Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1677 God of Heaven and Mother of Earth

The strange-looking earth dog had a lewd smile on his face and did not hide it. He said softly: "Feng Yun Lao Dao, the ancestor of Night Prison, and Hunyuan Taoist are the three of them!"

Hearing this, the eyes of Di Hao and others flickered, and they chuckled: "It seems that you are still prepared, old dog."

"Of course, Master Yangji personally gave the order and there are such terrifying rewards. If you don't take it seriously, when will you take it seriously?"

Digou raised his eyebrows and said proudly.

Then, he glanced at Di Hua and the others, and asked with a smile: "What about you? Who are you planning to recruit?"

The two people looked at each other and smiled as they named the people they wanted to recruit.

After hearing the words of several people, Digou sneered: "It seems that you are not less prepared!"

"But, Lao Jian, are you sure you want to recruit Chengtian Diyun and his wife? As far as I know, these two couples have been practicing in the Shenxu Realm for a long time. With their personalities, I am afraid they may not agree."

After saying this, Di Gou raised his eyebrows, looked at Di Jian, and said.

Chengtian and Diyun are two of the most ancient and powerful casual cultivators in the world. Their real names are no longer known. Their current names are their Taoist names. They were once called the God of Heaven and the Mother of Earth. Their strength is unfathomable and makes them... Many powerful people in the heavenly realm are quite afraid of him.

What's more important is that these two couples are deeply in love and are a model couple in the Tiandao Divine Realm. They are almost inseparable and practice a combined attack formation, which is enough to compete with the strong ones in the Tiandao Divine Realm who are stronger than them.

It is not that easy to impress such characters.

"Don't worry, before making the decision, I have already found out some information in advance. If nothing goes wrong, I am 90% sure that I can win them into our clan!"

Di Jian smiled slightly and said proudly.


"what news?"

As soon as he said this, Di Liu and others looked at Di Jian in surprise, their eyes full of exploration.

Di Jian, with an unfathomable expression on his face, did not speak outright.

Although the five of them have a good relationship, this time it is related to the future strategic development goals of the clan. Each of them has KPIs that need to be achieved. Therefore, they are also considered to have a competitive relationship. In terms of their own future, how can they compete with each other? Will you tell your trump cards easily?

Isn't that stupid?

Seeing this, Di Hao and the others didn't ask any further questions. They all looked at each other and smiled. Didn't they each have their own little plans?

"Everyone, I am afraid that this time it will not only be my Heaven Master clan who sends people to recruit strong casual cultivators, but also powerful clans such as the Tao-stealing clan who have appeared in the world will also send people to recruit strong people."

"I'm waiting, we still need to be careful, don't capsize in the gutter."

A look of solemnity appeared on Diyou's face, he glanced at Digou and the others, and said in a solemn voice.

Although his Sky Master clan is extremely powerful, other powerful clans are not weak either. If you are not careful, you can easily be picked off by others. If you want to achieve their respective KPI goals, you still have to be cautious.

"The Taoist clan is a group of sneaky people. They are very ambitious and will definitely not let go of any opportunity to strengthen themselves. The rest is easy to say. If we encounter this group of guys, we must attack first!"

Hearing this, Digou nodded in agreement and sneered, his words full of sarcasm towards the Taoist clan.

To be afraid is really to be afraid, but to look down on it is also to really look down on it.

For beings like them who are equivalent to slaves of the Heavenly Dao, the characteristics of the Dao-stealing clan are no different from thieves, and what they steal is family property that may belong to them in the future.

If they didn't all have a common and extremely powerful opponent, the human race, they would have started fighting long ago.

"It doesn't matter, the people of the Taoist clan are indeed strong, but we are not weak either. We still don't know who will win!"

The land thief on the side sneered again and again, his face full of strong confidence.

Before setting off, they had calculated that they might encounter people from other powerful tribes, and had prepared a lot of trump cards.

"I heard that Master Yinji's inheritance was obtained by someone below?"

As if he remembered something, the land thief said immediately.

"Yes, it is said that he is a master of the sky named Demon. He has excellent talents and has made many contributions. After being seriously injured in an accident, he was allowed to enter the Yinshi Tianchi for healing. Unexpectedly, he was recognized by Master Yinji."

A ray of light flashed in Di Hu's eyes, and he said in a deep voice.

"When the matter is over, we will also go and pay a visit. This next-generation Yinji Yuan Emperor, who has been personally recognized by the clan leader and many senior officials, will definitely be able to take his rightful position once he breaks into the heavenly realm. By then, if we can follow him, It will be of great benefit to us and others in the future.”

An inexplicable look appeared on Di Jian's face and he said solemnly.

Nowadays, the legend of this demon is circulating throughout the Palm Heaven Secret Realm. Secretly, no one knows how many people want to board this big ship.

A new Yinji Yuan Emperor lacks nothing, the only thing he lacks is his confidants!

"Lao Jian is right, I should go and pay him a visit later."

Hearing Di Jian's words, Di Hu on the side also nodded quickly and spoke in agreement.

Although the other people did not say anything, they also had looks of approval on their faces.

Even though they were the Seventy-Two Earth Fiends, they were considered to be truly high-level people among the Heaven Master clan. However, compared to figures like Biji Yuan Emperor, they were like ants and gods, and could not be compared at all.

This is the truly most powerful figure in the Heaven Master clan, second only to the clan leader.

"Let's go, so that we don't get caught first!"

As Di Jian finished speaking, Di Hao and the others looked at each other, nodded to each other, and then sped off in different directions.


In the Kingdom of God, endless power surges through the barrier. Wang Feng's consciousness is completely in a state of deep understanding. At this moment, he has no idea what kind of changes he has undergone.

In the outside world, the flesh and blood that was originally integrated into a ball has gradually transformed into a human form under the influence of the new inscriptions and power. The limbs and bones have gradually taken shape, and countless thick meridians have condensed in the flesh and blood.

However, if anyone sees this body, they will be extremely moved. Therefore, this does not look like a human body at all, but more like a work of art full of Taoist aggregates.

The bones in the body are as crystal clear as jade, with countless new inscriptions engraved on them. The bone marrow is also full of new inscriptions. Not only that, the flesh and blood, internal organs, meridians, etc. are also full of inscriptions. , at first glance, it seems that this body is completely condensed by inscriptions.

Before the whole body is completely condensed, it is faintly exuding an extremely mysterious and terrifying aura. If anyone is here, they will feel the terrifying suppressive force.

This kind of suppressive power is even more terrifying than the realm of heaven and god. It has nothing to do with cultivation or anything else. It is purely a suppression of life levels.

No one can imagine how terrifying Wang Feng's transformation is at this moment. Even Wang Feng himself has never felt it. Everything is going on in an orderly manner, without any accidents or bottlenecks!

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