Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1624 Kill all the enemies and save your fellow disciples

At this moment, the entire Shenxian Sect is like a giant volcano about to erupt. There is a terrifying force brewing. Once it erupts, it will be enough to shake the world.

All the powerful men of the Shenxian Sect had red eyes and were ready to make a move. They wanted to rush directly to Tianjiao City and kill all the enemies. However, even though they were impatient, everyone did not move, but looked up at the sky. Wang Feng.

Wang Feng stood with his hands behind his hands, seemingly calm, but in fact he was furious. He glanced at the dying Lin Yu, looked at the Tai Cang Demon Dragon stationed deep in the area, and said indifferently: "Save him!"

Tai Cang Demonic Dragon nodded gently, stretched out his big hand, and took Lin Yu in. Vast power spurted out and poured into Lin Yu's body, repairing Lin Yu's injuries.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Feng scanned the entire Shenxian Sect and shouted indifferently: "Where is the elder of the Shenxian Sect?"

"My subordinate is here!"

As Wang Feng finished speaking, many elders of the Shenxian Sect started shouting with their necks reddened. The terrifying momentum reverberated in Wang Feng's Kingdom of God, not only the elders of the Shenxian Sect, but also Tathagata Buddha and others.

"Kill all the enemies and save our fellow disciples!"

The next moment, Wang Feng continued to shout.

"Kill all the enemies and save our fellow disciples!"

After these words fell, the powerful members of the Immortal Sect also started shouting, and the wave of momentum spread throughout the world.

Immediately afterwards, with a thought, Wang Feng directly transferred the Heavenly Dao Teleportation Array to the underground palace. Then with a wave of his hand, many powerful people above the elders of the Immortal Sect appeared in the underground palace one after another!

Ran Yi and Yan Shen were surprised by the sudden appearance of many strong men from the Immortal Sect. After learning about it from an elder, both of them gritted their teeth, their eyes were red, and their bodies were filled with terrifying anger.

For them, the Shenxian Sect is their home, and their many brothers and sisters are their relatives. Now that someone dares to take action against their relatives, how can they endure it?


In order to save time, Wang Feng directly mobilized the majestic power in the sea of ​​power, activated the Tiandao teleportation array, and then led many powerful men from the Immortal Sect into the Tiandao teleportation array!



Deafening roars resounded over the entire Tianjiao City. The originally majestic Tianjiao City was now like a ruin, with war everywhere, and bright red blood became the main color.

Looking around, the entire ruins of Tianjiao City were filled with rivers of blood, and broken limbs and pieces of flesh were everywhere, like a millstone of flesh and blood. The scene was extremely horrifying.

Whether in the sky or on the ground, there are people fighting. Powerful power fluctuations sweep across all directions. With Tianjiao City as the center, the earth within a million miles has been torn open with huge ravines, like an abyss swallowing people. .

Tianjiao City faced a team of more than 10,000 people from the Death Tribe. All of these people were at the level of the upper gods and above, and there were hundreds of strong men in the emperor god realm.

If Tianjiao City hadn't reacted quickly when this Death Tribe team arrived and directly activated the formation, Tianjiao City would have suffered more casualties than just this.

After all, the vast majority of the entire Tianjiao City are Tianjiao from various forces in the Luotian Divine Realm who have not yet reached the divine realm. Although they all have extraordinary potential, they are no different from ants in front of the higher divine realm.

If the formation had not been mobilized in time and these geniuses had extraordinary status and were protected by strong men, the entire Tianjiao City would have died long ago.

But even so, Tianjiao City suffered heavy losses. I don't know how many Tianjiao and strong men died tragically in this battle.

The only building in the entire Tianjiao City that is still well preserved is the Arena of Gods and Demons. Nowadays, almost all the strong men of Tianjiao City surround the Arena of Gods and Demons, fighting against the strong men of the Death Clan.

