the Luotian Divine Realm!"

"If someone kneels down and surrenders, after accepting his soul, he can be allowed to join the team."

"It's interesting to think about using their own people against their own people."

Immediately afterwards, Zhu Kan continued to speak, and when he said the last sentence, his face was filled with a playful smile.


After Zhu Kan finished speaking, many powerful men from the Nether Clan shouted loudly.

Seeing this, Zhu Kan nodded with satisfaction, then waved his hand and shouted: "Let's go and capture the Luotian Divine Realm!"

"Capture Luotian Divine Realm!"

As the shouts echoed, many powerful men from the Nether Clan, under the leadership of the commander, stepped into the huge space transmission channel in the center of the square in an orderly manner!

It took a long time, but the two hundred thousand strong men of the Nether Clan had just completed the transmission. Zhu Kan, who was walking at the end, looked back at the Heavenly Dao Nether God Realm, with firmness in his eyes, and resolutely stepped into the space channel.


After Zhu Kan and others left, the void above the square suddenly trembled, and then, a figure slowly emerged. The person who came was none other than Zhu Kan, who was also a member of the Heaven Master clan!

He looked at the gradually shrinking space transmission channel, with an unpredictable smile on his face, and whispered: "Kill, it is best to kill both sides."

"The final winner will belong to my clan of Heaven Masters!"

At this moment, the face of the Heaven Master was full of pride and enjoyment. This feeling of playing with people's hearts made him very obsessed.

Think about how terrifying the Heavenly Dao Underworld Clan was under the leadership of that woman? How much pressure does it bring to his family of Heaven Masters? The top masters of the five tribes all came out, causing heavy losses to the Heavenly slaves under his Heaven Master tribe.

Now, this powerful enemy was played by him in the palm of his hand, using it to deal with another powerful enemy.

How can I not be proud of this?

Even the most powerful ancestral master cannot play with two powerful races, but he did it. Looking at the whole world, who can compare with him?

Thinking like this, the Heaven Master took a deep look at the space passage that was about to disappear, with an evil smile on his face, and as his figure swayed, he completely disappeared without a trace.

I'm afraid he never thought that the corpse that he and many senior leaders of the Death Nether Clan regarded as the future of the Death Nether Clan would be their former enemies?



In the Demon-Suppressing Underworld Prison, a loud sound suddenly spread in all directions, and what surged out along with the sound was a majestic and powerful force. The giant cocoon of power that originally enveloped Wang Feng suddenly exploded, like Like fireworks, the lights shine brightly, illuminating the entire dim star field in a dreamy way.

Li Bai and others who were guarding the side all stared at each other. With just one glance, the two sisters Leng Yue were trembling with fear. this the peak of the Emperor God?

How... how is it possible?

They knew clearly that the sect master was only in the Yangshen realm before. How long had it been before the sect master reached the peak of the Emperor God from the Yangshen realm?

This scene looked so dreamy, even if they saw it with their own eyes, they couldn't believe it.

Thinking back to the time when they reached the peak of Emperor God from the Realm of Yang God, they experienced so many hardships of life and death, and how long it took them to reach it. Now compared with the sect master, they are regarded by the world as having extremely talented people, which is simply not worth mentioning. .

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