Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1678 The empress rules the sky and the strength of the underworld

At this moment, Wang Feng was immersed in the mysterious and mysterious mystery, and he didn't know how many years had passed.

Under the overbearing power of the system, everything in Wang Feng's body was shattered and reorganized, which can be said to have re-evolved life. This is absolutely unbelievable to ordinary people.

Even a strong person at the level of Heavenly Dao and Divine Realm cannot re-evolve life.

One hundred percent of people in the world are born within the Tao, and their destiny has been destined. Many people feel that their cultivation has reached an extremely advanced level, and they have changed their destiny against the will of heaven and got rid of their own destiny. But in fact, they are still in the same state. Within the scope of the Avenue of Destiny.

There are many choices in a person's life. Some people change their direction through choices; some people follow their choices and everything goes according to plan. But no matter which choice they make, what changes is only their own direction, but they are still in the same situation. Within destiny.

Even those so-called enlightened people have only escaped from the destiny of the heavenly level, but they are still within the avenue of destiny. It can be said that, looking at the world, there are very few people who can escape their destiny.

And this kind of person is also called detached!

That is to transcend oneself, transcend fate, and transcend Tao!

This is a deeper transformation. Only when you reach this transformation can you truly be called free and at ease. You can flow against the flow of time and space without restraint. You can be immortal in body, soul, and spirit. Even a hair can be revived.

Reaching this level, you can create a new avenue and reorganize the world with just a few clicks!

Of course, with Wang Feng's current cultivation level, it is impossible to reach this level. However, in this reorganization, he has taken a big step towards transcendence. If this spreads, it will definitely be extremely incredible. Even Dao Dao will be shocked by it.

If it were not blocked by the power of the system, Daodao might have arrived in person at this moment, either to obliterate Wang Feng or to seize Wang Feng's body.

Under normal circumstances, only by reaching the legendary peak of the Dao Divine Realm can one initially touch upon transcendence and gradually move forward along the road to transcendence. But now, Wang Feng has already been transcending even before he has entered the Heavenly Dao Divine Realm. A big step has been taken on the road, which is simply more dreamy than a fantasy.

Shocking the past and the present are not enough to describe him. If I really have to use one sentence to describe him, it can only be like a heifer with a firecracker on its butt, so awesome!

There was silence in the entire space. Only the mass of flesh and blood, wrapped in endless inscriptions and power, continued to squirm and evolve into a complete human form.

And in the sky above this mass of flesh and blood, many divine objects were suspended in the air, scattering little bits of light, reflecting on the mass of flesh and blood.

Whether it is the World-Suppressing Divine Monument, the Phoenix Egg or the Origin Dao Holy Crystal, etc., they are constantly assisting Wang Feng to evolve to a new level of life. At the same time, the power and breath fed back by Wang Feng's mass of flesh and blood are also Prompting the world-suppressing monument and other divine objects to undergo strange changes.

Among them, the Holy Spirit Crystal of the Origin Dao is the most powerful, absorbing most of the power and breath. What is surprising is that the power that diffuses from Wang Feng’s flesh and blood seems to be the Holy Spirit Crystal of the Origin Dao. The combined power was completely absorbed by it.

Among the many divine objects, the power emitted by the Holy Spirit Crystal of Origin Dao was the most helpful to Wang Feng.

When Wang Feng was undergoing transformation, the entire world fell into a strange calm. Apart from normal battles, nothing major happened. Many powerful clans seemed to be completely hidden.

In the realm of Tiandao Ningshen, Ye Muqing was sitting in the main hall, with Emperor Qin sitting next to him, and underneath were the powerful men from the five major Tiandao Ning clans, such as the Fifth Ancestor of Minghuang, the Four Heroes of Tianming, and so on.

Looking around, everyone is filled with extremely powerful aura. Even if there is no deliberate explosion, the aura of so many strong men still makes the entire hall extremely heavy. Most people in this hall simply cannot bear it. .

No one who is qualified to step into this hall is lower than the fifth step of Hedao. Looking at it, there are hundreds of them, from low to high, with clear distinctions.

In the front rows, only those who have reached the seventh step of the path are qualified to sit down.

Among them, those who have reached the peak of the seventh step of Hedao include the Five Ancestors of Minghuang from the Huangpo Nether Clan, the Four Great Masters of Tianming from the Tianqiong Nether Clan, the Northern and Southern Pride of the Death Nether Clan, the two elders of the East and West from the Annihilation Nether Clan, and the two elders from the Xuanhai Nether Clan. San Xuan Hai Lao!

The northern and southern prides of the Death Nether Clan and the east and west elders of the Annihilation Nether Clan were all loyal to Ye Muqing, but they were imprisoned by Minghuang and others before. After Ye Muqing regained control of the Nether Clan, they were Saved.

As for the three sea elders of the Xuanhai Underworld Clan, they were neutral before and did not help anyone.

In addition to these powerhouses at the peak of Taoism, there are about ten Taoism powerhouses in each of the five major branches. Among them are the two major branches of Death and Annihilation. Several Taoism powerhouses follow Minghuang and others. Betrayal, completely cleared.

Compared with before, the strength has dropped a lot, but overall, it is still extremely terrifying!

Of course, this is not the real strength of the Tiandao Nether Clan, but only the remaining strength from the War of Darkness to the present. There are also many old monsters sleeping in the forbidden areas of their respective clans.

This kind of deep sleep is similar to seclusion. Unless they want to retreat, even Ye Muqing, the controller of the Heavenly Dao Nether Clan, would not dare to disturb them easily.

But Ye Muqing and many ancestors of the branch clans all know that it is true that these old monsters are in seclusion, but they are also waiting for the opportunity, waiting for the opportunity of the great age to come.

On the surface, the Tiandao Ning Clan does not have a strong person in the Heavenly Dao Divine Realm, but if the Tiandao Ning Clan really does not have a strong Heavenly Dao Divine Realm, how can it be ranked among the top powerful clans in the world?

"Now that I have regained control of the Nether Clan, from now on, you no longer need to target the human race. We will call back all our strong men from all walks of life!"

Ye Muqing glanced at everyone, narrowed her eyes slightly, and shouted in a deep voice.

The voice was extremely beautiful, but it contained such a strong majesty that no one dared to refute it.

"Yes, we will obey the empress' order!"

Minghuang Fifth Patriarch and other Taoist peak masters were the first to stand up and express their stance. The rest of the people also stood up one after another, not daring to show any slightness. Most of the people looked at Ye Muqing with enthusiasm.

Only they, the older generation of powerful men, know what the four words Shinto Empress represent.

Not to mention that the Empress led the Tiandao Nether Clan to achieve many brilliance. Most of them relied on the Empress's help to reach their current state.

Among the entire Tiandao Nether Clan, even the previous generation of Tiandao Nether Clan leader could not compare with the empress in terms of prestige.

"The great age is coming, and there may be a period of calm, but what will follow will be an even more terrifying storm!"

"If we, the Heavenly Dao Nether Clan, want to gain a firm foothold in the world and gain benefits, we must increase our strength again and find allies at the same time."

Seeing everyone's postures, the empress's stunningly beautiful face did not change at all. She glanced at everyone and spoke again.

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