Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1661 Shen Ming 5 Extremes Infinite Array

Seeing this scene, Ye Muqing and Di Qin sighed secretly. In fact, they did have the idea of ​​taking the risk and completely killing the master of heaven.

It's just that this old guy is indeed a monster who has lived for countless years. He is so shrewd that he didn't give them a chance!

Although Xuan Cha Da Demon's angry blow was powerful, it would take a certain amount of time to truly condense. If the Heaven Master Gan relaxed his vigilance, this time would be enough for them to kill the Heaven Master Gan.



Immediately afterwards, Ye Muqing and others no longer felt sorry, they gathered their own strength, exploded with the strongest blow, and bombarded towards the huge palm print above the sky.


One after another powerful offensives bombarded the palm print one after another, completely destroying the palm print that had not yet been condensed.

It seems that the crisis has been resolved, but Minghuang Fifth Patriarch and others are extremely dignified. It is true that they have been fighting for a long time and their strength has declined, but with so many of them joining forces, they can only destroy this offensive that has not yet been condensed. .

The strength of this high-ranking master of the sky is truly terrifying.


Just after Ye Muqing and others destroyed the unfinished palm seal, the Great Demon of Xuansha came here with Wu and Mei, and an infinite anger spurted out from the three of them, sweeping across the entire starry sky, making people shudder. .

At this moment, the eyes of the Great Demon of Xuan Cha were red, and their whole bodies were shaking with anger.

"Very good! Since my birth, have I never suffered such humiliation?"

"How do you want to die?"

The Great Demon of Xuan Cha stood with his hands behind his back, and his robes moved without any wind, making hunting noises. His tyrannical momentum swept across the entire starry sky, filling the starry sky with an unspeakable oppression that made people almost breathless.

At this moment, the Great Demon of Xuan Cha is really like the unparalleled demon god. Just one glance can make people fear him, and they cannot even have the slightest thought of confronting him.

However, no one knew that the Great Demon Xuan Cha was filled with joy, and the depths of his eyes seemed to be saying: Well done!

With the secret cooperation of this rebellious boy, Ye Muqing and others not only successfully resolved the crisis, but also killed the traitor and the three masters of the sky. Their victory was the best in tens of millions of years!

"A soldier never tires of deceit!"

"In this world, only the winner always has the right to speak."

Facing the furious Xuan Cha Demons, Ye Muqing smiled faintly. Although the voice was soft, it clearly resounded in everyone's ears, making Master Wu and others even more angry.

“It’s hard to say who will win until the last minute!”

"If you kill my clan members, I will kill your entire clan!"

"Are you planning to die one by one or together?"

The Great Demon Xuan Cha narrowed his eyes slightly, stared at Ye Muqing and others coldly, and said in a domineering voice.

These domineering words made the people behind him, Zhang Tian Zhe Wu, all boil with excitement, and Zhang Tian Zhe Gan was almost moved to tears.

How dare such a powerful lord not die in his service?

"You are indeed strong, but you can't kill us!"

Ye Muqing curled up the corner of her mouth and chuckled, her words filled with a strong sense of confidence.


The Great Demon Xuancha raised his brows, and the next moment, a terrifying and vast wave of power erupted from his burly body. He seemed to be tired of talking to Ye Muqing and planned to prove his strength!

"Array up!"

However, before the Great Demon of Xuan Cha took action, Ye Muqing shouted loudly. The loud and beautiful voice reverberated throughout the starry sky. Then, she stretched out her slender hand and pinched the mysterious seal at extremely fast speed. .

At the same time, in the Heavenly Dao Mingshen Realm, the four Tianming heroes who left first were among the five peaks symbolizing the five major clans. A clansman from the Weihuangpo, Xuanhai, and Tianqiong clans was scattered among them. Among these five peaks, there are also seals in their hands.

The seals they used were exactly the same as those used by Ye Muqing, but they were not as fast as Ye Muqing!


Almost at the same time, mysterious inscriptions appeared on Ye Muqing's body and on the bodies of many members of the three major Nether Clan. Looking around, the five peaks of the entire Tiandao Nether God Domain were filled with dense inscriptions.

Like stars, surrounding this mountain peak, making this area become dreamy.


As these inscriptions poured into the five peaks, the five peaks suddenly trembled violently. The nine stone pillars on the top of the peaks were activated one after another. Pillars of light soared into the sky and reached the realm of the Heavenly Dao and the Underworld. Domain barrier!

A total of forty-five beams of light appeared in the sky above the realm of the gods of heaven and underworld in the direction of the five elements!

At this moment, the place where Ye Muqing and others were standing was exactly in the center of these forty-five light pillars.

"The divine way is vast, the underworld emperor is eternal, the ghosts and the five emperors control the sky and destroy the way...!"

"The Five Extremes of the Divine and Ming Dynasties are immeasurable, rise!"

A series of ancient sounds that seemed to come from eternal time and space came from Ye Muqing's mouth and echoed throughout the starry sky. As these words that were like spells fell, the brilliance of the forty-five light pillars became more and more brilliant. .


But in an instant, a barrier flashing with five colors of brilliance completely enveloped Ye Muqing and others as well as the entire Tiandao Mingshen Realm!

Seeing this scene, the faces of Xuan Cha Demon and others turned gloomy.

"Tiandao Divine Formation?!"

"It's a good idea!"

The Great Demon Xuan Cha narrowed his eyes slightly and snorted coldly through gritted teeth. The furious expression made Ye Muqing and Di Qin laugh secretly. After they succeed, they will at least have to make the Great Demon Xuan Cha a Best Actor.

The Heaven Controller Wu and others behind him were also trembling with anger. Among them, the Heaven Controller Qian was the main one. He had been hiding in the Tiandao Nether Clan for so many years, and even attracted the two major Nether Clan of Death and Annihilation, but he But he didn't know anything about the Heavenly Dao Divine Formation.

His undercover agent seemed successful, but in fact he failed miserably. From the beginning to the end, he never came into contact with the true core of the Heavenly Dao Underworld Clan.

If he had known about such a formation earlier, he would definitely not let it go. If he did, he would have control of this formation. By then, no matter how cunning and scheming Ye Muqing was, he would not be able to make any big waves.

Unfortunately, he missed it after all!

Ye Muqing stood within the formation barrier, staring closely at the Xuan Cha Demons and the others without making a sound.

In fact, at this moment, she has not fully activated the five-pole infinite formation of the gods and the underworld that has reached the level of heaven. This formation is the foundation of the heaven and hell tribe, an formation created by the nature of heaven and earth. It is of an extremely high level.

Within the entire Tiandao Nether Clan, only the patriarchs of the past generations and the ancestors of the Tiandao Divine Realm sleeping in the forbidden area can activate this formation.

However, with Ye Muqing's current strength, the price required to truly activate it is extremely high. Therefore, this formation is now nothing more than a shell that is of no use.

If she didn't know the identity of the Great Demon Xuansha, she might try her best to keep him completely, but now, how could she attack the Great Demon Xuansha?

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