After being transformed by Wang Feng into the weapon spirit of the World-Suppressing Monument, the God fell into a deep sleep after adapting to the power of the World-Suppressing Monument in order to adjust to the World-Suppressing Monument.

However, it didn't expect that this time Wang Feng's transformation would give birth to such terrifying power?

Just one look at it made the god tremble, and his whole mind seemed to collapse. He was so scared that the god didn't dare to look any further.

"As expected of the master, he is truly terrifying!"

After a long time, the god was shocked and murmured. It did not dare to continue to pay attention, suppressed the throbbing, and forced itself to fall into deep sleep again.

At the same time, Wang Feng's transformation continues.

Under the operation of the system, new inscriptions were born one after another, and new powers were derived from the flesh and blood. Under the wash of these new powers, Wang Feng's flesh and blood seemed to be undergoing a new transformation.

And Wang Feng's consciousness aura was like a spectator, staying in the mysterious space, quietly watching the birth of the new inscription.

Even though it was difficult for him to understand this mysterious reorganization, as time passed, his consciousness gradually fell into it. Of course, he still couldn't understand it, but these mysterious and mysterious mysteries were engraved deep in his consciousness.

Once Wang Feng reaches a point where he is able to understand these mysteries, these mysteries will evolve again and help Wang Feng transform.

With the shielding of the system's power, no one could detect Wang Feng's changes at this moment, not even Tai Cang Demon Dragon or Yuan Wu Emperor Ancestor.


When Wang Feng reorganized and transformed, in the vast and mysterious star field.

Sikong Changyun, the current leader of the Tao-stealing clan, was furious in the main hall of the Tao-stealing clan. The terrifying anger mixed with unspeakable power swept through the entire hall, making many elders of the Tao-stealing clan tremble with fear.

"Where did this Immortal Sect come from?"

"The 50,000-strong army of my dignified Taoist clan was actually destroyed by this small sect?"

A deafening roar resounded throughout the entire hall. Sikong Changyun, dressed in a bright yellow robe, sat on the main seat with red eyes scanning the many elders below. The anger surging all over his body was like a volcano erupting. General.

The void in the entire hall was distorted in a manner visible to the naked eye under this anger.

"Clan Chief, according to our research, this Immortal Sect just appeared in the Luotian Divine Domain not long ago. It is said that it ascended from the Imperial Realm. As soon as it stepped into the Luotian Divine Domain, it destroyed the Wuji Sect, an extremely powerful force."

"It has only taken less than a year to grow so far."

The elder in charge of intelligence stood up tremblingly and said respectfully.

"Are you sure this information is correct?"

Sikong Changyun's face turned even colder, he looked at the elder suddenly and asked in a cold voice.

"Absolutely true!"

"A mere small force that has only been in the God Realm for a year can actually destroy my clan's 50,000-strong army? You guys are really proud of me."

When the elder finished speaking, Sikong Changyun became even more angry, and the coldness on his face became more intense.

Seeing this, the elder and many elders lowered their heads one after another and fell silent. They did not dare to speak too much for fear of offending Sikong Changyun again. Even though they were all powerful men in the heavenly realm, they could not stand in front of this clan leader. You have to bow your head obediently.

"I thought that the Heaven Master clan was so kind, but I didn't expect that they actually had a good plan!"

Immediately afterwards, Sikong Changyun seemed to remember something, and spoke coldly. In his opinion, it was already firmly established that the Heaven Master clan knew about the existence of the Shenxian Sect, and deliberately used the Shenxian Sect to reduce the strength of his Dao-stealing clan, and at the same time, he could Pick it cleanly.

"It's a pity that they don't know the secrets that my Taoist clan has accumulated over the years. A mere fifty thousand troops is just a drop in the ocean!"

Immediately afterwards, Sikong Changyun sneered again.

He was very angry that the Heaven Controller clan dared to lay plans on his Taoist clan. His previous good impression of the Heaven Controller clan was gone in an instant. If the Heaven Controller Wu knew that his plan would be in vain, he would be afraid that the plan would be in vain. It's so angry that you vomit blood.

"No matter what, the majesty of my Taoist clan cannot be insulted, and the death of the fifty thousand troops must be recovered!"

The next moment, Sikong Changyun glanced at the many elders and shouted coldly.

"The clan leader is right. Even a mere Immortal Sect dares to be an enemy of my Taoist clan. They are looking for death!"

"Clan leader, my subordinates are asking for a fight. Even if they are suppressed by the law of heaven, they will destroy the Immortal Sect!"

When Sikong Changyun finished speaking, the elders who had lowered their heads suddenly raised their heads and shouted angrily.

They were equally angry at the defeat of the 50,000-strong army. This was the first battle since his Taoist clan had been silent for countless years. Almost the entire powerful clan in the world was watching, but in the end, the entire army was destroyed.

Needless to say, they all knew that at this moment, the powerful clans in the outside world didn't know how to organize his Dao-stealing clan.

If he doesn't get this face back, how can his Taoist clan gain a foothold in the heavens?

Seeing the indignant looks of many elders, Sikong Changyun's anger subsided a little. He stretched out his hand and pressed down. Many elders immediately shut their mouths and stared at Sikong Changyun, waiting for his orders.

"The great age is approaching, and those old monsters have all shrunk. I, the Taoist clan, cannot be the leader."

"You have all been in the Tiandao Divine Realm for many years. It is not appropriate to take action at this moment. Let the three guardians Liu Feng, Liu Huo and Liu Xuan take action. They have just broken into the Tiandao Divine Realm not long ago and will not be suppressed too much. It is most appropriate to take action!"

After Sikong Changyun pondered for a moment, he issued an order.

Nowadays, the whole world is in a strange state. Strong men in the Hedao Realm are emerging one after another, but the strong men in the Tiandao Divine Realm are hidden deeper. If he, the Stealing Dao Clan, takes the lead in dispatching the high-level Tiandao Divine Realm, The strong will undoubtedly become the target of Heavenly Dao and even Dao.

Even if it's just a slight attack, it's enough for the Taoist clan to drink from a pot.

But if you have just broken into the realm of Heavenly Dao, there are not so many restrictions. After all, strong men at this level pose no threat to Heavenly Dao at all, let alone the Great Dao.

"Clan leader, do the three heavenly gods think too highly of the Immortal Sect?"

When Sikong Changyun finished speaking, many elders were stunned and made a sound of surprise.

In their opinion, a powerful person in the heavenly realm can easily crush the so-called Immortal Sect, and even the current heavens.

Although the Shenxian Sect wiped out the 50,000-strong army of his Dao-stealing clan, they still did not take the Shenxian Sect seriously. After all, they were the most powerful clan in the world. The only ones they could call their opponents were the Human Race and Zhang Tian. There are several other races such as the Zhejiang clan.

As for the Immortal Sect, it's just a mere force in the human race, and it can't even be called the most powerful force in the human race. If they have to go to war to destroy such a force, the Taoist clan will only be more embarrassed.

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