Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1632: Disaster comes after speaking out

When Wang Feng and others rushed to Luotian Ancient Peak, they were deep in the Taiqing Mountains.


Deafening roars resounded throughout this mountain forest. The powerful and terrifying impact destroyed many towering ancient trees, and underground cracks like ravines spread in all directions, like spider webs.

Several figures, like several ferocious beasts, were fighting violently and fiercely.

One of them is none other than the Gu Chou brothers, Lei Yi Yushuang and his wife, while the other is the five peak emperor gods of the Death Nether Clan.

During this period, under the guidance of the mysterious strongman named Yuan Wu and the benefits of Wang Feng's upgraded system, Gu Chou and others also broke into the realm of the Emperor God. Although they did not reach the peak, their strength was enough. Compete with the strongest Emperor God.

In the void not far away, a middle-aged man named Yuan Wu stood with his hands behind his back, looking at the entire battlefield, a smile flashing across his face.

"What kind of force is this Immortal Sect? Can it have these four top talents at the same time?"

During this period of time together, Yuan Wu had an incomparable understanding of Gu Chou and others, and it was precisely because of this understanding that he developed a strong curiosity about the Shenxian Sect.

Among the four people, except Yu Shuang, the two brothers Lei Yi and Gu Chou are without exception the most unparalleled talents in the world. Needless to say, Lei Yi, the seven words of the owner of the supreme divine body are enough. portion size.

Although the two Gu Chou brothers do not have a supreme divine body, they do possess extremely powerful special divine bodies, and they control the same mysterious path of calamity as him. Needless to say, their future potential is huge.

Even the worst Yushuang is not comparable to ordinary geniuses.

If any force encounters these people, they will probably be trained as future successors, but the Shenxian Sect can recruit them all. How can this not make Yuan Wu surprised and curious?


While Yuan Wu was pondering, the battle not far away was still going on. Even with four against five, Gu Chou and others did not fall into a disadvantage, but instead suppressed the opponent.

Among them, Lei Yi is the most powerful.

Having reached the realm of the Emperor God, although he could not fully unleash the power of the supreme divine body, he could still control it somewhat. At this moment, thunder was all over his body, like a peerless thunder god. Every move he made was like thunder all over the sky. It rolled down like a sea of ​​thunder, and the scene was extremely shocking.

The two peak emperor gods who fought against him were so frightened that they looked at Lei Yi as if they were looking at monsters.

" is it possible?"

"How can you be so strong?"

A strong man who was fighting against Lei Yi could not help but exclaim, his words filled with intense confusion and panic.

Not to mention that their cultivation level was already stronger than that of Lei Yi and others. In terms of numbers alone, they also had one more person. As a result, they were crushed by the other party?

Hearing the opponent's exclamation, Lei Yi smiled, without paying any attention to it. He carried the terrifying thunder and charged towards the opponent. At first glance, it looked like a terrifying thunder disaster had come to the world and seemed to destroy this battlefield. .

Facing Lei Yi's bombardment, the two strong men of the Death Clan looked at each other, and neither of them dared to neglect, roared, and tried their best to resist the terrifying thunder.

On the other side, Gu Chou and others also fought with great ease. Having reached the realm of the Emperor God, their strength was beyond the reach of ordinary Emperor God peaks. Every move could make their enemies tremble with fear.

Not long after, Gu Chou seemed to be tired and stopped his fierce attack to give the opponent a chance to breathe.

Gu Chou stood in the void, looking at the strong man from the Death Clan, and curled his lips. Then, majestic power suddenly spurted out from his body, but this power did not sweep away, but gathered together. In the palm of his hand.

The next moment, the mysterious seal was pinched out from Gu Chou's hands, and his whole aura became ethereal and mysterious.

"I, Gu Chou, in the name of calamity, grant you the privilege of experiencing a calamity and dying!"

The vicissitudes of ancient words have been spoken from Guchou's mouth. As he pointed, a mysterious and terrifying aura spurted out, and in an instant, it enveloped the powerful man at the peak of the Emperor God.

Immediately afterwards, endless delusions were generated out of thin air and appeared in his mind. This terrifying delusion made this person sink into endless desires in an instant, and he was unable to escape.

Rays of light suddenly burst out from the body of this strong man from the Death Tribe. With a bang, his whole body exploded like fireworks, and a gray mist of blood floated throughout the world.

This scene made the surrounding Death Underworld warriors who were fighting with Lei Yi and others tremble, and their eyes looking at Gu Chou were full of fear.

This... what kind of terrifying method is this?

With just one sentence, he killed a powerful man at the peak of the Emperor God?

What kind of monster did they encounter?

While several strong men from the Death Tribe were trembling, Gu Chou looked at his masterpiece and nodded with satisfaction.

This move is exactly the most powerful magical power he learned from the mysterious man Yuan Wu.

As soon as he said it, a thousand catastrophes would come, and it would be extremely terrifying!

"This boy is indeed my favorite disciple. His talent for robbery is really strong!"

Yuan Wu, who was hiding in the void, couldn't help but nodded when he saw this scene, and smiled with satisfaction. He taught the two brothers Gu Chou to say that the disaster was coming, and Gu Chou was already able to fully display it. His talent is even slightly stronger than his original one.

Of course, at the beginning, he did not have the guidance of a strong person like him, and he had to figure it out entirely on his own.

Gu Gengchou on the other side, seeing the power of this magical power, followed suit and easily killed his enemy. Then the two Gu Gengchou brothers did not stand still. After helping Yu Shuang kill his enemy, Lei Yi also Kill those two emperor-god peak powerhouses!

If word of this battle spreads, the entire Luotian Divine Realm will be shocked by the fighting prowess of Gu Chou and others.

"If the sect master sees us being so brave, he will be surprised, right?"

After the war, several people gathered together, and Gu Chou couldn't help laughing.

Hearing this, Gu Gengchou and others also looked at each other and smiled. They were practicing hard, not just to help Wang Feng? Now that they have accomplished something in their studies, if the sect leader knew about it, he would be delighted.

"The Nether Clan invaded the Luotian Divine Realm in a large scale. We have been practicing hard for many days, and it's time to come out."

Immediately afterwards, Gu Chou seemed to have thought of something, looked at Lei Yi and others, and said in a deep voice.

Isn't it just to show off after practicing hard for so long? Hiding in this deep mountain and old forest, what can you pretend to be?

Lei Yi and others looked at each other and winked at Guchou.

Seeing this, Gu Chou suddenly understood. He bowed to the void and said in a deep voice: "Senior, now the Luotian Divine Realm is in great trouble. Since we have the strength, we should save the weak and also use this to gain some experience. I don't know, senior. Do you agree?"

Gu Chou and others were not willing to miss such a giant Buddha, so they naturally had to pull them together.


"I will follow you, but I will not take action unless absolutely necessary!"

How could Yuanwu not know what Gu Chou and others were thinking? He just doesn't want to pay attention to it. What's more, he has already regarded the two Guchou brothers as his successors, and naturally he also wants them to gain more experience.

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