Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1837 The Soul Remaining Pavilion

Latest website: If you don’t die, who will fulfill me?

Jian Shiqi held his head high and looked at the people present with awe and dignity. His fearless attitude moved everyone present. Even though he had survived for countless years, everyone was excited by Jian Shiqi's words.

Those who can appear in this hall are undoubtedly those who are loyal to Jian Xuan Sheng Sect.

Those words that anyone who offends our Sword Xuan Sheng Sect must pay the price simply spoke to their hearts.

"Seventeen, do you have a plan in mind?"

Although there were ripples in Jian Zhen's ancestor's heart, he seemed to be more rational. He stared at Jian Shiqi with burning eyes and asked in a solemn voice.

Facing a mysterious and unpredictable force, no one dares to look down upon it. No matter how confident they are in the strength of the Jian Xuan Sheng Sect, they must be cautious.

The Taoist forces that have been able to survive for a long time are basically Taoist people. Compared with the kind of people who rush to fight when their brains are hot, they are more cautious and cautious. Once they take action, they will go all out.

Just like the previous Jian Shiqi, who only killed a young master and the Heavenly Dao Yang Realm, they directly dispatched eleven strong men from the Third Heavenly Dao Realm. As long as they were not facing Wang Feng, the enemy would have been killed long ago. They were crushed to pieces.

Hearing this, Jian Shiqi raised his eyebrows, pondered for a moment, and then said loudly: "First, we must clarify our purpose."

"The opponent is powerful and mysterious. It is basically impossible to destroy him. Therefore, our purpose is to make the opponent suffer a big loss and avenge the dead elder. That is enough!"

"The origin of the other party is mysterious, and it is difficult to find their location. In this case, we will start to take revenge from the people around him. To be precise, we will use the people around him as bait to fish him out."

As soon as he said this, everyone present's eyes lit up, and Jianzhen Ancestor even said bluntly: "Tell me in detail."

Jian Shiqi nodded lightly and continued: "Before this, I have ordered people to investigate the identity of that young man."

"This person's name is Wang Feng. It is said that he ascended from the Imperial Realm. He was active in the Luotian Divine Domain not long ago. He solved a lot of troubles and won the respect of the entire Luotian Divine Domain. He also created a place called the Arena of Gods and Demons. Tianjiao Arena."

"There is a force behind it called the Shenxian Sect. According to my guess, he should have been trained by the Shenxian Sect. Perhaps it is also the Shenxian Sect's preparation for the upcoming great world. It is said that this person has extremely high talent and terrifying combat power. Very."

Having said this, Jian Shiqi paused, glanced at the crowd, and found that they all pricked up their ears to listen. He nodded with satisfaction, and continued: "My plan is to use all my Jian Xuan Sheng Sect. So, besiege the Arena of Gods and Demons, force Wang Feng to show up, and strangle him on the spot, in order to promote the power of our Sword Xuansheng Sect."

"To deal with a younger generation, it would be too exaggerated to spend all my Sword Xuan Sheng Sect on it?"

Ancestor Jianzhen frowned slightly and asked aloud.

"No exaggeration at all!"

"This person is the seed of the Shenxian Sect, and he is followed by nine guardians of the heavenly realm. His importance to the Shenxian Sect is self-evident. What we really want to deal with is not this son, but The nine guardians beside him."

"Kill this son, kill those nine guardians, and completely beat up the Shenxian Sect. Only then can we show the power of our Sword Xuan Sheng Sect and save the face that our Sword Xuan Sheng Sect has lost!"

Jian Qi Qi narrowed his eyes and said in a condensed voice.

"My plan is not only to have our Sword Xuan Sheng Sect come out in force, but also to have our Sword Xuan Sheng Sect's allies take action together!"

"Only in this way can we achieve a complete victory!"

"When a lion fights a rabbit, he must use all his strength! This is an excellent opportunity to show off the strength of our Sword Xuansheng Sect. The great age is approaching. Since our Sword Xuansheng Sect was born first, if we don't show off our muscles, how can we compete with those powerful people in the future?" Alliance with Taoist court?"

When Jian Shiqi finished speaking, the ancestor of Jian Zhen and many senior officials of Jian Xuan Sheng Sect who were present fell silent. Such a movement was too big for them, Jian Xuan Sheng Sect, and they could not help but be cautious.

"Everyone, our Jianxuan Saint Sect has been standing in the heavens for countless years. How have we ever been deceived into this? If we don't take revenge and go back, how will the people in the world think of our Jianxuan Saint Sect?"

"Is it possible that you have all been bullied like this and are still hesitating?"

Jian Shiqi glanced at the crowd and shouted loudly, the sound was like thunder and the roar was deafening.

"I will report this matter to several ancestors. After the ancestors decide, I will inform you."

Ancestor Jian Zhen stood up, glanced at Jian Shiqi and everyone, and said in a deep voice.

As soon as he finished speaking, he flashed and disappeared without a trace, leaving only Jian Shiqi with a sinister smile on his face and many senior members of the Jian Xuan Sheng Sect looking at each other.


The other side of the divine realm, the city of lingering souls!

This Soul Remaining City is located on the edge of the God-Eating Demon Cave, one of the four forbidden areas in the God Realm. It is also the only city that must be passed to enter the God-Eating Demon Cave.

The reason why it is named Soul-Living City is because there is a special building called Soul-Living Pavilion in the city. Many cultivators who want to step into the God-Eating Devil's Cave usually come to the Soul-Living Pavilion and leave a ray of soul in it. In case he died miserably in the God-Eating Devil's Cave, he wouldn't even have the slightest chance of reincarnation!

After countless years of development, the Soul Retention Pavilion has become a behemoth. It not only provides practitioners who are trying to enter the God-Eating Devil's Cave with the opportunity to retain their souls, but also provides them with treasures to reshape their bodies and enhance their souls.

It can be said that the Soul Remaining Pavilion is the escape route for all explorers who want to enter the God-Eating Devil's Cave to hunt for treasure.

Of course, the God-Eating Devil's Cave is weird and terrifying. Some of the great horrors can not only wipe out the lives of those who venture into it, but can also directly track the remaining souls left in the Soul Remaining Pavilion and destroy their remaining souls.

In this case, there is nothing the Liuhun Pavilion can do, and no one comes to Liuhun Pavilion to cause trouble because of this kind of thing.

After all, those who can directly track and kill souls in the Liuhun Pavilion usually involve mysterious and unpredictable avenues such as cause and effect, souls, and fate. Faced with such a level of terror, one can only admit that he is unlucky.

"Quick! I heard that the young master of the Liuhun Pavilion is recruiting people to explore the red mist area of ​​the God-Eating Devil's Cave."

"Is this happening? Let's go quickly, you can't miss this good opportunity."

"Let's go together."

Wang Feng, who had just stepped into the Soul Remaining City, saw such a scene in front of him. Passers-by not far away had excited faces, chatting in low voices while walking forward.

After leaving Xuanling City, Wang Feng went straight to the God-Eating Demon Cave, intending to enter it and retrieve the treasures left in his ninth life. In order to prevent the danger in the God-Eating Demon Cave, Wang Feng sent Fairy Luofeng and others Everyone went into the Kingdom of God, with only Mengdie, Qin Meixin and Li Bai following them.

"Go and have a look."

Looking at the direction in which those people were leaving, Wang Feng's eyes flickered and he murmured softly.

After saying this, he took Li Bai and others, followed behind those people, and headed forward. Mobile phone users please browse and read, it is more convenient to read on your handheld device.

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