All in all, the current God Realm is just one word.


Very messy!

All kinds of monsters, ghosts and snakes have appeared. Although the Heavenly Dao realm still rarely appears, there is also a tendency to appear. In addition, some powerful casual cultivators who have escaped from the world, such as Ming Zun and Tao Zun level strongmen, have basically appeared. .

In various battles such as orthodoxy battles, territory battles, resource battles, etc., many top powerhouses and even big forces can sense the disappearance of the barrier of heaven. They also know that the great age is coming, and they are more aware of the horror of the dark age. Therefore, They are all fighting, and they all want to fight when the great times come, so that they and the forces behind them can safely survive the dark age.

The Dark Age is a purge, the last madness before His fall, and it is also an operating law that automatically corrects the laws of the universe. No one can escape it, not even Him, who must obey it obediently.

This is also the reason why there are many powerful people in the Heavenly Dao Divine Realm in the entire universe, but there are very few powerful people in the Heavenly Ancestor Level.

Destiny is certain!

There is only so much power and so many laws in the entire universe, but there are countless living beings. How is it possible for all of them to reach the top? Once the carrying capacity of the universe itself is exceeded, in order not to destroy the universe, it can only start cleaning, which is the advent of the dark age.

The advent of the Dark Age means that the number of powerful people in the entire world has reached saturation. On the surface, it seems that there are no extremely powerful people, but secretly, I don’t know how many unfathomable guys are hidden.

These people are all old yinbi, and they may be planning something. They will never jump out until the end.

This kind of person is truly terrifying.

On the contrary, those who cannot bear it at first need not be afraid.

After understanding the current situation in the heavens, Wang Feng began to think about it secretly.

Nowadays, the Shenxian Sect has no other base in the God Realm except the Arena of Gods and Demons. He is considering the next path for the Shenxian Sect, whether to continue to stay in the Kingdom of God or to place its base in the God Realm. .

Both have their own benefits. Staying in the Kingdom of God is extremely safe. There are many holy places for cultivation in the Immortal Sect, and many disciples can practice with peace of mind. However, in the God Realm, although the danger increases, many disciples can go out. Experience and meet all kinds of strong people.

No matter how they spar, no matter how they train in the Holy Land of Cultivation, it can't compare to a fight with real swords and real guns. If it weren't for the Gods and Demons Arena, Wang Feng would have put the Immortal Sect's headquarters in the God Realm long ago.

Based on the current strength of the Heavenly Dao Barrier, Wang Feng has estimated that the strongest Heavenly Dao Divine Realm that can appear will not exceed the peak of the Heavenly Dao Flame Realm. Such a strong person is very scary to ordinary forces, but to him from the Immortal Sect. Say, but it’s nothing.

"Perhaps it's time to let them go out and fight."

Wang Feng narrowed his eyes slightly and murmured secretly.

He has always protected many disciples of the Shenxian Sect very well. As a result, although their cultivation levels have improved rapidly, they have not experienced much fighting with real swords and spears.

On the road to cultivation, if you want to reach the top, you are destined to wander between life and death. Maybe you can't see it now, but in the future, facing the barrier of a higher realm, these disciples of the Immortal Sect who have not experienced the hardships of life and death really can't help it. I can definitely handle it.

The idea of ​​everyone in the Shenxian Sect being like a dragon should not be fulfilled by him alone. It is also time for the disciples to fight their own way.

In the past, he didn't let go because the many disciples of the Immortal Sect were too weak and had no place in this divine world. But now, with their dedicated cultivation and Wang Feng's training at all costs, the many disciples of the Immortal Sect are basically All ascended to the realm of higher gods.

This level of cultivation, looking at the entire God Realm, can be regarded as a medium level, and it has enough power to protect oneself and walk in the God Realm.

"Find an opportunity to find a paradise and let them go out to experience it."

Wang Feng thought secretly.

"The system spends one million trillion sect values ​​to draw cultivation bases, and the drawn cultivation bases will be blessed on many disciples of the Immortal Sect."

The battle in Shenxu Secret Treasure allowed Wang Feng to earn a huge amount of sect points. Now the sect points in his hands have exceeded tens of billions. He spends one-tenth to improve the cultivation level of his disciples. From Wang Feng's perspective, it was nothing.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, one million trillion sect values ​​have been extracted for cultivation, and the blessing is in progress...!"

As this cold voice fell, the cultivation levels of the disciples of the Immortal Sect in Wang Feng's Kingdom and even in the Arena of Gods and Demons surged instantly, and waves of tyrannical aura burst out from them.

The worst ones have also improved to one major realm, and some of the most talented ones have even improved to two major realms.

Of course, this is because most of them have low cultivation. If they were replaced by many elders of the Immortal Sect, it would be difficult for them to advance to a large realm.

After thinking for a while, Wang Feng continued: "The system spent five million trillion sect values ​​to extract cultivation levels, and the extracted cultivation levels were directly blessed on many elders of the Immortal Sect!"

When he went to the Divine Realm, the cultivation levels of many elders of the Immortal Sect had basically been promoted to the peak level of the Emperor God. During this period, many of them had entered the realm of Hedao on their own, but there were still a lot of them. Some have never entered the path of harmony.

"Ding, the cultivation level has been extracted and is being blessed...!"

Following the disciples of the Immortal Sect, the cultivation levels of many elders of the Immortal Sect have also begun to skyrocket. The cultivation level obtained by extracting a total of five million trillion sect values ​​is so powerful that even Wang Feng cannot imagine it, and , the ones drawn are still extremely powerful men like King Tota, who are at the peak of Taoism.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the cultivation blessing is completed."

"All the disciples of the Shenxian Sect have broken through to Yangshen and above; the elders of the Shenxian Sect have all broken through to the first step of Hedao and kill me above the Supreme Peak!"

Hearing the cold voice of the system, Wang Feng nodded with satisfaction. This time, his Immortal Sect can be regarded as a truly powerful force in the heavens. Even if it does not rely on those strong men in the heavenly realm who have conquered it, in the current situation In the situation in the world, the overall strength of his Immortal Sect, not to mention sweeping all directions, is not something that anyone can offend.


Just when Wang Feng was about to take Fairy Luofeng and others away, a deafening roar suddenly came from the distance. Along with the roar, there were strong impacts.

These changes immediately attracted the attention of Wang Feng and others. They looked around one by one, looking through many obstacles to see the center of the commotion.

About ten thousand miles away from Wang Feng and others, a Taoist-level battle was fiercely unfolding. The bright Buddha's light enveloped the entire world, and the powerful impact destroyed the surrounding mountains and forests.

The two sides fighting were three middle-aged monks wearing cassocks, and two beautiful nuns.

With just one glance, Wang Feng and others could tell that the two beautiful nuns were already at a disadvantage.

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