Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1685 Ten Thousand Races and 0 Families

Looking at Yaozhu's leaving figure, Saint Ancestor Kutian's face suddenly became serious, and a hint of curiosity flashed in his deep eyes.

"What kind of force is this Immortal Sect?"

If it weren't for Yao Lao's cleverness, he wouldn't have known that there was such a mysterious force in the heavens. Even an existence like him couldn't figure it out. The terrifying power of this force is self-evident.

In fact, before Wang Feng's transformation, with the cultivation of Kutian Saint Ancestor, it might not be possible to fully deduce Wang Feng's secrets, but it is still possible to deduce some of the abilities of the Immortal Sect and even Wang Feng.

But since Wang Feng transformed, his whole person has jumped out of cause and effect, and is no longer involved in fate. Even the people who are related to him are also affected by him. In this way, no matter how strong the cultivation of Kutian Saint Ancestor is, it is impossible to calculate Come out unless he reaches the same level as Wang Feng.

It was precisely because he could not figure it out that Holy Ancestor Kutian agreed to Yaoqi so neatly. He was very curious about this Immortal Sect and wanted to see what was so mysterious about this Immortal Sect?

As for whether to join or not, we will see when the time comes. If he is not satisfied and wants to leave, who can stop him?

In the final analysis, it still depends on whether the Shenxian Sect has the qualifications to let him join. If not, it means that he has a relationship with Yao Zhu. No!


On the other side, in the Jiafo Holy Land, endless Buddha patterns dance in the void like elves. Being in this world full of Buddha's meaning makes people feel peaceful.

In the center, at the top of the Buddha-patterned peak, which is condensed with Buddhist teachings, Monk Kasyapa and a disciple of the Shenxian Sect are sitting opposite each other without thoughts. Buddhism surges around them, surrounded by mysterious Buddha patterns, as if they were two supreme Buddhas sitting and talking. Buddha.

If someone steps into this place, they may be instantly infected by those Buddhist principles and become a Buddha under the two of them.

During this period of time, even though Wu Nian didn't practice much and just sat and discussed Buddha with Monk Kasyapa, his cultivation level was still improving slowly. Up to now, his cultivation level has gone from the third level in Hedao to the third level in Hedao. Step by step, it has skyrocketed to the seventh step of Hedao, the peak of Dao Zun, and has even entered the ancestral level, becoming the most extreme existence among all the heavens!

In terms of combat power alone, even Sun Wukong may not be sure to defeat Wu Nian!

Not far from the two of them, a lotus bloomed with bright Buddha light. At the heart of the lotus, a crystal coffin hung. Endless Buddha patterns surrounded the crystal coffin, like dots of starlight, making the crystal coffin look extremely mysterious. .

Through the crystal, you can see a beautiful woman with a fair face, lying quietly in the coffin like a sleeping beauty.

"Senior brother, the great times are coming, what are your plans?"

Not long after, the two of them finished discussing Buddhism. Wu Nian looked at Monk Kasyapa and asked.

Monk Kassapa sat cross-legged, like a Buddha, with a smile on his face, giving people a sense of peace and tranquility. When people saw him, they could not feel any anger in their hearts. He did not answer, but asked: " Where is junior brother?"

Hearing this, Wu Nian also did not answer, but looked towards the crystal coffin not far away. Silence was better than sound.

Monk Kasyapa seemed to have known Wu Nian's thoughts for a long time. He smiled and said softly: "Junior brother, when the great times come, maybe it will be your chance for the Buddha to awaken!"

"All things are born when the sky falls! This is a disaster for all living beings, but it is also an opportunity for all living beings! Those who win will be detached from the world and superior to the sky. On the contrary, the body will die and the soul will be destroyed!"

Wu Nian's eyes flashed with brilliance, and he nodded and said: "Junior brother understands that no matter what, junior brother will fight for it!"

"Senior brother can help you!"

What Wu Nian didn't expect was that Monk Kasyapa would say such words.

Wu Nian narrowed his eyes and stared at Monk Kasyapa. He did not refuse, but solemnly said: "Senior Brother, what are your conditions?"

After Wu Nian finished speaking, Monk Kasyapa did not speak directly, but said a secret that shocked Wu Nian's heart.

"Everyone in the world thinks that all the heavens and all races are respected, but they don't know that besides all races, there are also hundreds of families!"

"The so-called Baijia is more like a cultivation inheritance, with no restrictions between races. It has existed for a long time, its foundation is unfathomable, and it is almost impossible to escape from the world. So far in the world, those who know the existence of Baijia, There are so few that even those powerful clans don’t know about it!”

"Among the hundreds of schools, the five schools of Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, Mo, Yin and Yang are the most respected!"

"However, the way of heaven has changed. At that time, our Buddhist family was strong, but we were surrounded and suppressed by the Confucian and Yin-Yang families and targeted by Him, which led to the decline of the Buddhist family. Once the great age comes, our Buddhist family will definitely bear the brunt!"

Having said this, Monk Kasyapa paused, and then continued: "Lao Na is one of the Buddhist Bodhisattvas. If you are willing, Lao Na can convince the entire Buddhist family to help you revive the Buddha!"

"But the entire cause and effect of Buddhism needs you to bear it!"

"To be precise, if you agree, you will not be able to avoid the future disasters of the Buddhist family, and you will even become the target of those two families and him!"

Hearing this, Wu Nian suddenly fell silent. Naturally, he was moved by the help of the entire Buddhist sect. But the enemies of the Buddhist sect were very terrifying without even thinking about it. Once he agreed, he would probably be in dire straits in the future. Moreover, he could not do anything about it. If it is good, it will bring disaster to Shenxian Sect.

After being silent for a long time, Wu Nian raised his eyes to look at Monk Kasyapa and asked in a deep voice: "If you don't want to, can you get rid of the other four families' targeting?"

Monk Kasyapa shook his head and said solemnly: "Back then, it was He who first initiated the extermination of Buddhism. Then the Confucian and Yin-Yang families responded, catching the Buddhist family off guard and causing heavy losses to our Buddhist family!"

"After all these years, they still haven't given up the pursuit, forcing me, a member of the Buddhist family, to hide in a cold and lonely place to avoid pursuit!"

"Even so, the luck of our Buddhist family has not completely weakened. On the contrary, in recent years, it has become faintly stronger. It is impossible for them to watch my Buddhist family become strong. Therefore, once the great age comes, they will definitely set off to destroy the Buddha again. , by then, it will affect Buddhist practitioners throughout the heavens!"

"Of course, if you don't bear Buddhist karma, with your talent and luck, you can hide or escape with your life. You want to walk freely in the heavens, but it's impossible!"

After finishing speaking, Monk Kasyapa stared at Wu Nian, his eyes flashing with golden light. In his eyes, Wu Nian had a Buddha's destiny rising into the sky, like a pillar of heaven, dazzling and unreachable. !

So far, this is the first time that Monk Kasyapa has seen the existence of such a terrifying Buddha's destiny. It is precisely because of this that Monk Kasyapa invited Wu Nian back. Firstly, he did not want people to discover Wu Nian's terrifying Buddha's destiny. Secondly, It’s because Wu Nian has achieved enlightenment and has profound Buddhist principles, so he is qualified to sit with him and discuss Buddhism!

Hearing what Monk Kasyapa said, even Wu Nian couldn't help but smile bitterly.

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