Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1686 The 3rd Buddha, the 5th Buddha Emperor

“Why don’t Buddhists look for allies?”

After pondering for a long time, Wu Nian raised his eyes to look at Monk Kasyapa and asked.

Wu Nian did not complain that Monk Kasyapa plotted against him. If it was true as Monk Kasyapa said, as long as he practiced Buddhism, he would not be able to escape. He was destined to be hunted down by the Confucian and Yin-Yang families. Although Monk Kasyapa plotted against him, he could not escape. Help is really helpful.

He knew very well that without the help of Monk Kasyapa, Li Tianxin might not have been able to survive until now, or even the situation would gradually improve.

Monk Kasyapa shook his head and said in a deep voice: "Those who know about Buddhism basically know about the grievances between Buddhism and those two families. Now that Buddhism is in decline, it is far inferior to one of those two families, let alone two of them." If the two families join forces, who would be willing to provoke such a powerful enemy for the sake of the Buddhist family?"

"Not to mention, He is also targeting you secretly!"

Monk Kasyapa paused and continued: "My Buddhist family has also sought help from the Taoist and Mohist families, but the great times are approaching and we have to face disasters. Those two families are struggling to protect themselves, so how can we be willing to do so?" Provoke a powerful enemy again?"

"As for finding other weaker Baijia, they don't even dare to, and it won't be of much use!"

After hearing this, Wu Nian smiled bitterly. From this point of view, the situation of the Buddhist family is really not good.

He thought for a while, gritted his teeth and asked, "How strong is the Buddhist family now?"

Monk Kasyapa did not hide anything, and said bluntly: "Although my Buddhist sect has declined, its strength is still unmatched by ordinary sects. The strongest ones are the third Buddha, the five Buddha emperors, followed by the twelve great Bodhisattvas, and then After that, there are the eighteen Arhats and the forty-nine Jialan, each of these people are existences above the realm of heaven and god!"

"In addition, there are many Taoist realm heavenly kings, Hedao realm kings, etc.!"


When Monk Kasyapa finished speaking, Wu Nian suddenly took a breath of cold air, with a look of shock on his face. He knew that Buddhism was very strong, but he didn't expect it to be so strong. This was just the declining Buddhism, and the Buddha at its peak. Home, how scary should it be?

"That is to say, now that my Buddhist family is in decline, I am often targeted by those two families."

"At the peak of the Buddhist sect, there were at least two hundred strong men in the heavenly realm, who were almost as strong as those at the top of the pyramid."

Seeing Wu Nian's horror, Monk Kasyapa spoke up again, with a rather arrogant tone.

"Are those two companies at their peak?"

Upon hearing Wu Nian's inquiry, Monk Kasyapa's arrogance disappeared without a trace in an instant, and he nodded bitterly.

After receiving the confirmation from Monk Kasyapa, Wu Nian trembled all over, and felt a cold air rushing from the soles of his feet to the sky. One family was so terrifying, wouldn't two families joining forces be able to dominate the world?

"You don't have to worry too much. Although these two families are at their peak, even stronger than their peak, their fortunes are not as good as those of my Buddhist family back then. I guess that even after countless years of accumulation, they are now The number of Heavenly Dao Divine Realms is only about 200 in Dingtian.”

Very good, you know how to comfort people.

Wu Nian's mouth twitched wildly and he glanced sideways at Monk Kasyapa.

"You don't need to answer me now. When that day comes, you can make a decision."

Seeing Wu Nian's silence, Monk Kasyapa smiled and said, as if he had no sense of despair or crisis in facing a powerful enemy.

"If I agree, can the Buddhist family be at my disposal in the future?"

Wu Nian raised his eyes and asked in a deep voice.

"With your current cultivation level, you can be at Jialan's or lower level at your disposal. When you break through to the realm of Heavenly Dao and God, your authority will gradually increase!"

"Why choose me?"

Hearing this, Monk Kasyapa smiled, raised his eyes and glanced at Wu Nian's Buddha's Luck in the Sky, but did not respond.

