If a thunderous roar came from a very far away place, Wang Feng's footsteps suddenly stopped, his eyes narrowed, and he became more alert. He restrained his breath and quietly lurked in the direction of the roar. And go.

During the time he entered the Shenxu Secret Cryptozoology, although he collected countless treasures of heaven and earth, he had never encountered an outsider. At most, they were some ferocious beasts from the Shenxu Cryptozoology. He very much hopes that this time he can meet his teammates.

At the same time, in the dense forest thousands of miles away, several figures were besieging two figures. These two figures were clearly Fairy Luofeng and Fairy Qingxian, and those who besieged them were five extremely powerful Taoist realms. By.

At this moment, Fairy Luofeng and the two of them were already stained with blood and their faces were pale. If they hadn't had some adventure during this period, and their cultivation had reached the seventh level of Hedao, I am afraid that those five Taoists would have been there long ago. He fell under the siege of the powerful!

Even so, their situation is still precarious. After all, although they are strong, they are not as powerful as Wang Feng. They have just entered the realm of Taoist masters. They can survive under the siege of five veteran Taoist masters. , persisting for so long is enough to prove their strength.

"Chichi, I didn't expect to meet two such stunning beauties here. Is God really helping me?"

"Why don't you just surrender and let me and my brothers have a good time?"

A middle-aged man with sinister eyebrows had a lustful look in his eyes, and he said sullenly to Fairy Luofeng and the other two. Although the others did not say anything, they also had lustful smiles on their faces.

They were famous thieves in the Shenxu Realm. This time they were lucky enough to step into the Shenxu Secret Treasures. Although they did not get any decent treasures, they also obtained many heavenly materials and earthly treasures. Originally, they no longer wanted to stay here. Planning to leave Shenxu Secret Cang.

After all, they still have self-awareness. They know very well that among many powerful people at the level of Tiandao Divine Realm, they have no chance of obtaining the treasure. Rather than being casually killed by the powerful people at the Tiandao Divine Realm, they might as well make a fortune and run away. .

But they didn't expect that when they were about to leave, they would meet these two stunning beauties, Fairy Luofeng and Fairy Qingxian. They were immediately fascinated by them at the first glance and couldn't care about anything else.

"court death!"

Hearing the middle-aged man's dirty words, Fairy Luofeng and Fairy Qingxian were furious. Their majestic power came out of their bodies, and they became even more crazy. Even if they died, they would let these people Dirty guys pay the price.


Facing the furious Luofeng Fairy and the two girls, the five strong men not only had no fear, but had a smile of success. They did not fight head-on with the Luofeng Fairy, but dodged frantically.

As experienced thieves, they knew very well how to anger someone, and they knew even better how to deal with someone. Fairy Luo Feng and Fairy Luo Feng were already scarred under their siege. As long as they let go, Shouldn't you just let them do whatever they want?

It's a pity that they don't know what kind of existence they have provoked?


Just when they were about to go all out to finish off Fairy Luofeng, a terrifying aura came down like the power of heaven and directly suppressed the entire battlefield. Everyone present stopped in shock and raised their hands suddenly. Looking around.

"Sect Master Wang?!"

Seeing the figure standing in the void, Fairy Luofeng and Fairy Qingxian were happy and exclaimed uncontrollably. On the contrary, the faces of the five powerful Taoists all darkened, and their eyes were full of fear and fear. dignified.

Just by relying on his momentum, they could feel Wang Feng's terror, and they felt a faint desire to retreat in their hearts.

However, Wang Feng didn't give them a chance to retreat at all. He appeared in front of one of the strong men in a flash and punched out his fist, hitting that person without exception.


The dignified middle-level Taoist master exploded like fireworks under Wang Feng's punch, and his whole body turned into a ball of blood mist, and the rich smell of blood filled the entire mountain forest.

This horrifying scene directly dumbfounded the other four strong men. They were as stunned as statues, with faces full of fear.

How could this... this guy... be so strong?

When they were stunned, Wang Feng was not stunned. He shook his body one after another, and punched every time he shook. Not long after, there was a roar, but within a moment, the other four strong men stepped into The footsteps of the previous strong man turned into a ball of blood mist floating in the void.

These five Taoist-level experts who put Luofeng Fairy and Luo Feng Fairy in danger were as easy to kill as ants in Wang Feng's hands.

It was only then that Fairy Luofeng came back to her senses from their daze. They came to Wang Feng excitedly and thanked Wang Feng: "Thank you, Sect Master Wang!"

After finally seeing an acquaintance, Wang Feng was in a good mood. He waved his hands to the two women and said with a smile: "It's just a little effort, no need to be polite."

Hearing this, Fairy Luofeng didn't say anything more. They had been rescued by Wang Feng too many times. Wang Feng's kindness to them had been countless. Anyway, they had already decided that after leaving the Divine Realm, Then he joined the Shenxian Sect, followed Wang Feng, and worked for Wang Feng.

In the past, they would have been arrogant and would not have chosen to join the force, but along the way, they had witnessed Wang Feng's terror with their own eyes, and now they were worried that Wang Feng would abandon them.

"Have you met anyone else during this time?"

After Wang Feng collected the wealth of the five powerful men, he asked Fairy Luofeng and the two of them, with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

Hearing Wang Feng's words, Fairy Luofeng shook her head and said: "These days, we have all been consciously looking for other people, but we have not found them. I think they were either teleported to other areas or were teleported to The other side of this area.”

"Other areas?"

"Yes, there are five major areas in the entire Shenxu Vault, namely the central Vault Holy Land and the four major areas of Wind Forest, Mysterious Fire, Ink, and Thunder. After entering the Shenxu Vault, you will be randomly teleported to Only by passing the test of the four major areas including Fenglin and Fenglin can we reach the most central secret holy land!"

"It is said that the secret holy land in the center stores the real treasures left behind by the Shenxu Heavenly Ancestor, as well as the inheritance of the Shenxu Heavenly Ancestor. Of course, it is also the most dangerous among the Shenxu Heavenly Ancestors."

Fairy Luofeng did not hesitate and fully informed Wang Feng of the information she had learned during this period.

"Then what are the specific tests for these four areas?"

Wang Feng's eyes brightened slightly and he asked. If Qin Meixin and others were teleported to other areas, it would be useless to worry. Anyway, with their strength, they would reach the central Secret Holy Land sooner or later. It would be better to go directly to the Secret Holy Land. wait.

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