Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1664 The master comes out and all the ways return

Such a huge movement naturally awakened the old monsters in the heavens. One after another gazes were cast from one mysterious place after another. When they saw the many strange phenomena in the Luotian Divine Domain, there was no doubt that these The calm old monsters were startled again.

This time, they were even more shocked than the previous two enlightenments.

Judging from their cultivation, it can be seen that the person who became enlightened this time was their belief in the gods. However, even though they had survived for countless years, this was the first time they saw their belief in the gods become enlightened.

How could they not be shocked by this?

"How... how is it possible? Even believing in gods can lead to enlightenment?"

"Oh my god, I have only been in seclusion for 35.89 million years, and this era has become like this?"

"Sure enough, the great age is coming, and even unprecedented belief in gods and enlightenment has appeared?"

One after another, exclamations sounded from the depths of the starry sky, including Ye Muqing, Di Qin and others who were rectifying the Tiandao Nether Clan, as well as Wu and others who left in anger.

In fact, even many powerful people in the Heavenly Dao Divine Realm came out of seclusion and looked in the direction of the Luotian Divine Realm. Their deep eyes that seemed to contain the entire universe were filled with trembling.

In the mysterious source village, two tall figures stood with their hands behind their backs under the ancient trees that reach the sky. Their eyes seemed to peek through many obstacles to see the scene of the divine kingdom in Wang Feng's body.

"I didn't expect Xiao Shi's luck to be so terrifying, that even the gods he believed in could become enlightened?!"

A smile appeared on Brother Jiu's face and he murmured softly.

"Xiao Shi is the being with the highest potential among us. Even my eldest brother is not as good as him. It is reasonable to have such luck!"

Ba Ge raised his eyebrows and chuckled.

The next moment, Brother Jiu seemed to have thought of something, and the smile on his face suddenly faded, and he said in a solemn voice: "Brother, their situation is getting more and more difficult. I'm afraid, I won't be able to protect Xiao Shi for much longer!"

Hearing this, Ba Ge suddenly fell silent. He pondered for a moment and said, "I believe that Xiao Shi will be able to overcome all difficulties and reach the top!"

"No matter whether it is the rebels in the sky or the disasters in this sky, they will definitely not be able to stop Xiao Shi from taking off!"

"So what if I leave?"

"He is from that family!"

When Brother Ba finished speaking, Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows and nodded in agreement.

"According to the news from Ninth Brother, the traitor from Tianyu may enter Cangyu and compete for the position of Dao. Even if we leave, we should leave some means to help Xiao Shi!"

Immediately afterwards, Ninth Brother spoke out again, with a fierce look in his eyes.

"This may be an opportunity for Xiao Shi to ascend to the highest level. With such a person who is untainted by cause and effect, as a stepping stone, Xiao Shi will definitely be able to reach a higher level!"

Ba Ge narrowed his eyes and murmured softly.

After saying these words, Bage and Ninth Brother looked at each other and smiled, with an unfathomable look flashing on their faces.

On the other side, somewhere in the Luotian Divine Territory, Gu Chou and his party stood on the top of the mountain, looking up at the many strange phenomena in the sky. They were dumbfounded. The middle-aged Emperor Yuanwu beside them was also shocked. Incessantly.

"Belief and enlightenment? Such a miracle that has never happened before in all eternity actually happened in this era?"

"Is it true that the ancient saying goes: the nine heavens fall, the great age comes, the master comes out, and all the ways return?"

Emperor Yuanwu squinted his eyes slightly and stared at the strange scene in the sky, unable to calm down in his heart.

Not only him, but all the old monsters in the world were shocked and confused by this belief in enlightenment. Various thoughts emerged from their minds, which were stronger than theirs. At this moment, they all felt a sense of hope for the future. Hesitant.


In the square, as Li Tian condensed the soul of faith, the Li Tianding beside him began to tremble violently, and wisps of power of faith continued to surge out and converge in Li Tian's body.


A powerful aura spread out from Li Tian's body. At this moment, his cultivation level increased at a speed visible to the naked eye. Wisps of mysterious faith inscriptions flickered on his skin, making him look extremely mysterious.

Perhaps due to the influence of Li Tiancheng, Wang Feng, who was not far away, fell into a strange state of understanding. His thoughts seemed to be immersed in the endless ocean of faith. Qing's mysterious way of faith seemed to have found a home, and squeezed into the depths of Wang Feng's soul.

Originally, Wang Feng was only at a superficial level regarding the way of faith, but with these mysterious blessings, his understanding of the way of faith is improving at a terrifying speed.

At the same time, the crystal of faith between the eyebrows of the Soul of Destiny also glowed faintly. The inscriptions condensed from the path of faith were generated in Wang Feng's mind, and then poured into the crystal of faith.

The crystallization of faith that was originally no more than the size of a palm grew at an extremely fast rate due to the influx of these faith inscriptions.

While the crystal of faith grew stronger, wisps of power of faith also spread out from the crystal of faith. They came out of Wang Feng's mind and flowed through Wang Feng's limbs and bones, causing Wang Feng's body to undergo a surge of energy. An indescribable and strange change.

If someone could see through Wang Feng's body, they would find that the power of faith gradually turned into a little bit of light and integrated into Wang Feng's body bones. On the surface, there are no strange changes, but if you look closely, It can be found that with the integration of these lights, Wang Feng's bones and even bone marrow are born with a charm.

No one can explain clearly what Wang Feng's current changes are, because this is the first time in history that Wang Feng has encountered such a situation!

If Li Tian had not become enlightened by believing in the gods, Wang Feng would not have such an opportunity!

Although Li Tian today is an independent individual, he is condensed from Wang Feng's beliefs and the beliefs of the Shenxian Sect. Although he is not Wang Feng's clone, he has an inseparable relationship with Wang Feng. association.

In this connection, the stronger Wang Feng is and the higher his faith is, the stronger Li Tian will naturally be. In the same way, the stronger Li Tian is, he can also feed back to Wang Feng through this connection.

It was precisely because of Li Tianchengdao's feedback that Wang Feng was able to obtain this indescribable opportunity.

This is the first time in the entire universe that people believe in gods and become enlightened. Who can replicate Wang Feng's fate?


When Wang Feng transformed due to Li Tian's enlightenment, the many shadows and phenomena that appeared in the sky turned into endless light at this moment, crossing time and space, and swarmed towards Li Tian.

With the blessing of this inexplicable power, Li Tian's cultivation suddenly climbed to the seventh level of Hedao. It was not until he reached the peak that the fluctuations in his body slowly subsided.

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