Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1623 Life and death crisis, the whole sect is furious

Tai Cang Demon Dragon has rarely experienced emotional ups and downs since he reached the Heavenly Realm, but today, he experienced ups and downs one after another. The number of ups and downs was enough to equal the total of his emotional ups and downs since he was sealed.

The word home has not appeared in his dictionary for an unknown amount of time!

"Sect Master, after reaching the Heavenly Dao Divine Realm, ordinary cultivation resources and strength can no longer satisfy the powerful Heavenly Dao Divine Realm, except for the Heavenly Dao level heavenly materials and earthly treasures."

"Under normal circumstances, those who practice at the level of Heavenly Dao and Divine Realm basically absorb the power of Heavenly Dao or Heavenly Dao-level heavenly materials and earthly treasures through themselves."

"It is my great fortune to be able to understand the Great Dao artifact. The rest can be recovered by myself!"

Immediately afterwards, Tai Cang Demonic Dragon looked at Wang Feng, bowed and explained.

Hearing this, Wang Feng nodded lightly and said with a smile: "I still say the same thing. Whatever your senior needs, you can tell me. Although I may not be able to fully satisfy you, I will definitely try my best!"

Tai Cang Demon Dragon is a powerful person at the Heavenly level. Once he is in need, he will definitely be extremely terrifying. Wang Feng does not dare to speak too fully.

"My subordinate understands!"

Seeing this, Wang Feng nodded, then projected the World-Suppressing Monument in his mind into the depths of the Kingdom of God within his body, and said to the Tai Cang Demonic Dragon: "In this case, you can enter my Kingdom of God. "

"I've been away for too long, it's time for me to go back and see the outside world!"


When Wang Feng's words fell, Tai Cang Demonic Dragon did not hesitate. In a flash, he passed through the passage opened by Wang Feng and entered Wang Feng's Divine Kingdom. He sat deep in the Divine Kingdom's headquarters of the Immortal Sect.

At the same time, Wang Feng also asked Tathagata Buddha and many other powerful men at the Hedao level to go to the place where the Tai Cang Demon Dragon sat and listen to the teachings of the Tai Cang Demon Dragon. Although such a strong man could not take action, he still had to use it. stand up.

With such powerful men preaching in person, the strength of Tathagata Buddha and others will surely be able to improve in a very short period of time.

"Congratulations to the host, Nezha and others have successfully awakened to the limit of heaven."

Just when Wang Feng was about to leave with Ran Yi and the two of them, a cold voice sounded in his mind, causing Wang Feng to pause, his eyes bursting with dazzling light, and he hurriedly said: "System, where to call up?" Details about Zha and others."

"Ding, a total of five people are undergoing the Ultimate Awakening of Heavenly Dao this time. The details are as follows."

"Nezha, after awakening to the limit of Heavenly Dao, transformed into Dao Saint Taiyi Nezha. He is currently at the peak of the sixth step of Hedao. He possesses the divine body of Dao Saint Taiyi, wields the Tao of Taiyi Fire Lotus, and awakens two great divine powers of Heaven. Yi Fire Lotus's seventy-two spears and Shenyan Dao strikes are both supreme attack methods!"

"Sha Wujing has awakened as Tianluo Bodhisattva. He is currently in the early stage of the sixth step of Hedao cultivation. He possesses the true body of Tianluo Bodhisattva and controls the punishment path of Tianluo Bodhisattva. He has awakened the divine power of Tianluo and has a golden body Tianluo. He can attack and defend in one body and has infinite power!"

"Master Taiqing has awakened as Taiqing Heavenly Sage. He is currently in the early stage of the fifth step of Hedao cultivation. He possesses Taiqing Supreme Good Divine Body and controls the Taiqing Supreme Good Water Path!"

"Xiao Sanxiao is currently at the peak of the second step of Hedao cultivation, and Chuanying is currently at the peak of the first step of Hedao!"

The virtual panel that appeared in front of him made Wang Feng nod with satisfaction. Nezha was worthy of being one of the gods of war in heaven. The potential after awakening to the limit of heaven is really terrifying, reaching the peak of the sixth step of Hedao, even more terrifying than Li Bai.

