This shell may not be able to hide the great demon of Xuansha who has the inheritance of a powerful person in the heavenly realm, but it can be used to frighten Wu, the master of heaven, and others, but it is more than enough.

In this battle, although she failed to kill the Heaven Master Qian, she also cleared out several important traitors buried in her Heavenly Dao Nether Clan. She also killed three Heaven Masters and regained control of the Heavenly Dao Nether Clan.

Such results are already very good for Ye Muqing.


The Great Demon Xuancha took a deep look at Ye Muqing and others. At this moment, various expressions appeared on his face, including anger, unwillingness, aggrieved, etc. It was almost like a face change, extremely complicated.

It perfectly interpreted a state of being so angry that he was about to explode, but he could do nothing about Ye Muqing and others.

Hearing this, Heaven Controller Wu and others opened their mouths, wanting to say something, but when the words reached their lips, they finally stopped.

They are not unaware of the terror of the Heavenly Dao Divine Formation. Looking at the current heavens, it is almost impossible for anyone to break through the Heavenly Dao Divine Realm. Maybe he can break it open if he gathers many Heaven Masters, but he can wait until he gathers many Heaven Masters. My God, the day lilies are cold.

Just a few of them can't break it open.

But they were unwilling to leave like this.

In the end, forced by helplessness, no matter how unwilling they were, Master Wu and others could only glance at Ye Muqing and others angrily, and then followed the Xuansha Demon and left.

Seeing this, Minghuang Fifth Patriarch and others all breathed a sigh of relief.

The Great Demon of Xuan Cha put so much pressure on them that even with this Tiandao Divine Formation, they felt sad.

"Thank you all for your help. Please follow me to the Underworld Clan for a talk."

Ye Muqing turned around, glanced at Ye Wuji and the others, and chuckled.

Hearing this, Ye Wuji and others nodded.

In an instant, the sky above the entire Tiandao Mingshen Realm returned to calm again, and only the broken battlefield explained everything that had happened before.


At the same time, in the Luotian Divine Domain.

After Wang Feng single-handedly destroyed the Tao-stealing clan's army, many forces in the Luotian Divine Domain, dominated by the three overlord-level forces, sent strong men one after another to join forces to strangle the remaining Tiannu and the two forces of Death and Annihilation in the Luotian Divine Domain. A strong man from the Great Underworld Clan.

After this battle, the entire Luotian Divine Realm can almost be said to be the cleanest and purest among the nine major divine realms in the God Realm.

The Tiannu branch hidden in the Luotian Divine Domain was all uprooted in this battle. No matter how deeply they were hidden, they were found by the angry strong men of the Luotian Divine Domain and then crushed them into ruins.

This time, although the Luotian Divine Realm suffered heavy losses and lost tens of millions of powerful people, was it not a new life?

And with the end of this incident, the name of the Shenxian Sect has also spread throughout the Luotian Divine Territory. Its prestige has surpassed that of the Wenren Dao Clan, the former overlord force, and has become a powerful existence in the entire Luotian Divine Territory. .

Even a large number of the powerful people from the Luotian Divine Realm who were rescued by Li Bai and other four teams of the Shenxian Sect have become fanatical believers of the Shenxian Sect. In their own divine kingdom, they place the Shenxian Sect's longevity cards and regard them as their own life. Belief.

And this move also caused the endless power of faith to continuously converge into the Li Tianding of the divine kingdom in Wang Feng's body, causing the spiritual god Li Tian who merged with the physical body to advance by leaps and bounds.

At this moment, in the Kingdom of God within Wang Feng's body, Li Tian was sitting cross-legged next to Li Tianding. Wisps of pure power of faith spread out from Li Tianding and gathered around Li Tian, ​​flying around him like an elf. .

The sea of ​​faith in Li Tianding has become almost solid, blooming with bright red-gold light, and strands of faith runes are flowing and intertwined in it.

Not far away, the incarnation of Wang Feng's mind stood quietly, staring at Li Tian's changes.

After returning from the extraterrestrial starry sky, Wang Feng suffered severe injuries due to the sequelae of the arrival of the mysterious dragon god, and did not participate in the strangulation. Sun Wukong and others also guarded Wang Feng.

Through this period of recuperation, Wang Feng successfully recovered his injuries to their peak, and his strength even improved.

Originally, he planned to use that special opportunity to integrate everything in him to help him break into the realm of harmony. But at this time, the reputation of the Shenxian Sect became so famous that endless faith came rushing in, making Li Tian suffer this Opportunity to make rapid progress.

As a last resort, Wang Feng could only suspend his thoughts and protect Li Tian. At the same time, he was also comprehending his own way of faith.

Indeed, because of Li Tianding, the beliefs of Wang Feng and even the entire Shenxian Sect were gathered in Li Tianding, thus feeding back to the belief god Li Tian who was born from it.

But I don’t know whether it was because the power of faith this time was too great or for other reasons. This time, a crystal of faith was inexplicably condensed in Wang Feng’s mind.

At this moment, Wang Feng's mind was filled with excitement.

The Destiny Soul, which stands tall on the sky and the earth, is still outstanding. The great avenue artifact, the world-suppressing monument, rises and falls in the sky above the Destiny Soul.

In addition, Destiny Soul holds the phoenix egg that has been silent for a long time in its left hand, and its right hand holds the Holy Spirit Crystal of the Origin Path obtained from the Demon-Suppressing Underworld Prison. Around the Holy Spirit Crystal of the Origin Path, it has been devoured The dark source crystal of the power of inheritance and the four seals of the netherworld.

At the same time, between the eyebrows of Destiny Soul, there is still a diamond-shaped red-gold crystal hanging, which is the sudden crystallization of faith.

However, with Wang Feng's current cultivation level, he is no longer able to understand the function of this faith crystal.

Therefore, he temporarily gave up the idea of ​​integrating everything in himself and chose to protect Li Tian, ​​just because he wanted to learn the purpose of the faith crystal from Li Tian's breakthrough.

No one can imagine how terrifying the treasure Wang Feng currently possesses in his body is. Any news of it is enough to shake the heavens, and even the powerful in the heavenly realm will go crazy for it.

But now, so many treasures are gathered in Wang Feng. If word spreads, people like Anming Tianzu will be envious and jealous.


While Wang Feng was pondering, Li Tian's burly body suddenly trembled, and the power of faith surrounding him poured into Li Tian's body crazily as if being pulled.

What made Wang Feng a little frightened and anxious was that at this moment, he clearly felt that with the influx of the power of faith, the Seal of Faith and even the Divine Bead of Faith in Li Tian's body began to tremble violently, and even tore apart. Cracks opened.

Wisps of the power of faith spurted out from the torn apart faith beads and faith seals, making Li Tian's entire body filled with the power of faith.

Wang Feng never expected that such a big change would happen this time?

He originally seized the body of this supreme heavenly corpse, but with the help of the Seal of Faith and many divine beads of faith redeemed from the system, he was able to change the situation and let Li Tian seize the body in a different way.

After such a long time, Li Tian relied on the divine seal of faith and many divine beads of faith to perfectly fit this supreme corpse. But once the divine seal of faith and even the divine beads of faith collapse, Li Tian's alternative body-taking will surely collapse. , he is afraid that he will be squeezed out by this supreme heavenly corpse.

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