Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1626 Heavenly Divine Crystal

This time, the whole world will be shaken by the anger of his Immortal Sect.

If the Tiandao Ning Clan dares to kill his disciple of the Immortal Sect, then he will not only make the Tiandao Ning Clan pay a million times the price, but also make the Tiandao Ning Clan lose his wife and lose his troops.

If the current situation continues, if there are no other accidents, the entire Luotian Divine Realm may fall, but it is different now. His Immortal Sect is the accident.

Wang Feng not only wanted to kill all the troops of the Tiandao Nether Clan that invaded the Luotian Divine Domain, but also wanted to completely shatter their ambitions.

The death of dozens of Shenxian Sect disciples completely aroused Wang Feng's murderous intention.

This battle is to kill him and bleed him like a river, so why not?

"I'll wait for the order!"

"We must obey the orders of the sect master. No one from the Heavenly Dao Underworld Clan can be seen anywhere!"

When Wang Feng finished speaking, Li Bai and others all bowed and the terrifying momentum, like a stormy sea, swept across the entire world, shocking many powerful people in Tianjiao City in the distance.

The whole person was as stunned as a sculpture, with a look of shock on his face.


The next moment, Li Bai and others burst out their momentum, followed Wang Feng's order, led their respective teams, and charged in all directions.

Their departure is destined to shock the entire Luotian Divine Domain, and the Immortal Sect will also completely emerge, making everyone in the world look at it.

This battle will be the battle for the rise of the Immortal Sect Longteng Jiuxiao.

Looking at the departing figures of Li Bai and others, Wang Feng's face was indifferent, and his eyes flashed with a cold light.

For each team, he assigned several Hedao realm powerhouses, and their combined combat power was almost enough to rival the existence of the seventh step of Hedao. If they were to deal with the main powerhouses of the Heavenly Dao Nether Clan and the Heavenly Slave, it might not be enough, but It was more than enough to deal with those armies.

In front of a truly strong man, what's the use of having so many ants?

Not long after, Wang Feng waved his hand and led Sun Wukong and Purgatory Chaos towards the main battlefield of Luotian Divine Realm. Even though there were only three of them, Wang Feng did not have the slightest fear.

Not to mention that the current Sun Wukong has reached the ancestral level, even the Purgatory Chaos is enough to deal with the ordinary seventh-step peak powerhouse of Hedao. Even if it is not enough, he can also summon the guardian and the guardian beast.

Wang Feng felt that Sun Wukong alone could put this incident to rest. After all, although there are many powerful people in Hedao nowadays, there are very few powerful ones at the ancestral level, and they have basically never appeared in the world.

This attack by the Tiandao Nether Clan is indeed terrifying, but if you think about it, there will be no ancestor-level experts. Even if there are one or two, it will not be enough in front of the current Shenxian Sect.

Even if he is a powerful person in the realm of Heavenly Dao, Wang Feng is not weak at all.

It can be said that among all the heavens now, the only ones who can really make Wang Feng feel pressure are those at the Tiandao Divine Realm level. Maybe the Tiandao Nether Clan has the foundation of the Tiandao Divine Realm, but they will definitely not appear this time. During the battle.

"System, what are the conditions that trigger the sect and the system to be upgraded to Level 22?"

While galloping, Wang Feng asked secretly.

With the current strength of the Shenxian Sect, it is enough to despise more than 90% of the forces in the world, but this does not mean that Wang Feng has no pressure. Although there is a systematic shield, the Taoist target still exists, but the time has been delayed. .

Even if Dao Dao's targeting is not included, among his enemies, whether they are the Heaven Master clan or the Heavenly Dao Underworld clan, once the true secrets break out, the current Shenxian Sect cannot resist it.

What's more, the dark era is coming, and no one in the world can escape. Before this happens, he must once again increase the strength of the Shenxian Sect. Only in this way can he protect the Shenxian Sect in the stormy waves of the future. strength.

"Ding, the condition for triggering the level 22 upgrade is to obtain three rays of the Soul of Heaven and the Divine Crystal of Heaven!"

"The soul of heaven is the mysterious soul power condensed by the soul of heaven after the death of a strong man in the realm of heaven; the supreme crystal of heaven: the crystal formed by the power of heaven, contains the majestic power of heaven, and is The essence of the Heavenly Dao Divine Crystal is a treasure that even the powerful in the Heavenly Dao Divine Realm cannot resist!"

"Note: The Heavenly Dao Divine Crystal is the common currency of the powerful Heavenly Dao Divine Realm. It contains the power of Heavenly Dao. It is naturally generated by the heaven and earth or condensed by the Heavenly Dao Divine Realm strongman absorbing the power of heaven and earth!"

System, you are so awesome!

After the cold voice fell, the corners of Wang Feng's mouth twitched and he couldn't help but complain, this system is really capable of finding trouble for him!

This means that he not only has to kill three powerful men in the realm of Heavenly Dao and obtain the Soul of Heavenly Dao condensed after their death, but also needs to find the Supreme Divine Crystal of Heavenly Dao.

Needless to say, I have never even heard of the Heavenly Dao Divine Crystal. From the systematic explanation, I can see how difficult it is to obtain it. Just killing three powerful people in the Heavenly Dao Divine Realm is very difficult.

Of course, killing is definitely possible. Even if the Tai Cang Demon Dragon is not allowed to take action, with the advent of the Dragon God, he can still kill the strong men in the Tiandao Divine Realm. The key is that now that the Dark Age is approaching, those ancient Tiandao Divine Realm The strong ones are hiding one after another. It is not that easy to find them.

Even if they are both in the heavenly realm, they may not be able to find a strong person of the same level.

After all, every one of the powerful people in the heavenly realm who are still alive today is an extremely ancient existence. The years they have survived are unimaginable. Even a pig has lived for such a long time, and its background is enough to make people think... Frightened, let alone a strong person in the realm of heaven and god?

No one can imagine the background of such existences. The only thing in the world that can accurately and instantly punish them is the supreme avenue. Even the real way of heaven may not be able to easily find those who are in the realm of heaven. Absolute existence.

Wang Feng complained for a moment, but could only accept it reluctantly. After this incident was over, he would ask Tai Cang Demon Dragon. Based on Tai Cang Demon Dragon's strength, he should know the location of some powerful people in the heavenly realm.

If he is a very evil person, he can be killed without restraint.

However, if you want to use the Dragon God's Advent, you still need a lot of training resources. In addition, Wang Feng also wants to upgrade himself to the realm of Hedao, and even use the special opportunity to integrate everything in himself to obtain a new super strong physique. .

In this way, the cost of performing Dragon God's Arrival should be much smaller.

After all, it is a power at the level of the heavenly realm. Even if this secret technique is produced by the system, it cannot have any side effects.

When Wang Feng and others went to the main battlefield in the center of the Luotian Divine Domain, they passed by the originally bustling Luotian Divine Territory, which was filled with flames of war and was extremely miserable, just like a purgatory on earth.

In this short period of time, the three cities that Wang Feng and others passed by were all turned into ruins. The entire ruins were covered with blood and looked extremely horrifying. This tragic situation also made Wang Feng and others feel angry. , rising continuously.

Perhaps Wang Feng is unfamiliar with these people, but he is also a human race after all. Seeing people of his own race being killed in such a brutal manner, unless he is a rebellious person or someone with evil intentions, no human race will be angry.

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