Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1653 Xuan Cha Demon VS Di Qin


At this moment, a terrifying momentum, like the might of heaven, covered the entire battlefield, causing everyone who was fighting to subconsciously stop their hands, line up on both sides, and stare.

Ye Muqing and others gathered together, their faces a little solemn. They could all feel that the person who came was not simple, as powerful as the Emperor Qin, and their hearts tightened, and the power in their bodies secretly surged.

In front of everyone's eyes, the Great Demon of Xuan Cha and Wu, the Master of Heaven, appeared out of thin air, looking down at everyone like masters, and the terrifying aura burst out from the Great Demon of Xuan Cha.

"Welcome to the Lord Yinji Yuan Emperor!"

When they saw the Great Demon Queen of Xuan Cha, everyone led by Master Qian bowed and shouted loudly.

The momentum soared into the sky and shook all directions.

Hearing this, Ye Muqing and others all felt their hearts sink, and a look of shock appeared on their faces.

After all, they have been enemies of the Heaven Master clan for countless years. Although they have never seen the real senior leaders of the Heaven Master clan, they also learned some information about the Heaven Master clan.

However, they only knew that Emperor Yinji Yuan was a high-ranking member of the Heaven Master clan, but they did not know the specific status of Emperor Yin Ji Yuan in the Heaven Master clan, but even so, they were extremely frightened.

You know, even in the dark war that year, no high-level person from the Heaven Controller clan came to the world. Now, it is just a small-scale battle, but a high-level person from the Heaven Controller family has appeared?

Is it possible that the Sky Master clan is planning to fully recover?

For a moment, Ye Muqing and others were all preoccupied, their expressions were extremely cautious, and their entire bodies tensed up involuntarily. Facing the top leaders of the Heaven Master Clan, who were as powerful as them, they did not dare to show any slightest indifference.

Due to the inheritance of the previous Yinji Yuan Emperor, the face and aura of the Great Demon Xuansha changed drastically. Therefore, Ye Muqing and others did not recognize that this Yinji Yuan Emperor was the former Demon Master!

To be honest, the Great Demon Xuan Cha felt quite proud at this moment. After all, so many people were bowing to him. It felt really comfortable.

However, he felt sad when he thought that he was about to take action against the sect master's wife.

He knew that Queen Medusa, whom he longed for, was a subordinate of the sect master's wife. If he accidentally hurt the sect master's wife, and was scolded by the sect master, it would be a small matter, and his life-long events would probably be ruined.

But he couldn't show it too obviously.

It’s difficult, it’s so difficult!

Thinking about it, the Great Demon Xuan Cha felt bald.

The great demon Xuan Cha who was in deep thought didn't even notice that Mei, the master of heaven in the crowd, was staring at him closely, with a strong brilliance in his eyes.

"Empress, you're fine!"

Standing next to the Great Demon of Xuan Cha, Wu, the Master of Heaven, spoke to Ye Muqing with a cold smile on his face.

"You arrived just in time."

Although she was nervous in her heart, on the surface, Ye Muqing was calm and smiled calmly.

Just when Master Wu was about to say something else, Ye Muqing took the lead and said: "The matter has come to this, it is useless to talk more, let me see the real chapter!"

Hearing this, Master Wu narrowed his eyes and chuckled: "It seems that the empress is very confident, so let's fight!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Master Wu waved his big hand, and was about to lead Heaven Master Qian and others to charge forward, but was stopped by the great demon Xuan Cha.

"I have just inherited the inheritance not long ago. With such a good opponent, it is time to hone what I have learned. Let me have some fun first."

Hearing this, Wu, the Master of Heaven, quickly complimented: "If an adult takes action, success will be achieved immediately!"

In fact, Master Tian realizes that this is not a compliment. Although he does not know the specific strength of Xuan Cha Demon, he has strong confidence in Xuan Cha Demon's combat power.

After all, what the Great Demon Xuan Cha obtained was the inheritance of Master Yin Ji Yuan Emperor. The secret techniques and understanding of the realm of cultivation were beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

According to the speculation of Master Wu, although Lord Demon is only at the peak of the seventh step of Hedao, his comprehensive combat power is probably infinitely close to the realm of Heavenly Dao, far beyond the comparison of ordinary ancestor-level experts.

Even if the God Emperor of the other side is resurrected, he may not be able to fight against Lord Demon, let alone Ye Muqing and others?

Even though Di Qin has recovered to his peak, he is definitely no match for Lord Demon.

Immediately afterwards, the Great Demon Xuan Cha said again: "Unless they all take action, otherwise you should not take action yet. The greater the pressure, the greater the benefit to me!"

"My subordinate understands!"

Although Master Wu was a little worried, he still responded respectfully.

If the opponent bullies the minority with more, he will take action depending on the situation.

The Great Demon Xuancha nodded, strode forward, and appeared in the center of both sides. He stood above the broken starry sky with his hands behind his back, glanced at Ye Muqing and others, and said indifferently: "Let's fight!"


As soon as he finished speaking, a strong fighting spirit burst out from him, sweeping in all directions. Just this fighting spirit gave people the idea of ​​being invincible.

"I'll go meet him first!"

After Di Qin said something, he rushed out.

Among the people present, she had returned to her peak and was the strongest. Now facing the unfathomable Yinji Yuan Emperor, it was her turn to take on the challenge.


As Di Qin's body flickered, the power in his body continued to spurt out, pouring into the spear in his hand. The influx of majestic power made the spear tremble, and let out a gun whistle that directly hit the soul.


In an instant, Emperor Qin stabbed out with a spear, and the entire starry sky was frozen like an ink painting, and cracks spread out like long black snakes towards the depths of the endless starry sky.

The bright spear light was like a rainbow, spanning the sky and the earth, wiping out all the broken meteorites around it.

Facing the unfathomable Xuan Cha Demon, Di Qin Shi used all his strength once he took action.

When the gun comes out, the world will be destroyed!

Faced with Di Qin's extremely powerful blow, the Great Demon Xuan Cha raised his hand and pointed out a finger. Vast power spurted out from his fingertips, forming a huge finger and pointing towards the rushing gun.

At this moment, everyone present held their breath and stared at the gun. Even Ye Muqing subconsciously clenched his fists.


Under the watchful eyes of everyone, one gun and one finger collided with each other. No sound was heard, only a crack in the void like a black hole, centered on the place of collision, swallowing away in all directions.

At first glance, it looks like a terrifying giant beast of chaos, opening its dark mouth and trying to swallow the entire world.

Even though they were far apart, everyone could feel the terrifying power coming from the center of the collision. It was as powerful as them, and they were all palpitated by this power.

No matter which one of these two people they are, they are extremely powerful among the ancestors, far beyond what they can match.


Not long after, Di Qin stepped back from the collision storm. Every step he took made a big hole in the void. The hand holding the spear could not stop trembling.

On the other hand, the Great Demon Xuansha still had the same calm appearance, and even his robes had no wrinkles at all.

This scene made Ye Muqing and others frown, and also made Master Wu and others excited.

"As expected of you, sir, your strength is unparalleled in the world!"

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