Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1672 Heavenly Dao Xuan Realm

Although Wang Feng had not been in contact with Emperor Yuanwu for a short time, he had already figured out his thoughts.

From the conversation, Wang Feng understood that Emperor Yuanwu was not opposed to joining the Immortal Sect. All he needed was an excuse to join the Immortal Sect, or to give him a step down from the dignity of the Heavenly Realm.

And this step is the Tai Cang Demon Dragon in Wang Feng's Kingdom.

Even powerful people like Tai Cang Demon Dragon have joined the Immortal Sect, so what reason does he, Emperor Yuanwu’s ancestor, have not to join?

Of course, Wang Feng's move was also a dangerous move!

Every move of a powerful person in the realm of Heavenly Dao is filled with the divine power of Heaven. In a word, it is no exaggeration to say that the sky will collapse and the earth will shatter. Once Emperor Yuanwu has any bad intentions, even if he will be crushed by the Tai Cang Demonic Dragon in the end, that moment of explosion will , can definitely overwhelm his Kingdom of God!

Although his divine kingdom is terrifying, far superior to those in the same realm, and even scarier than the divine kingdoms of ordinary Hedao realm masters, it cannot stop the impact of the power of the Heavenly Dao realm masters.

Although there are risks, it is still worth taking some risks for the sake of a powerful man in the heavenly realm.

An ordinary person would not even be qualified to bear these risks.

Of course, Wang Feng does not only have the Tai Cang Demonic Dragon as his trump card. The Great Dao artifact in his body, the World-Suppressing Monument, can also be joined by Emperor Yuanwu. However, the origin of Emperor Yuanwu is unpredictable. Rather than being familiar with it, Wang Feng also Don't dare to show the Dao artifact at will.

After hearing Wang Feng's words, Emperor Yuanwu's eyes flickered and he stared at Wang Feng closely.

Wang Feng thought well. He did not object to joining the Immortal Sect. All he needed was an excuse to join. In other words, he wanted to see the true heritage of the Immortal Sect created by Wang Feng.

As long as it makes his heart move, he doesn't mind joining.

"Why don't you dare?"

The next moment, Emperor Yuanwu spoke proudly. Even Wang Feng, a mere peak emperor, had the guts to let him enter his own kingdom. Is it possible that he has the courage to enter the other side's kingdom because he is in the divine realm of heaven?

What a joke!

Seeing this, Wang Feng first informed the Tai Cang Demon Dragon in the Kingdom of God, and then waved his hand, and a crack in the void suddenly appeared in front of Emperor Yuanwu, which was the entrance to his Kingdom of God.

Then, Wang Feng stepped in first, followed closely by Sun Wukong and Purgatory Chaos, and finally Emperor Yuanwu.

As for Gu Chou and others, they did not enter, but stayed in the box.


As soon as he stepped into Wang Feng's kingdom, Emperor Yuanwu immediately retreated like a frightened rabbit, staring at the burly figure standing in front of Wang Feng with his eyes like a torch.

With just one glance, his pupils tightened and his body began to tremble uncontrollably.

At this moment, Wang Feng stood with his hands behind his back, Sun Wukong and Purgatory Chaos stood beside him, and the human body transformed by the Tai Cang Demon Dragon stood in front of Wang Feng. The Tai Cang Demon Dragon did not make any movement, but just stood there. There, it brought great pressure to Emperor Yuanwu.

" is it possible?"

At this moment, Emperor Yuanwu's heart was filled with turmoil. He never expected that the Immortal Sect already had a strong man in the realm of Heavenly Dao, and the strength of this strong man was not weak, which made him feel frightened. Vaguely, he even Tai Cang Demonic Dragon felt a great sense of terror and familiarity.

He finally understood why Wang Feng had always been confident.

Such a terrifying and powerful man stays in the Kingdom of God all the time. Do you still need to be afraid?

"Senior...senior is...?"

The more he looked at Tai Cang Demonic Dragon, the more familiar he felt to Emperor Yuanwu. He suppressed the shock in his heart and asked aloud.

Seeing the posture of Emperor Yuanwu, Wang Feng did not change much, but Sun Wukong and Purgatory Chaos beside him both showed a look of pride.

They had gritted their teeth at the arrogance of Emperor Yuanwu before, but now they saw the other party bowing his head in defeat. Although he was not bowing to them, they still felt an inexplicable sense of regaining their place.

"The Mysterious Realm of Heavenly Dao is quite rare!"

"If you join the Immortal Sect, I can restore you to your former peak, or even reach a higher level!"

Tai Cang Demonic Dragon glanced at Emperor Yuanwu and spoke indifferently.

When the Tai Cang Demon Dragon finished speaking, Wang Feng, the others, and Emperor Yuanwu all shrank their pupils, especially Emperor Yuanwu, whose whole body trembled slightly.

At this moment, Wang Feng's face showed surprise. He originally thought that the Emperor Yuanwu was only in the Yang or Yin realm of Heaven. Unexpectedly, he had reached the sixth realm of Heaven's profound realm?

This realm, even among the gods of heaven, belongs to high-level experts. Just stamping one's feet can make the whole world tremble.

Although there are many powerful people in the Heavenly Dao Divine Realm hidden in the heavens, most of them are only in the first and second realms. There are very few who can reach the Heavenly Dao Flame Realm or above, let alone the sixth realm of Heavenly Dao Xuan. The situation is over!

While Wang Feng was surprised, Emperor Yuanwu was even more frightened. He never expected that Tai Cang Demonic Dragon could see his true identity at a glance? He was once indeed a top expert at the peak of the Heavenly Dao Mysterious Realm, but due to some reasons, he was forced to remain in the dust for a long time, and his cultivation also dropped to the peak of the Heavenly Dao Flame Realm.

Some time ago, he broke out of the seal and felt that the great times were coming. He was eager to regain his strength and find a strong ally, but he did not expect that he would meet Gu Chou and others.

This shows that his relationship with the Immortal Sect may have been destined.

Regarding Tai Cang Demon Dragon's words, Emperor Yuanwu did not have the slightest doubt. Although he had not yet returned to his peak, he was only in cultivation. Whether it was perception or soul strength, it was no different from the real Heavenly Dao Mysterious Realm.

But even now, I still can't feel the true cultivation level of Tai Cang Demon Dragon. Even after looking at it for a long time, even my own soul will have a strong fear.

Such existences are definitely much more terrifying than myself at my peak. They are either strong men at the immortal level of the seventh realm of Heaven, or strong men at the Cang realm of the eighth realm!

No matter which one, it is not difficult to help him return to his peak or even reach a higher level.

"Senior is...?"

After some pondering, Emperor Yuanwu gritted his teeth and asked again.

The feeling of familiarity with the Tai Cang Demonic Dragon became stronger and stronger, but he still could not remember the origin of the Tai Cang Demon Dragon. That strong curiosity drove him to ask a second time.

"I, Tai Cang Demon Dragon!"

When Tai Cang Demon Dragon finished his indifferent words, the ancestor of Emperor Yuanwu was stunned for a moment, frowned and thought for a long time, then suddenly raised his head and looked at Tai Cang Demon Dragon in disbelief, his whole body was as violent as epilepsy. Tremble.

" it you?"

Emperor Yuanwu never thought that he would meet this legendary being. He even more didn't expect that such a being would be captured by Wang Feng?

Perhaps, he had never actually seen the Tai Cang Demonic Dragon, but the legend of the Tai Cang Demon Dragon was as thunderous as ever.

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