Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1676 Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches, Tiangang and Earthly Evils

"This time, I not only have to deal with the Immortal Sect, but also completely capture the Luotian Divine Domain!"

"My Tao-stealing clan has already failed once, and we cannot afford to fail again. We will dispatch three powerful men of the Heavenly Dao realm to completely demonstrate the majesty of our Tao-stealing clan, and let the world know that our Tao-stealing clan has truly returned!"

"Perhaps, our Tao-stealing clan has not yet reached the peak it once was, but I believe that one day, we will be able to truly revive the Tao-stealing clan and reach the peak reached by our ancestors or even surpass it!"

Sikong Changyun glanced at everyone and shouted passionately.

At this moment, his burly body surged with overwhelming pride, infecting many elders of the Dao-stealing clan throughout the hall.

"Revival! Transcendence!"

In an instant, many elders of the Dao-stealing clan raised their arms and shouted with their necks reddened. They were so excited that they wished they could go to the heavens and kill everyone in order to show off the power of the Dao-stealing clan!

Seeing the gestures of everyone, Sikong Changyun nodded with satisfaction. He stretched out his hand to press down, and the loud noise suddenly disappeared without a trace, and the entire hall fell silent.

"After all, the Immortal Sect is just an ant that can be easily crushed to death. The opponents of my Taoist Clan have never been any one sect, but the Human Clan, the Heaven Master Clan, and many other powerful clans!"

"Although our Taoist clan has been silent for many years and has accumulated a huge foundation, these powerful clans cannot be underestimated. If we want to become the true overlord of the heavens, we still need to find allies and increase our foundation!"

Having said this, Sikong Changyun paused and glanced at everyone. After finding that everyone was listening with their ears pricked up, he smiled with satisfaction and continued: "I have asked all the ancestors for instructions before. Before the coming of the great age, I The Dao-stealing clan should not be too public for the time being, and should focus on developing their foundation as their first goal!"

"Therefore, after discussing with all the ancestors, I decided to send people to win over the many powerful people in the heavenly realm who are cultivating in the heavens!"

When Sikong Changyun finished speaking, many elders of the Taoist clan looked at each other and nodded in agreement. They had no objection to recruiting many casual cultivators of the heavenly realm.

"I have decided to build a new sacrificial pavilion. All the powerful casual cultivators of the Heavenly Dao Realm that we have recruited will enter the sacrificial pavilion and become worshipers of my Dao-stealing clan!"

Sikong Changyun glanced at everyone and said in a deep voice.

Then, before anyone could speak, he continued: "Yufeng, Chenyuan, Poxuan, Daotong, Xueqi, you and other five people will get up immediately and go out to recruit strong casual cultivators above the Heavenly Dao Nether Realm, such as Wan Xuan The old man, Master Tianmu, Patriarch Xueluo, Taoist Aunt Tianhuang, etc., as long as they are willing to join my Dao-stealing clan, we can agree to any request as long as it is not excessive."

"Except for the resource conditions, after joining, you will get an opportunity to listen to the ancestor's sermon immediately. In addition, you can listen to the ancestor's sermon once every hundred years from now on."

When Sikong Changyun finished speaking, many elders of the Taoist clan were shocked. Unexpectedly, this time the clan would go to such great lengths to win over many strong casual cultivators?

Those resources are better, the opportunities for ancestors to preach, but even they rarely have the opportunity to obtain them.

When many elders were shocked, Sikong Yufeng and others stood up one after another and bowed to Sikong Changyun: "We will accept your order!"

Sikong Yufeng and the other five people are the top five elders of the Taoist Clan, among whom Sikong Yufeng is the strongest.

After glancing at Sikong Yufeng and others, Sikong Changyun nodded with satisfaction, and then continued: "Elders can also go out to win over the strong casual cultivators below the Heavenly Dao Nether Realm!"

"No matter who you are, as long as you can win over a strong casual cultivator, you will get an opportunity to listen to the ancestor's sermon and a massive resource reward. If you can win over a strong person with a low cultivation level and a high cultivation level, the reward will be doubled. Times!"

As Sikong Changyun's words fell, many elders of the Taoist clan were completely excited, with fiery light shining in their eyes. None of them expected that this time the clan's efforts to win over the strong casual cultivators would be so strong?

"Clan leader, don't worry, we will definitely fulfill our mission!"

With the reward, many powerful people from the Dao-stealing clan were very excited. They bowed and shouted, eager to go out and win over the powerful people immediately!


Seeing everyone like this, Sikong Changyun smiled with satisfaction. The previous gloom and anger seemed to have dissipated a lot.


On the other side, in the endless vast starry sky, there is a mysterious and terrifying star field. Looking around, many stars are dim and lifeless. Here, you can't even feel the flow of Tao or even power.

In the center of this mysterious star field, there is a huge crack spanning the sky and the earth. At first glance, it looks like a black hole standing between the sky and the earth. At a second look, it looks like an eye without pupils.

This is the famous Eye of Heaven, the entrance to the secret realm of the Heaven Master clan that is feared by many powerful people in the world and even the tribe.

Endless light spreads out from the Eye of Heaven, radiates the entire star field, and swallows up all the surrounding life. If there is an extremely powerful person standing here, he will find that the entire mysterious star field is gradually spreading outward. , the vitality of the stars in the edge area was all swallowed up by the endless light revealed.


Not long after, the Eye of Heaven trembled suddenly, and then, several figures stepped out from the Eye of Heaven. With the appearance of these figures, the originally oppressive star field became even more oppressive.

A series of cracks in the void, centered on the place where a few people stood, spread outward. After a while, the void within a million miles was filled with cracks like a broken mirror.

There are five people in total, all wearing different clothes. They look like ordinary people, but just one glance makes people want to worship them.

Although the Heaven Master Clan is not as old as the Tao Stealing Clan, nor as powerful as the Human Race, it still has extremely terrifying heritage. Many people have no idea what kind of heritage the Heaven Master Clan has.

Even though Ye Muqing and others have been enemies of the Heaven Master clan for endless years, they still don’t know the true background of the Heaven Master clan. Since the appearance of the Heaven Master clan, there have been very few powerful people at the level of the Heavenly Dao God Realm.

Even if the Heaven Master realizes such existence, he has never really touched the core of the Heaven Master family.

Among the true core of the Heaven Master clan, under the Four Imperial Guards, there are ten Heavenly Stems and Twelve Earthly Branches. In addition, there are thirty-six Heavenly Gangs and seventy-two Earthly Evils!

As a race that relies on the law of heaven, even if the Heaven Master clan does not have an ancient family history, it has still accumulated an extremely powerful and terrifying foundation due to the deliberate favoritism of the law of heaven.

And the five people who appear now are the five earth evil spirits among the seventy-two earth evil spirits of the Heaven Master clan: earth evil, earth health, earth consumption, earth thief, and earth dog!

"Old dog, who are you going to recruit?"

The man in a brown robe glanced at the strange-looking land dog and asked with a smile.

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