Of course, this may also be due to system upgrades, resulting in stronger Tiandao Ultimate Awakening function, but it is undeniable that Nezha's potential is indeed very strong.

On the other hand, Xiao Sanxiao and Chuanying are slightly worse, but it is understandable. After all, the world they live in is completely different from the world Nezha and others live in. Even so, they have reached the state of harmony and The combat power is extraordinary.

Judging from Nezha's attribute panel, his combat power is probably comparable to that of an ordinary seventh-step peak powerhouse of Hedao!


While Wang Feng was pondering, several figures appeared out of thin air in the underground palace. It was Nezha and others. As soon as they appeared, Nezha and others bowed respectfully to Wang Feng and shouted in unison: "See the sect master!"

Wang Feng smiled, stretched out his hand to help, and said: "No need to be polite!"

"You are in my kingdom of God for the time being, so you can go to Tai Cang Demon Dragon for advice!"


As Wang Feng finished speaking, Nezha and the others did not hesitate, and they all entered the Kingdom of God within Wang Feng's body.

If you are an ordinary person, you would not dare to let so many powerful people who are far stronger than yourself enter the Kingdom of God within your body, but Wang Feng is fearless. Except for the Tai Cang Demon Dragon, the others are all loyal to him. .

Even the Tai Cang Demon Dragon has sworn the Great Dao Oath, and judging from Tai Cang Demon Dragon's performance just now, he will not harm himself.

After Nezha and others entered the Kingdom of God within the body, Wang Feng thought for a while and finally did not summon the eighth ancestor Donghuang Taiyi. Once he used the ancestor rental function, Donghuang Taiyi could appear permanently, but with the current situation During this sensitive period, even if Donghuang Taiyi appears, he cannot take action easily and must stay in the Kingdom of God within his body.

In this case, it is better to wait until there is a need and then summon Donghuang Taiyi.

"Let's go!"

After thinking about it, Wang Feng no longer hesitated, and with a wave of his hand, he was about to take Ran Yi and the two of them out of the underground palace. But at this moment, the Heavenly Dao Teleportation Formation of the Kingdom of God in his body suddenly vibrated strongly.

Such a change naturally attracted the attention of many powerful immortals from the Kingdom of God in Wang Feng's body, and Wang Feng also put his mind into the Kingdom of God and stared at the Heavenly Dao Teleportation Formation.

This formation is connected to the Arena of Gods and Demons in Tianjiao City. Every time it is used, a huge amount of training resources are spent. Is there something wrong?

Under the gaze of everyone, the Tiandao teleportation array burst into brilliant light, and then, a figure stumbled out of it.

With just one glance, Wang Feng and many powerful people from the Immortal Sect shrank their pupils, and endless anger burst out from all over their bodies. The Divine Kingdom in Wang Feng's body even experienced many changes due to Wang Feng's emotions. The sky of the entire Divine Kingdom, They all dimmed, like the wrath of heaven!

The person who came was a disciple of the Immortal Sect who was in the Arena of Gods and Demons. However, at this moment, he was covered in blood, his clothes were torn, and his body was covered with scars. He looked extremely miserable.

"Disciple Lin Yu urgently reported to the sect that the Arena of Gods and Demons was attacked by powerful men from the Heavenly Dao Nether Clan. Song Que and other elders resisted desperately, and just barely managed to protect many brothers. However, the enemy's offensive was too fierce, and Song Que and other elders had exhausted their fuel. Deng Ku, please ask the sect to support the Arena of Gods and Demons!"


As soon as he finished speaking, the disciple named Lin Yu fell to the ground. He was already dying and on the verge of death.

When this weak but loud voice spread throughout the Shenxian Sect's station, the faces of all the strong men in the Shenxian Sect's station became gloomy, and waves of terrifying aura burst out from them. Sweeping the whole world.

No one spoke, but the murderous intent they unleashed was enough to make anyone tremble!

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