Ye Muqing's face was extremely solemn. Even with just one move, she could see the terrifying strength of the Xuan Cha Demon. Although Di Qin had not used the Chixiao Fighting God Body just now, he still shot with all his strength. The opponent only used one finger. Just block it?


While Ye Muqing was thinking about countermeasures, Di Qin took action again. In a flash, he appeared next to the Great Demon Xuan Cha. The spear in his hand swept towards the waist of the Great Demon Xuan Cha like a dragon waving its tail.

Faced with Di Qin's blow, Xuan Cha Da Mo couldn't block it and punched out with his backhand.

Seeing this scene, Di Qin's expression was shocked. She didn't expect that the Great Demon Xuan Cha would be so ruthless, using offense instead of defense. Was he planning to force her to retreat?

Di Qin gritted her teeth and did not dodge. She wanted to see who couldn't bear it first.

How come this girl has no eyesight at all?

The Great Demon Xuan Cha was full of curses in his heart, but he also knew that Di Qin made the right choice, but he was not an enemy, but one of his own.

He chose to resist Di Qin's blow because he knew that Di Qin could not hurt him, so he just planned to force Di Qin away. How could he have thought that this girl was so fierce that she would confront him head-on?

He not only inherited the inheritance of Emperor Yinji Yuan, but also inherited the divine weapon Wanming Dao-breaking Halberd and Heavenly Demon Dao Square Armor from the previous Yinji Yuan Emperor. Both of these divine weapons have reached the pinnacle level of Heavenly Dao.

Even though I am unable to exert their full power now, their independent defense alone cannot be defeated by Diqin. It can be said that these two magical weapons alone can make the Great Demon of Xuansha invincible. Even the low-level Heavenly Dao and Divine Realm experts may not be able to kill him easily.

As for people below the realm of Heavenly Dao, even the defenses of Heavenly Demon Dao square armor cannot be broken.

In desperation, the Great Demon Xuan Cha could only secretly withdraw some strength.


The next moment, the two people's attacks hit each other in unison. However, the Great Demon Xuansha did not move at all, but Di Qin was instantly knocked away.

His body knocked out a narrow black crack in the void and flew thousands of miles away. Di Qin barely managed to stabilize his body. A wisp of blood spilled out from the corner of his mouth, and his face turned slightly pale.

" is it possible?"

Di Qin looked at the Xuan Cha Demon in disbelief, and his heart was greatly shocked. This guy actually took his full blow? Even the God-Emperor of the Other Side back then would not have dared to directly resist the blow he had just dealt, right?

Is this guy so terrifying?

Not only Di Qin, but also Ye Muqing and others, and even Heaven Master Wu and others were also shocked.

They thought they had overestimated the strength of the Great Demon Xuansha, but unexpectedly, they still underestimated it. No ancestor-level strong man dared to resist the blow of Emperor Qin just now, but the Great Demon Xuansha not only resisted, but also No injuries were sustained.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't have believed it was true.

What Di Qin didn't know was that if the Great Demon Xuansha hadn't secretly kept his hand, the injuries she suffered would have been far more than that.

Today's Great Demon of Xuan Cha is completely reborn, and his strength is rare in the world. If he attacks with all his strength, even Di Qin, who has unleashed his supreme divine body, will not be his opponent.

Just two divine weapons at the pinnacle level of Heavenly Dao are enough for him to deal with any opponent calmly, not to mention that he also controls many secret techniques of the previous Yinji Yuan Emperor. Even if he cannot use them all, as long as he can use one or two, he can It is not something that a strong person below the realm of Heavenly Dao can easily resist!

In order to make himself appear more genuine, a trace of ridicule appeared on the face of the Great Demon Xuan Cha, he looked towards Di Qin and said indifferently: "Do you only have this little strength?"

These domineering words made the people in the distance such as Wu and others in charge of the sky boil with blood, shouting: "My lord, you are mighty!"


Di Qin's face became angry, and he shouted out, no longer holding back, and directly used the Chixiao Fighting God Body.


The terrifying fighting spirit spurted out from her body, causing the whole world to tremble. Wisps of mysterious inscriptions, like elves, flew around her, and dreamlike visions appeared.

Since returning to peak condition, this is the first time Diqin has used all his strength.

At this moment, the power in her body surged instantly, and her strength rose by several levels.


Immediately afterwards, Di Qin took action boldly, and as he swung his spear, the sharp spear light was like a violent storm, hitting the Xuansha Demon, and the extreme sharpness tore the void into pieces.

The Xuansha Demon, who had always been calm and calm, finally felt the pressure, but he still did not use all his trump cards, but only used his full strength.


I saw that he clenched his fists with both hands and blasted out one after another. The fists were like two dragons coming out of the sea, one after another. In an instant, there were dense fists in front of him, like stars falling, smashing out boldly.


The fists and guns collided, and deafening roars spread in all directions. The powerful impact of power swept across like a storm. The terrifying power storm made Ye Muqing and others, as well as the Heaven Master Wu and others, all retreat, and their own power surged. came out to form a protective shield to block the impact.


Di Qin braved the terrifying power storm and struck out boldly. In a flash, he appeared next to the Xuan Cha Demon. The spear in his hand shot out like a rainbow.

The Great Demon Xuan Cha didn't panic at all and raised his arms to block.

Under normal circumstances, no matter how confident Xuan Cha Da Demon is about his own strength, he would not dare to block Di Qin's shot with his body, but with the Heavenly Demon Dao Square Armor, even the Ling Yao in Ye Muqing's hand cannot hurt him. Him, let alone Di Qin's spear?


The sound of gold and iron clashing instantly exploded, and a powerful counterattack force swept through the spear, making Di Qin's palms numb and the spear in his hand almost flying away.

Her face was trembling, and she was staring at the robes on the Great Demon Xuansha. At this moment, if she still couldn't see anything strange, then she was not worthy of becoming the number one female war goddess in the God Realm.

However, she couldn't figure out what level the magic weapon on the Xuan Cha Demon had reached, so that it could withstand one after another of her bombardments?

The spear in her hand is indeed not as good as Ye Muqing's Ling Yao, but it is still an extremely powerful Taoist-level divine weapon. Coupled with her strength, few defensive divine weapons can stop it.

"Could it be that he is a divine weapon of heaven?"

Di Qin's heart was shaken, but his hands kept moving. If he failed to succeed in one blow, he would strike again.

In this storm, the two men fought as if nothing could be seen. In just a short moment, they had exchanged hundreds of moves. The impact of power one after another, like waves, kept rolling out, making the power storm on the battlefield, Never stopped.

At this moment, ordinary people could no longer clearly see the battle between the Xuan Cha Demon and Di Qin. Only Ye Muqing and a few others could rely on their own hard power to penetrate the layers of storms and see the battle between the two.

"This guy actually controls the divine weapons of heaven?"

In the distance, Ye Muqing stared at the robes on the Xuan Cha Demon, secretly feeling frightened.

Apart from the Heavenly Dao Divine Weapon, which Dao Zun Divine Weapon can withstand such a bombardment from Emperor Qin?

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