Prodigies from powerful forces such as the Wenren Dao Clan are also among them, fighting side by side with many disciples of the Immortal Sect.

In the sky, many Tianjiao's guardians, Song Que and others, as well as some strong men who had entered Tianjiao City to do business, were fighting against the extremely powerful men of the Death Nether Clan.

Song Que stood in the air, holding a long sword in his hand, and the domineering sword power surged all over his body. It looked like a rainbow, but in fact it was very miserable. His whole body was covered in blood, like a bloody man, with dense wounds all over his body. .

But even though he was seriously injured, Song Que still stood tall.

And fighting against him were fully five powerful emperors from the Death Underworld Clan.

During this period, with the guidance of several Emperor God peak experts from the Zhanyuan clan and the help of the huge resources accumulated in the Gods and Demons Arena, Song Que's cultivation level improved by leaps and bounds, reaching the Emperor God peak with just one step away from reaching the peak. Enter the realm of harmony.

Of course, originally Song Que had not yet reached the peak of the Emperor God, but because Wang Feng had upgraded his sect level two levels in a row, he had gone straight from the Peak of the Supreme God to the Peak of the Emperor God, and his combat power far exceeded those of the same level.

Unfortunately, the opponent had a large number of people. After Song Que exploded with powerful combat power, many of the top emperor gods of the Death Nether Clan targeted Song Que, killing nearly twenty emperor gods and seven After reaching the peak of the Emperor God, he was finally severely damaged and found it difficult to survive.

But even so, facing the five peak emperor gods of the Death Nether Clan, Song Que was still extremely strong. His long sword swept across the sky, and the terrifying blade light pierced the sky. It fell in an instant, making the five peak emperor gods of the Death Nether Clan Trembling.

The astonishing combat power shown by Song Que made all the people of the Death Clan who came this time feel scared. It can be said that Song Que almost single-handedly blocked their way to attack Tianjiao City. If it weren't for Song Que, the entire Tianjiao City would be afraid. The city had long been captured by them.

Of course, Song Que was not the only one. Several powerful men from the Zhan Yuan Clan and the guardians of the Wenren Dao Clan's genius also played extremely crucial roles.

But again, Song Que and others are indeed very strong, but they can't beat four hands with two fists. There are less than ten of them, but there are hundreds of opponents, a gap of ten times. It's already very difficult for them to be able to hold on until now. It’s amazing!

At this time, Song Que and others were all seriously injured and almost exhausted, but there were still nearly fifty people on the other side.

In the current situation, as long as there is no accident, Song Que and others will almost certainly die.

"Damn guy!"

"Kill them for me and cut them into pieces!"

As the leader of this team shouted, the remaining nearly fifty powerful Emperor Gods of the Death Nether Clan erupted one after another. Powerful power fluctuations swept across the entire sky, causing the space to tremble.

Song Que and others gathered together. Even if the endless danger of death was approaching, they did not have the slightest fear. There was only strong murderous intent and the determination to fight to the death in their eyes!

The four words "fight to the death and never retreat" have been engraved in my bones.

"I am honored to fight side by side with you all, and I, Song Que, am honored!"

"I just regret that I couldn't kill all the enemies and protect the city at my feet."

Song Que glanced at the many strong men beside him and the fierce battle at his feet, and said in a dull voice, with a sad look on his face.

"Elder Song doesn't need to be like this. He can kill so many enemies. Even if he dies, he will be honored."

"This war is not a crime of war!"

The strong man from the Wenren Dao clan on the side said suddenly, looking at Song Que with eyes full of respect. He had witnessed Song Que's terrifying combat power with his own eyes, and even he, who was born in a hegemon-level force, was frightened. Awe!


After hearing this person's words, everyone present nodded, and their whole bodies were filled with strong fighting spirit. As Song Que drank, everyone advanced instead of retreating, using their last remaining strength to attack many powerful men from the Death Clan. And go.

Looking at that posture, he actually wants to die with the people of the Death Clan!

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