"Father, this is Brother Wang Feng, and this is...!"

"This time, thanks to Brother Wang Feng, I was able to walk out of the Ancient Dream Burial Ground safely. Moreover, my daughter has successfully obtained the Yinming Divine Lotus, and my ancestor is saved!"

Si Lingyun did not dare to reveal Wang Feng's details easily without Wang Feng's consent, so she simply introduced Wang Feng and others.


"Did you really get the Yinming Divine Lotus?"

When Si Lingyun finished speaking, Si Xiaochen and many powerful people from the Shenxu Ancient Clan suddenly looked at Si Lingyun, and Si Xiaochen even asked bluntly, his words full of excitement.

He never expected that Si Lingyun would actually obtain the Yinming Divine Lotus. You must know that this is a treasure located in the territory of Jiuying, the first of the five evil objects in the ancient dream burial place.

He had also sent several groups of troops to the ancient dream burial place before, but without exception, these groups of troops failed to come back from the ancient dream burial place. Even if Si Lingyun insisted on going, he did not agree, but he Unexpectedly, Si Lingyun sneaked out while she was not paying attention, but actually brought back the Yinming Divine Lotus?


Si Lingyun smiled and said nothing, but took out the Yinming Divine Lotus directly. In an instant, a soul-trembling cold force filled the entire hall, and the eyes of Si Xiaochen and others also Staring hotly at the Yinming Shenlian!

This is a treasure at the level of the Heavenly Dao Divine Realm. If placed in the entire Divine Realm, it is enough to make anyone crazy for it.

"This time Yun'er was able to obtain the Yinming Divine Lotus, thanks to brother Wang Feng!"

After hearing this, Si Xiaochen and others all looked at Wang Feng, their eyes full of gratitude. They could all feel that Wang Feng's cultivation level was only the sixth step of Hedao, but he could endure such a treasure. The temptation to help Si Lingyun obtain, this alone is a great favor to the Shenxu Ancient Clan, not to mention that the other party also saved the lives of Si Lingyun and others!

"Thank you, little friend!"

Si Xiaochen bowed to Wang Feng and thanked him very sincerely. Even though he was a strong man in the heavenly realm, such a great favor was still enough to make him put down his dignity. Not only him, but also many ancient gods in the hall. Although the strong man did not speak, he still bowed to Wang Feng.

"It just happens to be a meeting. There is no need to be polite, Chief Si!"

Wang Feng smiled, waved his hand, and spoke in a neither humble nor overbearing voice.

Seeing this, Si Xiaochen's eyes flashed with a strange color, and he solemnly said: "From now on, my little friend is the most distinguished guest of our Shenxu Ancient Clan. If you need anything, whatever our Shenxu Ancient Clan can do , just ask, I, the ancient Shenxu Clan, will do our best!”

Wang Feng chuckled and cupped his hands without saying anything. If he could gain the friendship of the Shenxu Ancient Clan before, it would definitely be a huge benefit to him. But after conquering the five evil creatures, the Shenxu Ancient Clan’s Friendship is just the icing on the cake.

"If nothing happens, little friend, how about you stay with our clan for a few days? That way I can fulfill my friendship as a landlord!"

Hearing this, Wang Feng nodded lightly, but did not refuse. After thinking about it, he cupped his hands towards Si Xiaochen and said in a deep voice: "Clan Chief Si, I would like to know some ancient classics, is it possible?"

Si Xiaochen nodded with a smile and said, "Given the kindness you have shown to our clan, little friend, this is a small request."

After finishing speaking, Si Xiaochen looked at Si Lingyun and ordered: "Yun'er, take Xiaoyou Wang and others down to rest, and then take them to the Sutra Pavilion tomorrow. The first seven floors are free for Wang Xiaoyou and others to check! "

"Thank you!"

Seeing this, Wang Feng bowed to Si Xiaochen and left the hall under the leadership of Si Lingyun!

After Wang Feng and others left, Si Xiaochen put away the Yinming Divine Lotus with a wave of his hand. Then, he said to Si Tianxing, the deputy chief of the left clan next to him: "Tianxing, the ancestor's injury. There is no time to delay, now that I have obtained the Yinming Divine Lotus, I will stay in the forbidden area to treat the ancestor's injuries."

"I leave the hospitality to you, Xiaoyou Wang and his party. They are the benefactors of our clan, so don't neglect them!"

Si Tianxing nodded solemnly and said, "I understand!"

Seeing this, Si Xiaochen nodded and ordered to the right deputy chief Si Dixuan on the other side: "Dixuan, this time Yun'er refuses Long You, the other party will definitely not give up. While I am treating the ancestor, you Lead people to be more alert and pay attention to Long You's movements!"



Tens of thousands of miles away from the Shenxu Ancient Clan's station, Long You and his party walked through the air.

Long Xiao, who was behind Long You, had a face full of unwillingness and anger. He couldn't help asking Long You: "Master, can we just let it go?"

Even now, Long Xiao still couldn't forget those two beautiful women. At the first sight, he vowed to get Si Lingyun and the others. However, he didn't expect that he would leave in despair in the end, in front of the beauties. Lost face.

Relying on his noble status, he has always had smooth sailing. Whichever woman he wants, he will just say a word and she will obediently climb into his bed. Has he ever suffered such setbacks?

"Forget it? How is that possible!"

"If you dare to refuse me, you will have to pay the price."

A cold light flashed in Long You's eyes, and he spoke sinisterly.

"What does Master plan to do?"

Long Xiao's eyes brightened slightly and he asked quickly.

"Why do you think I suddenly went to the Shenxu Ancient Clan with you to propose marriage? I originally wanted you to marry Si Lingyun and control her, but I didn't expect the other party to be so ignorant!"

"In that case, they can only die!"

Hearing this, Long Xiao was puzzled and asked: "Master, isn't Si Lingyun the goddess of the Shenxu Ancient Clan? Why do you want to control her?"

Long You glanced at Long Xiao and scolded: "You know what the hell, Si Lingyun is not a simple goddess. Her body contains the richest bloodline in the history of the Shenxu Ancient Clan. Once activated, she will completely transform and become The saint of the entire Divine Realm.”

"It is said that the Holy Maiden of the Gods is also a key, which can unlock the secrets left by Lord Tianzu!"

"Not even the patriarch and the patriarchs of the other four most powerful races know about this matter, and even the ancient Shenxu tribe themselves don't know about it. If I hadn't accidentally broken into a secret place and got some information from it, I wouldn't have known it either. I know that Si Lingyun has such a big secret hidden in her body!"


As soon as he said these words, Long Xiao and the three strong men from the Dragon Ghost Clan behind him all took a deep breath, their faces filled with shock and burning greed.

This is the secret left by Master Tianzu. If they can obtain it, they will definitely become the top masters of the entire Divine Realm, and even be able to control the entire Divine Realm.

With such incredible opportunities, who can remain calm?

At this moment, Long Xiao finally understood why when he asked his master to go with him to propose marriage, his master agreed so simply and neatly.

"Originally, I wanted to secretly control Si Lingyun in my hands and study it slowly, but now it seems that I can only let the clan take action!"

A flash of resentment flashed in Long You's eyes, and he spoke coldly.

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