Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1687 Xuan Cha’s right-hand man

Mysterious secret realm, inside the main hall.

The Great Demon of Xuan Cha hangs in the hall like a god and demon, with inscriptions surrounding his body and boiling with power, making him unparalleled in the world.

Vaguely, you can even feel the pressure of heaven from him.

The Great Demon of Xuansha, who possesses all the inherited memories of Emperor Yin Ji Yuan, is far from being comparable to ordinary Taoist masters, and his understanding of the Heavenly Dao Divine Realm is even beyond the comparison of ordinary Heavenly Dao Divine Realm powerhouses.

Even now, the Heavenly Dao barrier is still strong, but relying on the inherited memory of the Yinji Yuan Emperor, the Xuansha Great Demon still resists the Heavenly Dao barrier and steps towards the Heavenly Dao divine realm step by step.

Once the barrier of heaven is weakened, it is almost certain that the Great Demon of Xuan Cha will step into the realm of heaven.

After a long time, the entire hall returned to calm. The Great Demon Xuansha suddenly opened his eyes, and the stars were flowing in his eyes, as deep as the vast universe.


Immediately afterwards, Wu, the Heaven Master, appeared in the hall with a tall figure.

Looking at the tall figure standing next to the Heaven Palmer Wu, the Xuan Cha Demon's pupils shrank slightly, but he did not make a sound, waiting for the Heaven Palmist Wu to speak.

"Sir, this is my disciple Yao Feo, the owner of the reincarnated demon body!"

"He is willing to follow your master together with his subordinates!"

Wu, the master of heaven, bowed to the great demon of Xuan Cha and said happily.

After Yao Bo returned, no one knew how happy Master Wu was. He never expected that just after going to Panlong Tianque to practice, Yao Bo had already reached the peak of Taoism and was even stronger than him. Even the body of the samsara demon has reached the state of great achievement!

The two masters and disciples will definitely occupy an extremely important position in the hearts of the adults and become the confidants of the adults. There is no doubt that no one can replace the status of the two masters and disciples!

When the Master of Heaven was enlightened and excited, Yao Zhu narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the Great Demon of Xuan Cha, feeling extremely moved in his heart.

Even with his current strength, he could still feel an unspeakable crisis from the Great Demon of Xuan Cha. This crisis could even be fatal. But what made him even more confused was that he actually vaguely felt it from this mysterious master. A sense of intimacy?

Originally, Yao Lao wanted to return directly to the Immortal Sect, but considering the strength of the Heaven Master Clan, if he betrayed rashly, he would definitely let the Heaven Master Clan chase him and even the Shen Xian Sect crazily. After pondering for a long time, Yao Lao still planned to wait for him. After the master came out of Panlong Tianque, he returned to the Shenxian Sect to reunite with the sect leader and others, as well as Gui Yao, whom he had longed for.

Before that, staying in the Heaven Controller Clan and stabilizing the Heaven Controller Clan is undoubtedly the most suitable choice!


"Are you willing to follow me?"

The Great Demon Xuan Cha raised his eyebrows, looked at Yao Zhu, and spoke with interest.

On the surface, he was very happy, but the murderous intention in his heart was like a violent storm, and he could not calm down.

Yao Lao can feel his terror, why can't he feel Yao Lao's strength? The Heaven Master clan is already strong, and now that the supreme divine body has joined them, it will definitely be more difficult to deal with the Heaven Master clan in the future.

The Great Demon Xuan Cha was even thinking about whether he should find an opportunity to get rid of this kid quietly so as not to become a serious problem in the future.

"Yes, I am willing to follow you, and go through fire and water for you, no matter what!"

Although he was unwilling in his heart, on the surface, Yao Zhu still bowed his head respectfully.

However, just as the Great Demon Xuan Cha had murderous intentions towards him, his heart was boiling with murderous intent towards the Great Demon Xuan Cha. If given the chance, he would definitely not let the Great Demon Xuan Cha go.

"very good!"

"As long as you are loyal to me, I will never treat you badly!"

"You have a supreme divine body, and your future is destined to be limitless. Follow me with peace of mind. After I enter the Heavenly Dao Divine Realm, I will take you to the Palm Heaven Secret Realm. From now on, you will be my right-hand man!"

When the Great Demon of Xuan Cha finished his words, Wu, the Master of Heaven on the side, couldn't help but feel envious.

To this day, he has not been able to get the exact promise from the Great Demon of Xuan Cha, but as soon as Yao Bo became loyal to Yao Bo, he got such a promise, which means that Yao Bo is his disciple. If it were anyone else, he would probably be filled with jealousy. He was so red that he even looked for opportunities to kill the opponent.

"Thank you sir, my disciple will definitely live up to your expectations!"

Yao Lao suppressed the murderous intention in his heart, bowed to the Xuan Cha Demon again, and spoke respectfully.

The Great Demon of Xuan Cha nodded with satisfaction, looked at Wu, the Master of Heaven, and chuckled: "Wu, what reward do you want for finding such a good seedling for me?"

Hearing this, Master Wu bowed and said loudly: "It is my honor to serve you!"

"What's more, Yao Piao was not found by his subordinates. He heard about your majestic power and yearned for it. He specifically asked his subordinates to bring him here to see your majesty and follow him!"

When the Master Wu finished speaking, the corners of the mouths of Xuan Cha Demon and Yao Bo all twitched. This old guy is really good at flattering!

"Forget it, then you, like Yao Bo, will accompany me when I go to the secret realm of Palm Heaven!"

The Great Demon Xuancha smiled and said in a deep voice.

Wu, the master of heaven, was ecstatic in his heart, and he quickly worshiped: "Wu, thank you so much for giving Wu the opportunity to follow you. Wu will definitely live up to your high expectations, practice hard, and become a sharp sword in your hands!"


The Great Demon of Xuan Cha gently nodded and waved his hand, signaling the Master Wu to retreat.

Seeing this, Master Wu and Yao Bo no longer stayed any longer. After bowing to the Great Demon of Xuan Cha, they turned around and retreated.


In the Luofeng Tower in Luofeng City, Wang Feng stood in front of the window with his hands behind his hands, looking at the bustling Luofeng Street and the beautiful scenery of the entire Luofeng City.

At this moment, the sun was setting in the west, and the afterglow seemed to be covering Luofeng City with a layer of brilliant golden and red clothes, making the majestic Luofeng City even more gorgeous.

During this period of time, in addition to practicing meditation, Wang Feng used his sect values ​​to extract cultivation bases and blessed many elders of the Immortal Sect to improve their cultivation bases. At the same time, he was also waiting for news about Fairy Luofeng.

After the blessing of cultivation and the guidance of many powerful men, many elders of the Immortal Sect have all reached the peak of the Emperor God, and even reached at least 80% of the divine ban. People with higher talents such as Pang Ban and Ling Donglai have begun to attack Hehe. The realm of Tao!

If this trend continues, it won't be long before all the elders of the Shenxian Sect will reach the state of harmony. By then, the overall strength of the Shenxian Sect will be able to reach a higher level!

In addition, many disciples of the immortal ancestors have also improved to varying degrees. They have basically entered the divine realm, and many have even reached the upper divine realm!

Of course, in order to improve their strength, the sect points Wang Feng had gained from destroying the Tao-stealing clan's army had been consumed. Now, he only has less than 30,000,000,000 sect points left.

Therefore, Wang Feng did not continue to extract cultivation blessings, and allowed the willing elders and disciples of the Shenxian Sect to go out to practice.

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