"Okay, I agree."

"But I have to say something ugly first. Since you have chosen me, as long as my decision does not harm the Buddhist family, you must not refuse it, and you must even fully support it!"

Wu Nian gritted his teeth and said loudly.

Regardless of whether he agrees or not, he will have to face the pursuit of those two families. The only difference is whether the intensity is strong or not. In this case, why not give it a try? You can also get the strong foundation and strength support of Buddhism!

Even if he could escape, what's the point of being chased and frightened all day long?

"Of course!"

Monk Kasyapa nodded without hesitation.

Seeing this, Wu Nian thought for a while and said: "I will find an ally for the Buddhist family. Perhaps the key to the Buddhist family defeating the enemy lies in this ally!"


"What allies?"

Hearing this, Monk Kasyapa was moved and asked, his eyes fixed on Wu Nian.

He has just informed the strength of the two families. Although there is a difference, they are similar. Even so, Wu Nian still has such confidence. He really can't think of any force in the world that can make Wu Nian like this. So confident?

Could it be that they are from the powerful clans of the heavens? But this is impossible. With Wu Nian's status, it is impossible to influence the powerful clans in the world.

"Shenxian Sect!"

When Wu Nian's words fell, Monk Kasyapa frowned slightly. He had never heard of this force. He counted with his fingers, and his expression suddenly changed. He did not dare to speculate any further.

"Everything depends on the will of the Buddha!"

Monk Kasyapa's expression changed, and he finally raised his hand to Wu Nian and chuckled.

"Since the Buddha has agreed, if nothing happens, I will take the Buddha to the Brahma Heaven, the ancestral place of the Buddha family, to receive the baptism of ten thousand Buddhas, and by the way, inform the high-level officials of the Buddhist family of the Buddha's intention!"

Before Wu Nian could say anything, Monk Kasyapa continued.

"Baptism of Ten Thousand Buddhas?"

"The Baptism of Ten Thousand Buddhas is the true ultimate foundation of our Buddhist sect, which contains the essence of the Buddha's mind and the relics of the heavenly path of many powerful figures such as the Buddhas and Emperors of our Buddhist sect throughout the ages!"

"If you want to receive the baptism of Ten Thousand Buddhas, you must be recognized by at least half of the Bodhisattvas and more than three Buddha emperors to be qualified!"

"Once you undergo the baptism of Ten Thousand Buddhas, your qualifications and talents will transform again, and your Buddha nature will be doubled. After the barrier of heaven is weakened, a Buddhist disciple can undergo the baptism of ten thousand Buddhas, and you can use this to enter the divine realm of heaven!"

After hearing Monk Kasyapa's explanation, Wu Nian's face was moved, but that was all.

After suffering such a big karma, shouldn't we get some benefits? But the next moment, Monk Kasyapa's words made Wu Nian instantly ecstatic!

"Besides, if your Buddha accepts the baptism of Ten Thousand Buddhas, although she cannot fully wake up, it can make her recover more than half, at least occasionally for a few days!"

"Are you telling the truth?"

Wu Nian couldn't help it anymore and grabbed Monk Kasyapa's wrist tightly, staring at him with red eyes.


Monk Kasyapa was not angry, but smiled gently.

In his eyes, although Li Tianxin's Buddhist luck is not as good as that of Wu Nian, he is not trying to make too much concessions. Moreover, in real terms, Li Tianxin, who has become the Buddha in Wu Nian's heart, is the real Buddha, similar to the so-called faith. God!

The stronger Wu Nian is, the stronger Li Tianxin will be. As long as there is a chance, the Buddhists want to revive Li Tianxin even more than Wu Nian.


After receiving the confirmation from Monk Kasyapa, Wu Nian could not wait for a moment and spoke anxiously.

Seeing this, Monk Kasyapa smiled and without further delay, he took Wu Nian and the crystal coffin carrying Li Tianxin and disappeared without a trace!

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