Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1720 I am you, you are still you

After a long time, the fifth life shook his head with a wry smile. In the end, he still did not rush into the deepest part of the fog to see his true self.

It's not that I'm afraid, but that I don't want to break my own layout.

He knows too little about the ego, and he doesn't know what the ego is planning and whether it is related to anything important. Once the layout is broken, the plan of the ego will probably fail.

He really couldn't break the layout that he had laid out for countless years just because of a competitive spirit.

Again, why are you competing with yourself?

"Everyone, I will take the first step. When I return to my true self, we will merge into one. See you all again!"

After a long time, the fifth generation glanced at the eight towering figures in the mist. The sound of vicissitudes of life resounded throughout the strange space, causing the eight figures to tremble in unison, as if waving to the fifth generation.

Seeing this, the fifth generation smiled knowingly. At this moment, the solid body blooming with faint brilliance exploded and turned into endless brilliance, spurting out from the strange space, pouring into Wang Feng like a vast galaxy. In the soul that has long been integrated with the body.


At this moment, Wang Feng's body shrouded in endless light began to tremble uncontrollably, and his consciousness was pulled back from the ultimate ethereal state by an inexplicable gravity.

At the moment when his consciousness returned, Wang Feng heard the whispering voice from the depths of his soul.

"You don't need to care too much, and you don't need to pursue it. When you are strong enough, you will understand everything even if you have not pursued it!"

“You just have to go the way you want to go, that’s it!”

"Remember, I am you and you are still you!"

"Don't blame, don't think, don't regret!"

This murmur of vicissitudes of life made Wang Feng's whole soul tremble, but there was no pain, only endless kindness and familiarity. This was the entrustment of him in the past to him in this life.

Wang Feng had no time to think about the meaning of this murmuring sound, and his whole soul was filled with a majestic memory. Endless cultivation insights and mysterious skills were rolling in his mind like majestic ocean waves.

As strong as Wang Feng, at this moment, he felt as if his head was going to explode.

This came from all the cultivation insights and memories of the skills of the Ancient Emperor Wangchuan, and Wang Feng finally knew how terrifying his previous life had been.

The pinnacle of the Heavenly Dao Jun Realm!

He almost broke into the terrifying existence of the Great Dao God Realm. He really couldn't imagine that he had such a terrifying cultivation level in his previous life?

But the next moment, endless questions came again.

From the few words said by Ye Muqing and others, Wang Feng could guess that he had definitely interacted with Ye Muqing and others in his previous life. However, according to the era in which Ye Muqing and others lived, the way of heaven was not revealed and the way of harmony was extremely extreme. Even that In this life, I am nothing more than an ancestral existence.

But the memory of this life that I have now reached the terrifying peak of Tiandaojun realm?

Is it possible that I don’t have only one reincarnation?

Yes, and only in this way can it be explained. So which life is this? In which life did I meet Ye Muqing and others?

It's a pity that no one can answer Wang Feng's endless questions. At this moment, he has no intention to speculate. He has been distracted by the endless memories of practice.

What really makes Wang Feng a little bit unbearable is actually the huge spiritual enlightenment of Ancient Emperor Wangchuan. As for his skills, although they are also extremely mysterious, they are relatively easy to accept.

Because everything that Ancient Emperor Wangchuan knew has been integrated into a book called Wangchuan Tian Gong. This book of techniques has gathered the essence of what Ancient Emperor Wangchuan has practiced throughout his life. It is endlessly changing and extremely mysterious.

Some of these magical powers and techniques have long gone beyond what he can understand at the moment. Therefore, what he receives is only what he can understand at the moment, and what he cannot understand is sealed away.

On the other hand, the huge spiritual realization was carved into his soul. No matter whether he could understand it or not, it was so arrogantly imprinted on his soul.

Under the impact of this energy that contained all the spiritual insights below the realm of the Great Dao God, the source power in Wang Feng's body started to operate on its own at this moment. The speed seemed slow, but if it were replaced by divine power, the speed would be enough to surpass everything.


As the source of power in Wang Feng's body circulated, endless power surged out of the strange space. Like moths flying into the flame, they all rushed towards Wang Feng's body. Wang Feng, who still had a trace of sanity, waved his hand, Take out endless treasures of heaven and earth, and float them around you to help you break through.

However, the moment he took out many heavenly materials and earthly treasures, Qin Meixin, not far away, also burst out with endless suction. In just a short moment, the heavenly materials and earthly treasures he took out were completely absorbed by Qin Meixin.

After all, she is a drought demon in the heavenly realm, and the power she needs to absorb is far beyond Wang Feng's imagination.

Wang Feng smiled bitterly for a moment, and had no choice but to take out the Holy Spirit Crystal of Origin Dao obtained from the body of the Supreme Hell Beast. The moment he took out the Holy Spirit Crystal of Origin Dao, his mind was completely swallowed up and he sank into In that huge spiritual enlightenment!


With the emergence of the Holy Origin Crystal, the source power in Wang Feng's body became completely active, like a greedy sponge, frantically absorbing the majestic source power from the Holy Crystal.

However, in just a short moment, Wang Feng's cultivation level went from the peak of the third step of Hedao to the fourth step of Hedao, and it was still soaring rapidly. Not only that, even the system that was unknown in his body was also Absorbing this majestic source of power.

On the other side, Qin Meixin was also pulling on the majestic source power in the Holy Crystal of Origin Dao. However, her pulling speed was far slower than Wang Feng's, and it was extremely difficult.

Even if it is just a strand, it takes a long time, just like a mortal pulling a huge boulder.

However, when she finally pulled a ray of source power and integrated it into her body, she trembled all over, and her whole body seemed to have been sublimated. The dark red corpse energy in her body skyrocketed at an indescribable speed. Faintly, even Some kind of strange change has occurred, it is no longer just corpse energy.

If there is a supreme being who discovers Qin Meixin's current state, he will know that the corpse energy in Qin Meixin's body is transforming towards the supreme corpse source. If all the corpse energy in Qin Meixin's body can transform into the corpse source, then through some opportunities, maybe she will Just like Wang Feng's previous transformation, he transcended everything and transformed into a higher-level special life form.

However, just those wisps of source power are far from being able to help Qin Meixin transform. However, the source power is full of majestic vitality, but it no longer nourishes Qin Meixin all the time.

Her pretty face, which was originally as pale as paper, became rosy and her skin became more delicate. The aura of Drought Demon on her body gradually disappeared. Her essence has not changed. She is still the Supreme Drought Demon of Corpse Path. However, in the source of power, Nourished by her, her true nature has been hidden, and it will be difficult for casual people to see through her true identity!

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