Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1631 The Immortal Sect is so terrifying

After getting to know Wenren Changfeng and others, Wang Feng learned more specific information.

In this battle, not only the Tiandao Ming Clan dispatched 200,000 upper-level god-level troops, but also Tiannu, who also dispatched 100,000 upper-level god-level troops, and even dozens of strong men from the Hedao realm. Among them, Hedao The existence of the sixth step has reached the number of ten.

In addition to the Tiandao Ning clan, there are twenty people at the sixth step of Hedao alone. In addition, there are several peak experts at the seventh step of Hedao.

Now, on the Luotian Ancient Peak in the center of the Luotian Divine Realm, many of the top experts from the Luotian Divine Realm are confronting the top experts from the Heavenly Dao Nether Clan and Tiannu.

Luotian Ancient Peak is the symbol of Luotian Divine Realm. It reaches into the clouds. It is said that in ancient times, after a strong man died, the sky pillar that his body turned into was desolate, but it contained an unspeakable power. Dao Yun, any casual person who steps into it will be intimidated by this Dao Yun and will not be able to reach the top of the mountain!

This time, the invasion of the Tiandao Nether Clan has almost forced out the entire hidden world force of the Luotian Divine Domain. Those who faced off against the enemy at the top of the Luotian Ancient Peak include many elders of the Wenren Dao Clan, the overlord-level force on the surface. In addition to the ancestors, there are the ancestor-level powerful men of these hidden forces.

The two major forces, Langya Mountain and Guixu Sect, are the overlord-level hidden forces in the Luotian Divine Domain that are comparable to the Wenren Dao Clan.

Under the organization of the Wenren Dao Clan, these two forces also mobilized almost all their strength to fight against many Tiannu and even the powerful Nether Clan, and only then could they curb the expansion of the Nether Clan.

Of course, if it weren't for the Nether Clan's surprise attack and a lot of weaklings who couldn't withstand the pressure and surrendered directly, causing the Nether Clan and even the Tiannu team to grow, after the forces in the Luotian Divine Domain reacted, the power of the Nether Clan and Tiannu alone would have been impossible. They are no match for the forces in the Luotian Divine Domain.

After understanding the current situation, Wang Feng pondered for a moment and said to Wenren Changfeng and others: "I have asked many elders of the Immortal Sect to divide into four groups and march towards the southeast, northwest and northwest of the Luotian Divine Territory. , sweeping through the Nether Clan and even the Tiannu seen along the way, every step of the way, they can basically fight against the seventh step of Hedao."

"You will send a message to the people in your alliance, so that if they meet a strong man from our Shenxian Sect, they can cooperate and follow my team from the Shenxian Sect to kill the enemy together!"

When Wang Feng finished speaking, Wenren Changfeng and others were immediately shocked. They looked at Wang Feng as if they were looking at monsters. Unexpectedly, Wang Feng had already sent strong men to target the underworld?

And there are four entire teams, and each team can still fight against a strong person at the seventh step of Hedao?

The strength of the Immortal Sect is so terrifying?

Even Wen Ren Changfeng, who was born in a hegemon-level force, was shocked by the strength of the Shenxian Sect. In the entire God Realm, a strong man at the seventh step of Hedao can be called a hegemon-level force.

However, looking at the entire nine major divine realms, those who can become overlord-level forces have extremely powerful backgrounds. Basically, there is more than one strong seventh step of Hedao, but there are only three or five at most. Only those ancient horrors It is possible to have more than five Taoist-level powerful men with great power.

For example, he heard that among the Dao clan, there were only three ancestors of the seventh step of Hedao, and they were still in the early and middle stages. The other two major hidden forces were also similar.

In other words, in terms of Taoist-level powerhouses, the Shenxian Sect is already the best in the entire Luotian Divine Realm!

Apart from the super hidden ancient forces, Wenren Changfeng and others could not find any other way to describe the Immortal Sect.

After the shock, they became excited. With the addition of the Immortal Sect, they would definitely be able to turn the tide of the battle and drive out all the enemies who dared to covet the Luotian Divine Realm, and even turn defeat into victory.

"Don't worry, Sect Master Wang, I will send orders to many powerful alliance members soon, asking them to cooperate with the Shenxian Sect team in their actions, with the Shenxian Sect as the main force!"

"This time the foreign enemy invaded, the Shenxian Sect was selfless and sent strong men to support. On behalf of all the sentient beings in the Luotian Divine Realm, we thank Sect Master Wang!"

The next moment, Wenren Changfeng and others said hurriedly, and then bowed heavily to Wang Feng and others with an extremely respectful attitude.

Without the appearance of Wang Feng and others, Guifang would probably fall, and their battle would also end in failure. Even though it was just a few of them, once they failed, it would definitely have an impact on the entire battle.

By then, Luotian Divine Domain, which is already at a disadvantage, will be even more difficult!

Of course, the entire Luotian Divine Territory is vast, and there are countless ancient monsters hidden in it. However, these hidden worlds are basically in their own small worlds. In addition, many enemies are attacking the city. They were touched, so few of these old monsters took action.

Otherwise, Luotian Divine Realm would not be in the state it is now.

But now, the full force of the Shenxian Sect is no less than a help in times of need for the entire Luotian Divine Realm. Compared with those ancient monsters hanging high, there is no doubt that an existence like the Shenxian Sect is more admirable.

Wang Feng nodded, and after pondering for a moment, he said: "I want to rush to Luotian Ancient Peak to help many top masters fight against the enemy. Do you want to go?"

Hearing this, Wenren Changfeng and the others looked at each other, then shook their heads, and said with a bitter smile: "Sect Master Wang is too high-minded to wait for me. If I wait in front of such experts, it will not have any effect at all, but will become a burden." .”

"Sect Master Wang, please go, I will help others, it will be more useful!"

Wang Feng nodded, and then saluted several people, then took Sun Wukong and Tathagata Buddha and galloped towards Luotian Ancient Peak. Facing Wang Feng's salute, Wenren Changfeng and others did not dare to neglect and returned the salute quickly. .

"I didn't expect that in such a short period of time, Sect Master Wang would have reached such a high level. It's really disappointing!"

Guifang couldn't help but sigh as he watched Wang Feng and others leaving.

I think back then, when Wang Feng wanted to destroy the Wuji Sect, he had to seek help from the Guigu Sect, but now, the strength shown by the Shenxian Sect has been beyond the reach of the Guigu Sect.

"Yes, with Sect Master Wang and others joining us, we, Luotian Divine Domain, will definitely win in the ultimate battle!"

Wenren Changfeng on the side nodded in agreement, and then said loudly.

"Yes, now that Sect Master Wang and others are supporting the Jue Ding battle, we can rest assured. It's time to make those enemies pay the price!"

The ancestor of the Yuan Demon Sect, Yuan Wan, nodded and shouted coldly, his whole body filled with cold murderous intent.

"Let's go, heal your wounds while you're on your way!"

As Wenren Changfeng finished speaking, the group of people all ran towards the distance.

At the same time, the messages from Wenren Changfeng and others were also passed on to many powerful people from the Luotian Divine Realm's powerful alliances, which excited many powerful people in the alliance and began to consciously search for the Shenxian Sect team, planning to use The Shenxian Sect takes the lead and launches a counterattack against many enemies!

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