
At this moment, Li Tian suddenly opened his eyes, and a ray of golden light flashed through his eyes, directly piercing the void in front of him.

Feeling the real feeling of the body and the mysterious soul, Li Tian couldn't help but feel a touch of ecstasy on his face. He had done it and became the first person in history to believe in a god with a body and a soul!

He desperately wanted to find someone to share his joy, just like a child who had accomplished a great achievement. However, when Li Tian glanced around, he found that Wang Feng was the only one in the square.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and looked up and down at Wang Feng's condition, and an inexplicable color suddenly appeared on his face.

"I didn't expect that the master would unexpectedly achieve a golden body of faith. Anyway, let me ask my subordinates to help you!"

After finishing speaking, Li Tian took a deep breath to suppress his excitement, and then his eyes suddenly condensed. As he waved his hands, the power of faith spurted out, swarming towards Wang Feng like a long golden dragon.


When this majestic power of faith poured into his body, Wang Feng's whole body shook violently. Faint golden lines emerged from his skin. Wisps of the power of faith turned into starlight and integrated into his bones. , causing his bones to glow with a bright golden light.

I don't know how long it took, but Wang Feng woke up slowly and felt that his whole body was full of strength and he felt refreshed.

He didn't know what changes had taken place in him, but he could feel that his body was dozens of times stronger than before. Although his cultivation had not reached the level of Hedao, his combat power was enough. It can crush the ordinary one or two steps of Hedao, and even with physical strength alone, it is much stronger than the ordinary Zhanwo Supreme.

"Li Tian, ​​meet the master!"

At this time, Li Tian appeared in front of Wang Feng, knelt down on one knee and saluted Wang Feng respectfully.

Even though he has reached the peak of the seventh step of Dao Zun, Li Tian is still full of gratitude to Wang Feng. He knows very well that without Wang Feng, he would never have reached this step, and he would not even have been born.

In terms of loyalty to Wang Feng, no one in the entire Shenxian Sect can match him.

Looking at the respectful Li Tian in front of him, Wang Feng smiled softly, stretched out his hand to help him up, and said in a solemn voice: "No need to be polite, I am very happy that you can achieve what you have today!"

"Without his master, Li Tianjuan wouldn't be what he is today!"

Hearing this, Li Tian bowed again and said gratefully.

Seeing this, Wang Feng shook his head with a smile and said no more.

"My subordinates have become enlightened by their faith, and they will surely be punished by God. Please let me, Master, leave. Only in this way can God's punishments come!"

Li Tian bowed to Wang Feng and spoke solemnly.

Wang Feng frowned slightly, but he had forgotten that Li Tian would definitely be punished by heaven for doing something against the will of heaven.

"Are you sure?"

"Nine times out of ten!"

"This subordinate still wants to fight for his master, but how can he stop me from being punished by God?"

Li Tian said domineeringly, at this moment, although he has just reached the peak of the seventh step of Hedao, his combat power is already at the top of the ancestral level. He can defeat anyone in the same situation in the world. His are few and far between.


Seeing this, Wang Feng nodded, waved his hand, and took Li Tian away from the Kingdom of God.

On a certain peak in the Taiqing Mountains of the Luotian Divine Domain, Sun Wukong and others sat cross-legged, closing their eyes and resting. After returning from the starry sky outside the territory, they stayed here to rest.

The next moment, the figures of Wang Feng and Li Tian suddenly appeared, waking up Sun Wukong and others.

"See the Sect Master!"

Sun Wukong and others quickly bowed.

Wang Feng waved his hand, signaling to Sun Wukong and others that there was no need to be polite!

Seeing this, Sun Wukong and others turned their attention to Li Tian one after another, with bright lights shining in their eyes. Especially the warlike Sun Wukong was even more eager to try. After seeing the vision in the sky, they guessed that it was probably Li Tian. caused.

Now that they saw Li Tian's unfathomable strength, their suspicions were undoubtedly confirmed. Even those who were as powerful as Sun Wukong could vaguely sense a hint of danger from Li Tian.

Li Tian, ​​who was vulnerable in the past, is already qualified to be his opponent!


As if aware of Sun Wukong's fighting spirit, Li Tian smiled at Sun Wukong, but did not make a sound. Instead, he rose up from the ground and shot straight into the sky.

"Sect Master, Li Tian is...?"

This scene made Sun Wukong and others stunned, and they asked quickly.

"He has become enlightened and is about to face divine punishment!"

After Wang Feng explained, he swayed, followed Li Tian, ​​and rose into the starry sky outside the territory.

Sun Wukong and others looked at each other, not daring to neglect, and instantly jumped into the sky.


When Li Tian appeared in the starry sky outside the territory, a thunderous sound suddenly exploded throughout the Luotian Divine Territory. Countless calamity clouds swarmed in from all directions, and the entire Luotian Divine Territory dimmed instantly.

Even if they are not in the Luotian Divine Domain, the terrifying power of heaven still makes the creatures in the entire Luotian Divine Domain tremble.

"Oh my God, what happened?"

"Who is going through the tribulation? No, this is a divine punishment! Hiss!"

Sounds of exclamations and gasps of cold air echoed in the Luotian Divine Realm. The ancestors who were stronger than many overlord-level forces did not dare to pry easily at this moment.

They can feel the terror of that divine power more than ordinary people. Even they feel sad in front of this divine power.


Huge calamity clouds enveloped the entire outer starry sky of the Luotian Divine Domain, and ferocious black thunder dragons rolled in the calamity clouds. Roaring sounds of thunder sounded one after another.

Even though this divine punishment has not yet been completely condensed, the terrifying thunder power has spread throughout the entire outer starry sky, making Wang Feng and others standing in the distance frightened.

Under the calamity cloud, Li Tian stood with his hands behind his back, his body upright, staring at the divine punishment that was about to take shape in the sky, with no trace of emotion on his face, as if this was not a heaven-destroying divine punishment at all, but just a small thing that could be destroyed easily. Heavenly calamity.


In an instant, an eye as dark as a black hole emerged from the calamity cloud. As this eye emerged, the power of heaven in the entire starry sky became thicker and thicker. Even the treasures left by Wang Feng's destruction of the Dao-stealing clan before The terrifying storm was forced to disperse by this divine power.


The next moment, dark thunder dragons roared out from the calamity cloud, like the falling of the Milky Way, attacking towards Li Tian. Looking around, within a million miles of where Li Tian was, there were all dark thunder dragons. Shrouded, that terrifying thunder power is frightening even from a long distance away.

What is shocking is that in the face of such a terrifying thunder bombardment, Li Tian remained calm and calm. It was not until the thunder was about to hit that he reached out and waved his hand, and the endless power of faith condensed into a ball of light and enveloped him. in it.


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