After learning the true identity of the Tai Cang Demon Dragon, Emperor Yuanwu joined the Shenxian Sect without any surprise, and accepted the two brothers Gu Chou and Gu Gengchou as his disciples, becoming another worshiper of the Shenxian Sect after the Tai Cang Demon Dragon. .

Wang Feng was satisfied to have once again recruited a powerful person in the heavenly realm. Counting Donghuang Taiyi, who could be permanently summoned at any time, his Immortal Sect already had three powerful people in the heavenly realm.

Perhaps it is not as good as the powerful clans in the heavens, but compared to those hidden Taoist sects who have the realm of heaven and god, it is not too much.

Wang Feng is not in a hurry to summon Donghuang Taiyi. The current situation in the world is that the strong men at the level of Heavenly Dao God are still in a state of hiding from the world. Summoning Donghuang Taiyi is of little use. It is better to wait until the system is upgraded again. Donghuang Taiyi When your cultivation reaches a higher level, summon it again.

The only thing his Immortal Sect lacks now is its overall strength.

High-end experts are very strong, but those at the middle and lower levels are very weak.

Putting aside Tai Cang Demon Dragon and Yuan Wu Emperor Ancestor, the current number of strong men in the Hedao realm in his Shenxian Sect is only a few dozen, not even fifty. Among them, there are even more powerful ones at the Taoist level. There are only a few digits.

This kind of strength may be stronger than the average overlord-level forces, but it is only a little stronger. It is not even comparable to some of the top overlord-level forces, let alone those escapist Tiandao-level Taoist forces. !

This kind of force has powerful people in the heavenly realm and its background is absolutely unfathomable. In addition, they have been hiding from the world for many years. Who knows how many terrifying powerful people they have accumulated over the years?

Looking at the world, the only ones that can truly be called the ultimate power are these Taoist sects with the inheritance of heaven. The so-called overlord-level powers, in front of these existences, are like children playing house, with no regard at all.

That dark war that year had no Tiandao Divine Realm powerhouses to intervene, otherwise it would have been impossible to spread to the entire heavens. A random Tiandao Divine Realm powerhouse could easily suppress both sides.

After bringing Emperor Yuanwu into the Shenxian Sect, he asked him to stay with the Tai Cang Demonic Dragon. While using the Tai Cang Demon Dragon to restore his strength, he also taught many elders of the Shenxian Sect and the Gu Chou brothers.

Gu Chou never expected that what he would get by recruiting such a terrifying and powerful man for the Shenxian Sect and accomplishing such a great feat would not be a reward from Wang Feng, but a bondage!

The most abominable thing is that the sect leader still claims that his name is for the good of his two brothers?

Even if they don’t reward them with treasures, they also restrict their freedom so that they can’t happily rob!

"What a bully!"

Gu Chou was about to cry but had no tears. When he was taken away by Emperor Yuanwu, his eyes were like those of a resentful woman in a deep harem, which made Wang Feng feel a little unbearable.

After some instructions, Wang Feng did not leave the Kingdom of God, but began to make plans.

After the last invasion battle, the Gods and Demons Arena in Tianjiao City was destroyed. After the war, while Wang Feng was recovering from his injuries, Song Que and others built a new Gods and Demons Arena again. However, this Gods and Demons Arena was The scale of the field is far larger than before, and it is no longer in Tianjiao City, but in Tianluo City, the center of Luotian Divine Domain!

This city is the truly great city in Luotian Divine Domain. On the surface, no one manages it, but secretly, the control of this city is controlled by three overlord-level forces including the Wenren Dao Clan.

When Song Que wanted to create the Arena of Gods and Demons, he was informed by the powerful men of the Wenren Dao Clan. Then the three overlord-level forces took the initiative to divide a territory for Song Que to create the Arena of Gods and Demons.

Today, the Arena of Gods and Demons located in Tianluo City has become the largest arena in the entire Luotian Divine Realm. The challenge level covers many realms such as the Emperor Realm, the Lower God Realm, and the Upper God Realm.

Coupled with the prestige created by the Shenxian Sect, the entire Gods and Demons Arena is sought after by many geniuses of all levels of cultivation. The wealth earned is far beyond what the previous gods and demons arena in Tianjiao City can match.

It can be said that the wealth earned from this arena of gods and demons alone is enough to provide the daily training resources for all the powerful men in the entire Shenxian Sect, and there is even a large surplus.

Currently, except for Li Bai and others on the ninth floor of Luofeng Tower, the other elders of the Immortal Sect are basically training in the Arena of Gods and Demons.

Thinking of this, Wang Feng sent a message to Zhan Yuan who was in the Kingdom of God, and asked him to teleport many of the Immortal Sect disciples to the Gods and Demons Arena through the Heavenly Dao Teleportation Array, so that they could also practice in it.

Nowadays, the gods and demons arena in Tianluo City gathers strong men from all levels of cultivation in the entire Luotian Divine Domain. If he can use these people as stepping stones, he will definitely make the strength of many of his disciples and even the elders of the Immortal Sect become stronger. More powerful.

Of course, it is possible to become a stepping stone for others, but Wang Feng still has confidence in the potential and combat power of the people of the Shenxian Sect. Even if they become a stepping stone, they are only in the minority.

Moreover, allowing them to suffer some setbacks is not necessarily a bad thing.

Wang Feng planned to throw all the beings above Hedao level to Tai Cang Demon Dragon and Yuan Wu Emperor Ancestor for training. Even Sun Wukong, Wang Feng asked him to stay with them temporarily.

Now that Sun Wukong has reached the ancestral level, the next step is to break into the heavenly realm. However, with the current situation in the heavens, it is undoubtedly very difficult to break into the heavenly realm. Even with the guidance of Tai Cang Demon Dragon, he can Extremely difficult.

But it can hone Sun Wukong's fighting power, fully stimulate Sun Wukong's potential, and make him stronger.

After some calculations, Wang Feng also determined the next development direction of the Shenxian Sect, which is to develop the strength of the middle and lower level powerhouses, so that the overall strength of the Shenxian Sect can truly be improved to a level that is comparable to the overlord level or even stronger forces. level.

However, Wang Feng felt a pain in his stomach when he thought of the triggering conditions required to improve the system level. Not to mention whether he could kill a powerful person in the realm of Heavenly Dao, just looking for it would take a long time. What's more, he couldn't just find a few. Kill a strong person from the heavenly realm?

If this is true, he will definitely arouse public outrage. I am afraid that before the catastrophe comes, he will be killed by the powerful gods in the heavens.

"That's all, let's take it one step at a time!"

Wang Feng sighed softly.

After thinking about it, Wang Feng spent tens of thousands of trillions of sect values ​​to extract cultivation bases, and blessed all these cultivation bases on many elders of the Immortal Sect. Although the cultivation base blessings spread equally to each elder were very small, It can also improve some of their strength. Coupled with their own tempering and the many holy places of the Immortal Sect, their cultivation will definitely grow rapidly in a short period of time!

Wang Feng planned to give them a wave of blessings every few days before he and Fairy Luofeng went to the Divine Realm to help them improve quickly!

After doing all this, Wang Feng's eyes flashed with anticipation, and he secretly said: "System, use the special opportunity to integrate everything in yourself!"

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