Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1718 Wangchuan is in rebellion, and the law of heaven is angry and punishing

One realm after another, one realm after another.

A man and a woman traveled all over the world and became famous, making the world fear and awe, but no one knew what was going on in the hearts of this man and woman. Behind the seemingly brilliant appearance, there was endless loneliness hidden. with firm thoughts.

The world calls this man and woman the Wangchuan couple, and they are admired by countless men and women. They are known as the most enviable couple of gods and gods in the past and present.

That year, the thoughts in the young man's heart began to show signs, and Tian Dao was shocked. A violent storm silently struck the young man and the woman.

I don't know since when, this couple became a existence that everyone shouted to beat and kill. Looking back, they were the enemies of the world.

In the dim starry sky, there is one person who is invincible, one person who is unparalleled in splendor, two long swords piercing the sky, destroying endless enemies around them, killing from south to north, from east to west, the entire starry sky seems to have turned into a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. , the blood drifted together to form a long blood-red river, making all the heavens and worlds tremble with fear!

This day is called the Dark Day of Forgotten River.

Countless powerful men from all over the world died tragically on this day, and that gorgeous woman also died tragically on this day in order to save the young man.

When the woman died, the whole world felt an inexplicable chill, as if some unparalleled evil had been unleashed.

In an instant, your hair turns gray, one thought turns into a demon, and your realm is sublimated!

At that moment, all the powerful men in the heavens felt the terrifying pressure from the Ancient Emperor of Wangchuan. The figure that looked like a madman killed everything, and nearly half of the powerful men in the heavens died tragically.

Even if the young man is exhausted, no one dares to step into the battlefield.

The young man held the sword, stepped on the blood, and disappeared without a trace with the woman in his arms. After countless years of evolution, the battlefield merged into the divine world and became the terrifying God-Eating Devil's Cave!

The entire world returned to calm, but the intimidation caused by the Wangchuan couple made the entire world become extremely peaceful in the next period of time, and there were no more disputes.

No one knew that the young man came to the Divine Realm with the woman in his arms and laid many tricks. No one knew that the young man did not disappear, but kept his name incognito, constantly searching for what he needed.

Endless years later, everyone in the world seems to have forgotten the Wangchuan couple. Only some ancient beings vaguely remember the fear of that day.

In the dim starry sky, the Ancient Emperor Wangchuan rose and floated like a master. An ancient sword floated around him. The entire starry sky seemed to be frightened by this man's sword, and even the stars stopped rotating.

The young man closed his eyes tightly, as if he was adjusting his breath and accumulating strength.

Looking at the young man in the picture, Wang Feng felt something in his heart. Endless sadness suddenly emerged, and two lines of clear tears fell from the corners of his eyes. The whole body couldn't stop shaking.

However, in a short period of time, he had seen all the young man's life, including sorrow, joy, love and hatred. It was extremely exciting but also extremely painful. At this moment, he could not even tell whether he was in the past life or this life.

That kind of indescribable emotion kept emerging in his heart. Even with Wang Feng's current level of cultivation, he still couldn't bear it.


The moment the young man opened his eyes, the whole world was changing, with bursts of thunder, and the terrifying momentum swept across the whole world in an instant, leaving no one to hide and no one to avoid.

At this moment, countless old monsters woke up from their deep sleep, with unspeakable panic in their eyes, and their old bodies were shaking uncontrollably.

"He...he's back?!"

Not long after, these old monsters heard a vicissitudes of sound that seemed to come from eternity, like thunder piercing their ears, like a sword piercing their souls.

"There is no way in the sky, so fight against it!"

"I Wangchuan, even if I carry the abyss on my back and fall into hell forever, I will turn Yin and Yang upside down and rebel against the way of heaven!"

"Not for myself, not for the common people, I just want to resurrect my mother and my beloved!"

These eternal sounds resound in the ears of all creatures in the entire universe. No matter how strong or weak they are, no matter where they are hidden, it is difficult to avoid this trembling eternal sound.


In just an instant, the entire world fell into endless darkness. No one knew what happened. They only knew that in the endless darkness, there were roars of dragons and tigers, and the lights and shadows of swords...

Until the end, a small figure appeared in the sight of all living beings, but this seemingly small figure gave all living beings a sense of indomitableness. Whether they were friends or foes, understood or not, any living being who glimpsed this scene would be An indescribable reverence arose in their hearts!

"'s still him!"

"I did what I wanted to do but didn't dare to do!"

There are ancient existences, bitter murmurs, and endless respect emerging from the vicissitudes of their eyes.

The young man at this moment is extremely dazzling, being watched and worshiped by all living beings!


The entire heavens are trembling crazily, Yin and Yang are in chaos, power surges, and Tao is reversed!

At the moment when he was about to succeed, the terrifying Tianyin mixed with an astonishing anger exploded throughout the heavens. More than 99% of the creatures were directly stunned by this Tianyin, and all the memories of just now , even disappeared in this moment.

Even those old monsters resisted extremely hard and tried their best not to let their memories be erased by that supreme power.

"The ancient emperor Wangchuan disobeyed the will of heaven, tried to reverse the yin and yang, and overturned the universe. His crime is inexcusable and he should be punished!"


As this heavenly sound fell, the whole world shook violently, and countless Tao swept in from all directions, condensed into substance, and enveloped the young man.

Thousands of evil spirits invade the body, eating away the soul and destroying the body. Life is worse than death!

This is called Dao Punishment, a punishment from heaven and earth that is countless times more terrifying than Heaven Punishment and Heaven Punishment. It is the highest authority of Heaven!

The young man resisted for a full ten years before disappearing into thin air. During these ten years, there were only a handful of beings in the world who were still awake, but as long as they caught a glimpse of it, all of them were heartbroken.

When the young man disappeared into smoke, everything about the young man in the entire universe was completely wiped out by a mysterious force, as if this person had never appeared in the universe.

Only the old monsters whose memories have not been erased clearly remember that there is such a peerless figure in the heavens. Although he is called the Ancient Emperor, he is more awe-inspiring than any heavenly ancestor.

But this person has disappeared into thin air and has become a taboo. Who dares to mention it easily?

He is a short-lived legend, a being who can be admired by anyone. Many old monsters are unwilling to roar for it, but there is nothing they can do about it. Even such amazingly talented people cannot succeed. No matter how unwilling they are, , what’s the use?


When the young man completely disappeared, Wang Feng, who was in the strange space, saw the entire picture explode completely, turning into stars all over the sky, swarming towards him.

He had no time to escape, and in just a moment, he was enveloped in endless starlight.

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