Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1773 The Holy Seal of the Ultimate Source


As soon as he finished speaking, the old man pointed out, and the terrifying power was released, shooting straight towards Ye Muqing like a rainbow, but in the blink of an eye, it completely enveloped Ye Muqing, and countless vitality swarmed in, restoring Ye Muqing's health. vitality.

If Wang Feng were here, he would have discovered that the power used by this old man was actually a source of power that transcended everything. Moreover, the source of power possessed by this old man was purer and more terrifying than Wang Feng's. .

Wang Feng was able to fuse everything in himself and achieve transcendence entirely by relying on the fusion opportunities given by the system. But at this moment, the old man relied on his own efforts to completely fuse Ye Muqing's fifth life memory plus this life memory, including his sixth life. The way you practice.

The terrifying source of power intertwined in Ye Muqing's body, but in a short period of time, Ye Muqing's vitality was restored to its original state, even stronger, and her appearance was even more beautiful than before.

In addition, this source of power is also tempering Ye Muqing's physical body. Her supreme body is undergoing some incredible changes under the tempering of this source of power.

This change, in the eyes of ordinary people, is extremely mysterious. Even a strong person in the Tiandaojun realm can hardly see through it at all, but in the eyes of the old man, there is no mystery at all.

"Interesting, you actually transformed into a primary source body?"

The old man's eyes brightened slightly and he murmured with interest.

"It's a pity that it's only the primary source body. If you can use this to reach the ultimate source body, you can barely be worthy of the young master."

"Forget it, I will help you again."

"Nothing else, just your nine-life obsession with the young master."

After finishing his words, the old man turned his palm over, and a seal with a faint brilliance suddenly appeared in his palm.

This seal is completely snow-white and is engraved with many ancient lines. It seems to cover all the ways in the world. It is extremely mysterious. Just one glance can make people dizzy and their souls tremble.

"The Holy Seal of the Ultimate Source!"

"Since I got it, I can only understand one-tenth of it. I wanted to give it to the young master after he fully awakens, but because of your deep love for the young master, I will give it to you."

"If you can completely integrate it, or even understand it thoroughly, perhaps there will be no obstacles between you and the young master."

The old man looked at the seal in his hand and said reluctantly.

But within a moment, the old man gritted his teeth and sent the Holy Seal of the Origin in his hand into Ye Muqing's body.


As soon as the Holy Seal of the Ultimate Source entered her body, Ye Muqing's whole body was shaken. Endless mystery came out from the Holy Seal of the Ultimate Source, flowing like a torrent along the meridians of Ye Muqing's body. She had just transformed into the Primary Source. The body has actually strengthened a bit again.

Such a change made the old man's pupils shrink slightly, then he shook his head and said with a smile: "It's destiny!"

"I've had this Holy Seal of the Origin for countless years, but I still can't make it recognize its master in the slightest, but you, this girl, can make it recognize its master in an instant!"

"My decision is indeed correct."


When the old man was sighing, the Holy Seal of Jiyuan was like an ancient divine seal, floating in Ye Muqing's mind, suppressing her sea of ​​soul. Endless mysteries were vented from the Holy Seal of Jiyuan, which would be at the extreme Ye Muqing's soul was completely wrapped under the Source Seal.

"Cangyu has no chance for you to transcend. I have left a door of time and space for you. After you reach the peak of Tiandaojun realm, it will send you to the ancient universe. By then, it will be up to you whether you can transcend in the ancient universe. By myself."

"I hope you won't disappoint me!"

As soon as the words fell, the old man disappeared without a trace, as if he had never appeared before. Only Ye Muqing, who was undergoing mysterious changes, was left in the strange space.

I don't know how much time passed before Ye Muqing woke up.

"This...this is...?"

After a moment, Ye Muqing looked at herself blankly. She vaguely remembered that she was almost on the verge of death before, but now, she was completely transformed.

Although her cultivation is still at the peak of the Heavenly Realm, she can feel the changes in herself. Her body and even her strength have been tempered to the extreme. Her combat power far exceeds the peak of the Heavenly Realm, and even the Heavenly Divine Realm. Even the strong men in the fifth realm may not be her opponents.

"What happened?"

Ye Muqing murmured in confusion.

"This is…?"

The next moment, Ye Muqing was confused again. An extremely mysterious technique appeared inexplicably in her mind.

The Holy Scripture of the Ultimate Source, the Ultimate of Ten Thousand Sources, the Holy of Thousand Dharmas, the Supreme Source and the Holy...

Even though he has been integrated into the fifth life and is familiar with what he has learned in the fifth life, Ye Muqing still feels that he has no way to start when facing this Holy Scripture. This technique is so profound that it is simply unheard of and unseen.

Fortunately, the cultivation method in the first chapter has been engraved in her heart, otherwise, she might only be able to see the treasure in vain and find it difficult to practice.

After pondering for a long time to no avail, Ye Muqing tried to use her divine deduction method to deduce her previous changes. But just when she had such an idea, a strong warning came from deep in her soul.

As if she would suffer great terror as long as she performed the deduction, this early warning made Ye Muqing stop the deduction abruptly.

You must know that at this moment, her cultivation level has not only greatly increased, but her deduction power has also reached its peak due to the fusion of five generations. Looking at the world, it is almost impossible to compare with her in the way of heavenly deduction.

In the past, there was a Heaven Master Wu who could compete with her, but now, the Heaven Master Wu's method of deducing the secrets of heaven is in her eyes, but it is just a child's play. As long as he is a strong person below the Heavenly Dao Jun realm, unless he has a great origin, he will not be able to do it. It is difficult to escape her deduction.

But now, she just had a thought, and such a strong warning came. Obviously, she must have experienced unimaginable changes before, and maybe someone who defied the will of heaven took action to save her.

After having such a conjecture, Ye Muqing no longer pursued the root cause. After thinking about it, she did not leave this strange place immediately, but continued to stay here, while comprehending the Holy Scripture of the Ultimate Source in her mind, while carefully Feel the changes in yourself and increase your control over your own power.


Hidden in the void of gods.


In the dense mountain forest, Wang Feng killed a monster that had reached the Taoist level with one palm. He reached out to grab it and pocketed the treasures of heaven and earth guarded by the monster.

In this secret space, Wang Feng could not sense the change of time. While he was looking for traces of Qin Meixin and others, he was harvesting the treasures of heaven and earth.

This ruins is indeed a relic left by a strong person at the Heavenly Ancestor level. The grades of heavenly materials and earthly treasures in the dense forest are all up to the Taoist level. Wang Feng even harvested hundreds of heavenly materials at the Heavenly Dao level. Among the treasures from the earth, there are even dozens of them that have reached the level of Tiandao Youde.

If word of such terrifying reserves of heavenly materials and earthly treasures were spread, it would probably make the whole world go crazy.


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