Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1719 The mystery deep in the soul

After being enveloped by the endless starlight, Wang Feng was in an extremely ethereal state, without any distracting thoughts and no idea of ​​his current situation.

I didn't think about it, didn't pay attention to it, just relied on my instinct, immersed in the emptiness, like rippling in the endless sea of ​​warmth, the ultimate comfort.

On the other side, when Wang Feng was wrapped in the memory of his past life, Hanbao, Qin Meixin, also recovered his past life memory.

At this moment, she was not as ferocious and violent as Han Ba. Two lines of clear tears fell from her white cheeks, and her delicate and graceful body could not stop trembling.

She finally recalled all her memories, not so much the memories of her past life, but the memories before she transformed into Drought Demon.

She really saw the true face of the figure that made her miss her dearly. It was a face that was 100% identical to Wang Feng's face, but his temperament was so lonely and supreme.

He held her hand and traveled through thousands of mountains and rivers, nine heavens and ten places, allowing herself to feel the warmth of home and the beauty of love again. It was he who allowed her to grow from an ordinary little girl to a whole A woman of unparalleled beauty in all the worlds!

Wangchuan, this name that is so unforgettable in her memory, she will never forget it again!

From childhood to adulthood, from weak to strong, the only person beside him has always been him. He has accompanied him through all the hardships and endured all the difficulties. Looking at the entire world, no one is better than him. understand him.

And he also understands himself. The love between the two is deep-rooted, and love melts into the soul!

After he died for him, the roar of grief and anger that resounded throughout the world moved even Han Bao. It seemed that it could echo through the memory image in his own ears at this time, making him heartbroken.

That time, he became obsessed with a thought and turned gray in an instant. He killed all the enemies with his own power. He traveled all over the nine heavens and ten lands, found endless treasures, saved his soul, and laid down a layer in the ancient dream burial ground in the Divine Void Realm. Use various means to reborn yourself as a drought demon.

Originally, he just wanted to use the ancient dream burial ground to nourish his soul. After he reversed the yin and yang and broke the way of heaven, he could resurrect himself. However, even though he was as powerful as him, he still fell short. Due to a combination of circumstances, he also failed. Over the long years, it evolved into a drought demon and gained another kind of rebirth!

Qin Meixin did not complain that he had turned her into a drought demon, but felt endless heartache and regret for him.

If I hadn't died back then, I could have faced it with him, so why let him endure the torture of Dao Zhu alone, which was worse than death?

Dao Execution, thousands of Dao inflicted on the body, endured the endless erosion of the heavens and myriads of Dao, from the body to the heart and then to the soul. It was worse than any punishment in the world, but he endured it for ten years.

Qin Mei couldn't even imagine how he spent these ten years.


When Qin Meixin was feeling pain and pity, the scroll in front of her also exploded and turned into dots of starlight. In an instant, Qin Meixin was completely enveloped in it, making her fall into that unspeakable ethereal state.

It's just that, having never truly fallen, what she endures at this moment is more like the inheritance of herself before she became Han Ba, rather than the memory of her previous life!

She was accepting everything about the woman who was unparalleled in all the worlds. In this state, the dark red corpse energy in her body rose and skyrocketed at an extremely terrifying speed, and her energy was enough to make anyone On the heart-thumping delicate body, there is an indescribable and mysterious Taoist essence emerging.

These Taoist aggregates, like elves, were generated out of thin air, flying around her, and then poured into her body.

Perhaps, these Taoist aggregates have existed in this strange space for countless years, and only now has a master appeared who can lure them out.

On the other side, while Qin Meixin was accepting everything she had experienced during her lifetime, Wang Feng was also changing.

Immersed in the ultimate ethereal state, he did not notice that deep in the origin of his soul, there was a strange space that was quietly surging. This strange space was filled with endless fog, strange and mysterious.

It was vaguely visible that in the endless fog, there were nine figures towering over the sky. Even in the deepest part of the fog, there were several figures even more terrifying than these nine figures.

After the memory scroll was shattered and integrated into Wang Feng's body, the fifth figure standing tall in the mist suddenly burst into bright light. The originally illusory and ethereal figure seemed to solidify all of a sudden.

"I didn't expect that I would be the first to wake up."

A vicissitudes of sound that seemed to come from the ancient and eternal time and space suddenly sounded in this strange space, and after the sound sounded, the shining fifth figure also completely solidified.

His appearance and body were exactly the same as Wang Feng's. The only difference was that his eyes were so deep that it was scary, and there was a hint of deplorable loneliness hidden in it.

He looked at the eight figures around him in the mist, his eyes were extremely deep, and he seemed to be able to see through everything. For a long time, he seemed to have remembered something interesting, and chuckled: "Hey, I didn't expect that I have never been with her in this life. We met and found a mistress?"

"That's right. After all, I have transcended the boundaries of reincarnation, but she only has nine lives...!"

After talking to himself, he regained his lonely look and stared at the deepest fog, one, two, three...!

"I have been searching for countless years, trying to find my true self countless times, reborn, and help me go against the path, but nothing...!"

"Although I am not willing to accept my fate, maybe this is what I am destined to be."

"However, in this life, it may be possible for me to regain my true self, merge with reincarnation, and be reunited from generation to generation!"

He said no more words, just stood here quietly, seeming to be enjoying his last moments. He wanted to rush into the deepest part of the mist at all costs and find his true self.

This has become an obsession in his heart.

At that time, he desperately wanted to go against the yin and yang and set foot on the road. Besides wanting to resurrect his mother and his lover, why didn't he want to pursue his true self?

Reaching the height he once had, he has vaguely realized that his true self is definitely a supreme being, and he is arranging something. Through many reincarnations, he completes his layout.

Everyone knows that nine lives of reincarnation is the limit of heaven and earth. Throughout the ages, no one has ever been able to reach this limit, but he can easily do it, even far beyond the tenth life.

Even to him, it seemed a bit incredible.

He has always been arrogant and feels that he is not weaker than others in his life. Although it is the layout of his true self, that is, himself, he is still unwilling to admit defeat. He still wants to pry into the layout of his self, break his plan, and surpass him.

It's a pity that after all, I underestimated my true self. In the end, I still followed the established layout of my true self, sank into reincarnation, and started another life!

"Forget it, why are you competing with yourself?"

"But... I'm still a little unwilling!"

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