Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1627 Xuan Sha wakes up and is reborn

When Wang Feng and others rushed to the main battlefield, Wu sat cross-legged on the mysterious starry sky, rising and falling in the starry sky like a peerless god. His whole body was filled with mysterious inscriptions and majestic power fluctuations. It caused the surrounding stars to tremble.

Not far away from him, a light door bloomed with a faint light, swallowing up everything around it, making it difficult to peek inside the door.

This light door is the door of the world!

Since the last incident, Wu, the Master of Heaven, has been guarding here, waiting for the demon who has inherited the Yinji Yuan Emperor Ming to awaken. During these days, he relied on the power overflowing from the Yinshi Tianchi to successfully cultivate himself. In order to recover to the peak of the seventh step of Hedao, completely restore the previous peak and reach the level of the ancestral powerhouse.

If he follows the previous plan of Master Wu, he will definitely fight a big battle when he returns to his peak. Even if he does not launch the final battle, he will gradually encroach on it. But now he is guarding this place and cannot escape, so he can only endure it. Keep the fighting spirit in your heart.

Compared with his so-called plan, it is undoubtedly more important to protect Lord Demon who has become the Yinji Yuan Emperor!


Just when Master Wu was thinking deeply, a terrifying aura suddenly burst out from the gate of the world, awakening Master Wu, who suddenly stood up and stared.

I saw that at this time, the lines on the entire door of the world seemed to come to life, and they were constantly squirming. The bright light shone in all directions, making the dim starry sky look like daylight.

After a long time, the whole movement gradually subsided. Then, a burly figure filled with terrifying aura stepped out from the door of the world. As soon as it appeared, it was like a master, stopping the entire shaking starry sky. It seemed that even the stars were afraid of this figure.

Seeing this burly figure, Wu, the master of heaven, shrank his pupils, suppressed the shock in his heart, bowed quickly, and shouted loudly: "Wu, see Yinji Yuan Emperor!"

Yes, this burly figure is the demon who has accepted the inheritance of Yin Ji Yuan Emperor Ming.

At this moment, he was wearing dark red armor, with his black hair hanging down his shoulders. He exuded a heavy and majestic aura, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

Xuan Cha Demon felt the vast power in his body and nodded with satisfaction. At this moment, he felt like he was invincible in the world, as if he could smash the heaven and earth with a punch.

This time, he has gained a lot.

After receiving the inheritance of Yinji Yuandi Ming, he completely integrated everything in himself and realized the new Yin-Yang Ming Demon Dao. With the help of his inheritance and the power of Yinshi Tianchi, he pushed his cultivation to the early stage of the seventh step of Hedao in one fell swoop.

It seems that he is only in the early stage of Dao Zun, but his strength is comparable to that of the ancestors. Even ordinary ancestors are no match for him.

After all, the inheritance of Yinji Yuandi Ming is an inheritance of the highest level in the heavenly realm. It not only contains all of Ming's cultivation insights, but also contains various magical powers of Ming. In addition, there is even the essence of Ming's remaining power. .

Today's Great Demon of Xuan Cha can be said to have been reborn. His body, tempered by Ming's essence, is almost as good as the top divine bodies in the heavens, and the same is true for his bloodline.

If Wang Feng had accepted the inheritance of the Dark Ancestor, and had the help of such magical objects as the Yinshi Tianchi, his current cultivation level would have reached the level of the Great Demon of Xuansha, or even stronger.

The inheritance of the top Heavenly Dao and Divine Realm powerhouses is simply beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

The insights from his practice allow the inheritor to have almost no realm barrier. As long as he has enough strength, he can continue to break through. And how can there be a shortage of strength in this Tianchi of Cause and Effect?

Because of this, the Great Demon of Xuan Cha was able to reach the current early stage of Dao Zun in this short period of time. Of course, his opportunity is almost impossible to copy, unless someone else can obtain the inheritance of the supreme Heavenly Dao Divine Realm powerhouse, but this Is it possible? Totally impossible!

In addition to his cultivation level, the Great Demon Xuan Cha also obtained two inherited divine weapons, Wanming Dao-breaking Halberd and Heavenly Demon Dao Square Armor, both of which had reached the peak Heavenly Dao level. !

The dark red armor on his body is the Heavenly Demon Dao square armor, but as long as he doesn't take the initiative to reveal it, it is difficult for ordinary people to see that this armor is actually the supreme Heavenly Dao artifact.

Soon after, these thoughts flashed through the mind of the Great Demon Xuan Cha. But for a moment, he suppressed the smile on his face and turned to look at the respectful Master Wu, with an inexplicable meaning flashing in his eyes. .


"Brother Wu, what are you doing?"

The Great Demon of Xuan Cha moved and came to the side of Wu, the Master of Heaven, helped him up and asked doubtfully.

Seeing the posture of the Great Demon of Xuan Cha, Wu, the Heaven Master, felt a lot of comfort. If he were an ordinary Heaven Master, with the inheritance of Yin Ji Yuan Emperor, his tail would probably be raised to the sky.

If you don't take the opportunity to belittle and ridicule, how can you be so polite to him?

"Lord Demon, you must not do this!"

"You have received the inheritance of Yinji Yuan Emperor Ming, and now you have been appointed by the clan leader as the new generation of Yinji Yuan Emperor. From now on, your subordinates and other Heaven Masters will obey your command. When you reach a higher level of cultivation, Then you can go to the Zhangtian Dao Realm and gather with the clan leader and other high-level officials!"

Master Wu still had a good idea in his heart. Although the demon was polite to him, he did not dare to accept it easily. He spoke to the great demon Xuansha in an extremely respectful tone.

Hearing this, the Great Demon of Xuan Cha shook his body, and his eyes revealed a touch of surprise. Although he knew that he had received the Yinji Yuan Emperor's inheritance, his status in the clan of Heaven Masters would skyrocket, but he never expected that, Will he directly ascend to the sky in one step and become the Yinji Yuan Emperor who is inferior to one person and superior to tens of thousands of people?

If this trend continues, before the sect leader destroys the Heaven Master clan, will he become the boss of the Heaven Master clan?

Sure enough, when it comes to being an undercover agent, no one in this world can compare to me, the old devil!

The Great Demon Xuan Cha was both shocked and happy. It took him a long time to calm down his emotions. He looked at the respectful Master Wu, patted him on the shoulder, and said in an old-fashioned voice: "Old Wu Ah, don’t worry, I will always remember your kindness to me in the past. Even though I have become the new generation of Yinji Yuan Emperor, I will never forget you!"

"From now on, as long as you follow this demon with peace of mind, I will definitely promote you up. As long as you are brave enough, it is not impossible to become the fifth emperor!"

When the Great Demon of Xuan Cha finished these words, Master Wu trembled all over and became extremely excited. Why has he been working so hard these years? It's not just to become the true top of the Heaven Controller clan, or even to become the fifth emperor after the four emperors.

But there has been no chance.

But now, hasn’t the opportunity come?

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