A moment later, Si Lingyun led Wang Feng and others into the main hall!

Because the three bodies of Kui Mo, Jiu Ying and Gui Jian were too weird, Wang Feng took them into the Kingdom of God after leaving Gu Meng's burial place, leaving only Qin Meixin, Yan Po and others covered in black robes. The soul prison in it!

In addition, there are Sun Wukong, Tathagata Buddha, Li Bai, Fairy Luofeng and others.

As soon as Shi Shi stepped into the main hall, everyone looked at Si Lingyun, Wang Feng and others. With just one glance, everyone present was stunned.

Strong ones like Si Xiaochen and Long You all lost their minds for a moment, while Long Xiao and many powerful people from the Shenxu Ancient Clan all had a look of obsession on their faces.

So beautiful!

How could there be such a beautiful woman in this world?

This thought, like a nightmare, echoed in the minds of everyone in the hall.

And the eyes they were looking at were Qin Meixin and Yan Po standing on both sides of Wang Feng!

At this moment, Qin Meixin is dressed in a white dress, with green silk hair shawl down her shoulders. Her beautiful and delicate face has a look of indifference, like a cold lotus in the Nine Netherworld, pure and pure. People can't help but want to get closer but are afraid of being blasphemed. This iceberg goddess!

Yan Po on the other side is equally gorgeous, with an aura of maturity and charm all over her body, like a ripe fruit that makes people want to take a bite.

Coupled with the fact that Si Lingyun is ahead of Wang Feng and others, it is like the most beautiful scenery in the world. With just one glance, it will be remembered in people's hearts and will be unforgettable in this life.

One is young and beautiful, one is peerless and noble, and the other is mature and charming!

It can be said that the three daughters of Qin Meixin each have their own characteristics, but all of them are peerless women that make all women feel ashamed. Among them, Qin Meixin has the best temperament and appearance.

"Young Master, I must get these three women!"

This thought echoed in Long Xiao's mind and could not be calmed down. Instead, it became more and more intense. The eyes he looked at Si Lingyun and the three girls were even more full of passion and possessiveness.

Long Xiao never expected that his proposed marriage would be such an unexpected joy. He thought that in this huge world of gods, there would be no more beautiful woman than Si Lingyun, but now she suddenly appeared. Two people?

Isn't this a God-given opportunity?

Thinking of this, Long Xiao quickly winked at his master, Elder Long You.

Ever since, the somewhat amiable voice of Great Elder Long You sounded in the silent hall.

"Niece Lingyun is back?"

"It just so happens that I have just discussed marriage with your father. My disciple Long Xiao has a deep love for you and wants to marry you. I wonder if niece Lingyun is willing?"

After hearing the words of Elder Long You, Si Xiaochen and others also came to their senses, their faces so gloomy that they almost dripped with water. Does this old guy really think this is the Dragon Ghost Clan?

Si Lingyun's face changed slightly, she looked towards Elder Long You and said indifferently: "Elder Long You, I'm sorry!"

"Junior doesn't want to get married yet!"

Si Lingyun didn't have the same worries as Si Xiaochen. She also knew that her refusal would anger the Great Elder Long You and even provoke the Xianlong Ghost Clan, but it would make her give up her own happiness and end up with someone who didn't know the details and had no idea. She can't do it even with people who don't have the slightest feeling of affection!

"Senior, this is the Great Elder of the Dragon Ghost Clan, one of the five most powerful races in the Divine Realm!"

While refusing, Si Lingyun also introduced the identities of Long You, Si Xiaochen and others to Wang Feng.

Wang Feng and others stood quietly behind Si Lingyun, watching everything, with no fluctuations in their expressions. It was not until they heard Si Lingyun's voice transmission that Wang Feng raised his eyes and glanced at Long You, but it was just a glance. , he regained his unruffled look!

Si Lingyun's words caused the smile on Elder Long You's face to stop abruptly, and his whole body was filled with coldness. He stared at Si Lingyun indifferently and said in a deep voice: "Niece Lingyun needs to think clearly. "

"I came to propose marriage in person, and I have already given my niece Lingyun enough face. I hope niece Lingyun will not disappoint me!"

At this moment, everyone present could clearly feel the threat in Elder Long You's words. Si Xiaochen, who was already annoyed, couldn't help it anymore and said in a deep voice: "What? Elder Long You is saying Threatening my ancient Shenxu clan?"

"It's not sweet if you force yourself to do it. If my daughter doesn't want to, no one can force her!"

As Si Xiaochen finished speaking, many powerful men from the Shenxu Ancient Clan also looked at Elder Long You. Although he did not exude any momentum, a depressing aura suddenly filled the entire hall.

Elder Long You didn't pay attention to Si Xiaochen's words, and ignored the gazes of many powerful people from the Shenxu Ancient Clan. He just stared at Si Lingyun closely. The cold light flashing in his eyes was frightening!

"I don't want to!"

Si Lingyun did not have the slightest fear, directly met the gaze of Great Elder Long You, and spoke indifferently and firmly.

As soon as these words came out, the faces of Long Xiao and the other three strong men from the Zhenlong Ghost Clan, who were standing next to Elder Long You, instantly darkened. When they came, Long Xiao was full of confidence, thinking that his master could take down Si Ling. Yun was a peerless beauty who was famous in the virtual world of gods, but he never expected that the other party would be so disrespectful and reject her one after another?

Thinking about him, Long Xiao, after all, he is also the top genius of the Zhenlong Ghost Clan. Looking at the younger generation of the entire Shenxu Realm, he is also a figure on the pyramid. How has he ever been so insulted?

"very good!"

"I hope niece Lingyun and the nobles will not regret it!"

Elder Long You took a deep look at Si Lingyun, said something indifferently, then waved his hand and left the hall with Long Xiao and others!

Although his behavior was very angry, Si Xiaochen and others did not stop him and allowed them to leave.

However, both Si Xiaochen and many powerful people from the Shenxu Ancient Clan knew that next, they were afraid that they would have to face the Yinlong Ghost Clan’s attack!

It was not until Elder Long You and others left that Si Xiaochen looked at Si Lingyun and said with a wry smile: "Yun'er, you girl, can't you be more tactful?"

"Long You is, after all, the great elder of the Yilong Ghost Clan, with a high position. If he deliberately targets us, it will be a big disaster for our Shenxu Ancient Clan!"

Hearing this, Si Lingyun's expression did not change, and she cupped her hands and said: "Father, elders, given the other party's character, no matter whether he is tactful or not, as long as I don't agree, the other party will have hatred in his heart, and he will also be targeting my Shenxu Ancient Clan. It’s inevitable, so why should we be polite to them?”

"Although he has a high position and authority, after all, he is just an elder of the Yilong Ghost Clan, and he cannot represent the entire Yilong Ghost Clan!"

If it were the leader of the Yilong Ghost Clan who came this time, even if Si Lingyun didn't want to, she wouldn't be so rude, but she was just the elder of the Yilong Ghost Clan, so she wouldn't be so cautious.

Her ancient Shenxu clan has indeed declined, but it cannot be destroyed by just one person. Of course, terrifying beings like Wang Feng are exceptions.

Si Xiaochen and others twitched their mouths, but did not refute Si Lingyun's words. After a moment of silence, Si Xiaochen glanced at Wang Feng and others, and smiled at Si Lingyun: "Yun'er, don't introduce me to your father. introduce?"

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