After deciding to leave the Shenxu Realm, Wang Feng sent out all the powerful men of the Heavenly Dao and Divine Realm that he had conquered, and conquered the entire Shenxu Realm. Although he had obtained the Shenxu Secret Treasure and had massive resources, who could Will he dislike having too many cultivation resources in his hands?

This is a world that evolved from the divine kingdom of a Celestial Ancestor-level figure. It is almost the highest world among the heavens. It contains countless treasures of heaven, materials and earth, which can be called a huge treasure house.

Wherever Wang Feng goes, there must be no grass growing. After all, the entire Shenxian Sect needs him to support him. If he is not diligent and diligent, how can everyone in the Shenxian Sect be like a dragon?

What's wrong with taking something in order to train your own disciples? Quite reasonable, right?

There are many powerful people in the Tiandao Divine Realm, as well as Tianyin Goddess, a top expert in the Tiandao Hao Realm. The entire Divine Realm’s natural materials and earthly treasures are almost invisible, and they are all captured by Wang Feng’s powerful Tiandao Divine Realm. In addition, some extremely evil forces had their homes confiscated by Wang Feng's men.

It is no exaggeration to say that after this, the entire Shenxu Realm will not be able to give birth to any top figures for millions of years, let alone the Heavenly Dao Divine Realm. Even the strong ones in the Hedao Realm will probably not be born. Enough.

Without the treasures of nature, materials and earth, which one can easily break through to the realm of harmony by relying on oneself alone?

Of course, what Wang Feng harvested was basically the treasures of heaven and earth above the Hedao level. Therefore, in the future, the Hongmeng God Realm powerhouses in the Shenxu Realm may experience a spurt in growth. But if you want to step into the Hedao Realm, But it is difficult.

If it weren't for the fact that this Shenxu Realm was transformed from the divine kingdom of Shenxu Heavenly Ancestor, and the rules in it had been tainted with the spirit of Shenxu Heavenly Ancestor, and besides, Shenxu Heavenly Ancestor was not dead yet and had become his ally, Wang Feng would They all want to directly refine this divine realm and strengthen their own divine kingdom.

Due to the protection of the Shenxu Heavenly Tower, when Wang Feng and his party left the Shenxu World, they were not enveloped by the rules of the Shenxu World and forgot their memories, but still maintained their own memories.


In the vast starry sky, several figures suddenly appeared. Behind these figures was a vast continent wrapped in a circle of meteorites. The leader was none other than Wang Feng, who had just left the Divine Realm.

Beside him, King Tota stood quietly, with a solemn face, like a loyal guard. Behind him, there were Fairy Luofeng, Fairy Qingxian, Di Xuan, Ye Liuyun and Su Ziyu, a group of eight people. The exceptions are all extremely powerful people who are at the peak of Tao Zun.

Because he had been away for too long and did not know the situation in the heavens, Wang Feng did not let Qin Meixin and others follow him to be on the safe side. Instead, he asked them all to stay in the Kingdom of God, leaving Goddess Tianyin, Tai Cang Demon Dragon and Yuan The three Emperor Wu ancestors taught them. These three people were all supremely powerful men at the high level of the Heavenly Realm. They were more than capable of guiding Mengdie and others in their cultivation.

As soon as he returned to the heavens, Wang Feng felt a lightness in his body. It was far from the heavy feeling in the Shenxu Realm. Obviously, the strength of the space in these heavens was not as good as that of the Heavenly Ancestors in the Shenxu Realm. The intensity of the world in which the Kingdom of God evolves.

In addition, Wang Feng can clearly feel that the Heavenly Dao Barrier is fading away at a speed visible to the naked eye. If it could originally suppress more than 90% of the strength of the Heavenly Dao Divine Realm, then the current Heavenly Dao Barrier, It can only suppress 50%.

I am afraid that before long, this so-called Heavenly Dao barrier will be in vain, and the heavens will also show the scene of the great world, and the Heavenly Dao realm will spring up like bamboo shoots after the rain.

The Heavenly Dao Barrier has been in existence for who knows how many years. In these endless years, how many amazingly talented and beautiful people have been blocked from the Heavenly Dao Divine Realm? There is no way to know!

Even though a lot of people have died over the years, and only one tenth of the strong people exist, no one knows how many of these one tenth strong people there are. Even if there are only one tenth of those who have made a breakthrough. One-tenth of one, the number is probably astonishing.

From this point of view, the name of Dashi is worthy of its name.

But how many people know that behind this great world, there is a murderous intention hidden behind it? When the barrier of heaven completely disappears, it will probably be the end of the Dark Age. By then, who knows what kind of crazy things He, who is on the verge of death, will do?

I am afraid that all the powerful people in the heavenly realm will be harvested like lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

Therefore, despite the fact that the current strength of Wang Feng and even the Immortal Sect has greatly increased and can even be considered a powerful force in the world, the pressure in Wang Feng's heart has not diminished at all, but has become stronger and stronger.

As his strength increased, he became more aware of His terror. He was as powerful as a Heavenly Ancestor-level figure, but to him, he was like an ant, let alone himself?

Moreover, even if he does not take action, just the ten major temples of his minions can make the so-called Tianzu-level strong men tremble with fear. If they want to protect themselves and the Immortal Sect when the final disaster comes, just by relying on His current strength is far from enough.

While thinking, Wang Feng and his party did not stand still. Like a stream of light, they were galloping through the vast universe towards the Hongmeng God Realm. They had been away from the heavens for too long and had no understanding of the current situation in the heavens. , therefore, he was eager to return to the God Realm and get to know it better.

I don’t know how much time passed, but the vast divine realm appeared in front of Wang Feng and others. Wang Feng did not hesitate, and directly took the Tota King and others into the Hongmeng God Realm.

The Divine Realm of Light, Qianxuan Mountains.

In a hidden valley, a long and narrow crack in the void suddenly tore open. The figures of Wang Feng and his group stepped out of it. As soon as they landed in the valley, Wang Feng and others felt the rich Buddhist aura floating in the heaven and earth. .

You don't need to think about it to know that the place they landed must be the God of Light among the nine divine realms in the God Realm. Only the God of Light has such a rich Buddhist aura.

Among the nine divine realms in the divine world, the Light Divine Realm is the smallest, and it is also the most special divine realm among the nine divine realms, because the forces and even the creatures in this divine realm are basically Buddhist practitioners.

Therefore, the Guangming Divine Realm is also called the Guangming Buddha Realm.

Any place where the Buddha's light shines is a Buddha land.

In this area, there are no sects or families, only endless Buddhist kingdoms, and these Buddhist kingdoms are basically created by Buddhist powers to collect incense for worship.


After understanding the area he was in, Wang Feng did not hesitate and directly used his source power to activate his perception to spread in all directions. Invisible ripples spread to far away places in an instant.

Most of the creatures he met along the way were sensed by Wang Feng and had their memories silently absorbed.

With Wang Feng's current ability, strong men below the level of Heavenly Dao God really can't stop his methods.

It didn't take long for Wang Feng to understand the current situation in the heavens from the memories of these creatures. However, this situation made him frown.

As the barrier of heaven gradually weakened, some great hidden forces emerged one after another, causing great conflicts with the original structure of the divine world. As a result, the current nine realms of the divine realm are no longer fighting all the time. Although these battles are deliberately controlled, they can The number of creatures that died tragically among them was far greater than before.

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