Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1617 Why not join the Immortal Sect?

No one can imagine how shocked the two Leng Yue sisters were at this moment. Their loyalty to Wang Feng had reached an unbearable level. In the short period of time they were able to suppress the Demon Hell, they witnessed Wang Feng's achievements. There are so many miracles that have trained them to such an extent and helped them take revenge.

Such a great kindness can never be fully repaid in this lifetime.

Wang Feng ignored the shock of the two Leng Yue sisters. He felt the majestic power in his body and nodded with satisfaction. The peak of the Emperor God is indeed the last state under Hedao. Before reaching this state, there is no way. I cannot feel the terror and mystery of this realm.

In fact, even if strong people in the Hedao realm appear frequently nowadays, those at the peak of the Emperor God can still be called the top strong ones in the entire heaven.

After all, how big are the entire heavens? Although there are many Hedao realms, looking at the entire world, there are fewer of them. Most of the mainstream powerhouses are still at the peak of the Emperor God.

Of course, this is for ordinary people. For Wang Feng, who is currently facing many powerful enemies, the Emperor God Peak has no effect at all, and only the strong ones at the Taoist Peak can be of great help to him.

Fortunately, after the previous system upgrade, in addition to many guardians and sect-protecting beasts, the permanently summoned ancestor Monkey King also relied on the weakened ancestor rules to reach the ancestor level. His strength has become the current level. The strongest person in the Immortal Sect.

With Sun Wukong's fighting power, he may be able to withstand a few moves against a real strong man in the realm of heaven and god. When he summons Donghuang Taiyi again, his Immortal Sect can rest easy.

After thinking about it, Wang Feng did not immediately use that special opportunity to integrate everything in himself. Now his cultivation has just skyrocketed. Although there are no side effects with the blessing of the system, in order to improve himself, he took advantage of the special opportunity to enter the realm of Hedao. , Wang Feng decided to settle down first, and then use it to break through after he perfectly controlled the power of the Emperor God Peak.

Anyway, the special opportunity is there, you can use it whenever you want, and you don't have to be so anxious.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Feng began to think about the users of the five Heavenly Dao Ultimate Awakening opportunities. If these five Heavenly Dao Ultimate Awakening opportunities are used well, the strength of his Immortal Sect will skyrocket again.

After pondering for a long time, Wang Feng set his sights on many elders of the Immortal Sect.

Compared with many elders of the Immortal Sect, the potential of the guardians or the guardian beasts, ancestors, etc. is undoubtedly more terrifying. After using the opportunity of Heavenly Dao Ultimate Awakening, they will also transform into stronger ones, but in the long run, the guardians and others will be so powerful. It would undoubtedly be a loss to use the Heavenly Dao Limit Awakening early.

After all, once you use the opportunity to awaken to the limit of Heavenly Dao, you will no longer be blessed by the rules of the system and can only rely on your own cultivation.

You don't need to think about Wang Feng to know how beneficial the system rules are. Before upgrading the system, Shi Gandang and others were only at the lower level of the divine realm. Now they have become strong in the Hedao realm. The effect is almost It is equivalent to the ultimate awakening of heaven.

Although this is the reason for upgrading the system to two levels in a row, it can also be seen how terrifying the system rules are. When Shi Gandang and others have not completely reached the limit, Wang Feng does not intend to use the opportunity of the Ultimate Awakening of Heaven's Dao on them. On the body.

In the end, Wang Feng selected five elders of the Shenxian Sect with strong potential and used the opportunity of Heaven's Ultimate Awakening on them.

"System, use five opportunities to awaken to the ultimate limit of heaven. The targets are Nezha, Sha Wujing, Master Taiqing, Xiao Sanxiao and Chuanying!"

"Target confirmed, awakening...!"

As this cold voice fell, Nezha and others in the Kingdom of God within Wang Feng's body were instantly pulled by the system and entered the ultimate awakening of heaven.

Among the five, Nezha undoubtedly has the highest potential, followed by Sha Wujing and Master Taiqing, the founder of the Shushan sect, Xiao Sanxiao and Chuanying. In Wang Feng's opinion, their potentials should be almost the same.

Chuanying is younger than Xiao Sanxiao and has reached the Shattered Void level in the world he lives in. However, Xiao Sanxiao has survived for more than four thousand years in his era, swallowed the blood of divine beasts, and created many unparalleled magical powers. In terms of true potential, it is not inferior to Chuanying.

Of course, among the many elders of the Shenxian Sect, there are those with higher potential than Xiao Sanxiao and Chuanying. However, Wang Feng still chose them because of his own liking.

At this moment, Wang Feng has reached the point where a single thought can determine the fate of many elders of the Immortal Sect.

If possible, Wang Feng hopes that every elder of the Shenxian Sect can experience the ultimate awakening of heaven. By then, the strength of the entire Shenxian Sect will definitely be able to look down on the heavens and become the true overlord of the heavens.

While waiting for Nezha and others to awaken, Wang Feng did not intend to stay in the Demon-Suppressing Underworld Prison. Now that he had gotten what he deserved, it was time to leave the Demon-Suppressing Underworld Prison.

With a wave of his hand, he brought Li Bai and others into the Kingdom of God within his body, allowing Li Bai and others to discuss the Tao with the Tathagata Buddha and others who had just appeared in the Kingdom of God within his body.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Feng silently chanted Tai Cang Demon Dragon three times in his heart.

Following Wang Feng's silent recitation, the Tai Cang Demon Dragon, who was in the underground palace deep in the God-Eating Ancient Forest of the Luotian Divine Domain, suddenly opened its red dragon eyes, with a look of surprise in them.

"It seems that this kid has obtained the Dark Source Crystal. He is really brave!"

Tai Cang Demon Dragon's words were full of emotion. He had guessed that the riot in Suppressing Demon Hell Prison was related to Wang Feng, but he did not expect that even if he warned him repeatedly, Wang Feng would still choose the Dark Source Crystal. Forgive him. , all admired Wang Feng's courage.

"Senior, you...are you...?"

The strange behavior of the Tai Cang Demonic Dragon woke up Ran Yi and Yan Shen who were practicing. Then, Ran Yi couldn't help but ask.

During this period of time, after receiving all the training from Tai Cang Demon Dragon, Ran Yi and Yan Shen have reached the peak of the first step of Hedao, Kill Me Supreme, and their combat power is even comparable to the peak of the second step of Hedao. The speed of cultivation progress is unprecedented and unprecedented.

But in fact, Ran Yi and the two of them were able to reach the peak of Killing Me Supreme thanks to Wang Feng's reward for being promoted to two levels of sect in a row. Otherwise, they had only reached the peak of Emperor God before.

It may seem unbelievable, but with Tai Cang Demon Dragon, an extremely strong man in the heavenly realm, devoting all his efforts to his training, it is reasonable to be able to make such progress.

The mysteries of the heavenly realm cannot be understood by those who have not reached it.

As long as a strong person in the Tiandao Divine Realm is willing, he can even instantly elevate a mortal to the peak of the Taoist level, but the cost is too high. No strong Tiandao Divine Realm will do this, and it will also be extremely harmful to him if he is so counterproductive.

"Your sect master is coming soon."

Tai Cang Demonic Dragon smiled and said in a loud voice, a glint of expectation flashed in his eyes.

He wanted to see if Wang Feng could fulfill his promise and free him from the seal. If Wang Feng could really do it, it would be fulfilling the bet, so why not join the Immortal Sect?

After saying this, Tai Cang Demonic Dragon ignored the excited Ran Yi and Yan Shen, and directly used its great magical power to extract Wang Feng from the Demon Suppressing Underworld Prison.

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