Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1838 The strong man of Ten Thousand Souls Palace

Latest website: Wang Feng already knew the information in the Soul-Liuing City when he came here. Naturally, he also knew about the Soul-Liuing Pavilion, and even knew much more than the average person.

Behind it is the Ten Thousand Souls Palace, a Taoist power that has been evaded for a long time. After the end of the Dark War, the Ten Thousand Souls Palace sent strong men to build the Soul Retention Pavilion in the Soul Retention City to collect the treasures in the God-Eating Devil's Cave. .

This God-Eating Devil's Cave evolved from the battlefield of the Dark War. After countless years of transformation, the treasures of heaven and earth contained in it are basically soul treasures. Said, it is simply a treasure land.

Yes, according to Wang Feng's understanding, the Ten Thousand Souls Palace is a powerful Taoist court that is proficient in the way of souls. Its strength and foundation are far beyond what the five Taoist courts in the world can match.

The Liuhun Pavilion that is now in the Liuhun City is just some of the opponent's outer sect members. They cannot even be called the elites of the Ten Thousand Souls Palace. But even so, the Liuhun Pavilion has been allowed to stand in this other side of the divine realm for countless years, and no one dares to mess with it. , one can imagine the terrifying strength of the Ten Thousand Souls Palace.

Although Wang Feng was very confident in himself, the God-Eating Devil's Cave had evolved over countless years and had become extremely dangerous. Since he had cannon fodder, he naturally didn't mind following him to try the water.

A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist. It is better to have someone explore the path than to explore it yourself.

What he got was only the information about the wealth left in the God-Eating Demon Cave in the ninth life. It was not the complete information about the entire God-Eating Demon Cave. He should be careful.

Who knows what kind of dangers and monsters have evolved in the God-Eating Devil's Cave over the years?

On the surface, this is just a vicious place that evolved after a group of powerful people below the Heavenly Dao Realm fought. However, Wang Feng knew that before the evolution of the God-Eating Devil's Cave, this place itself was a desperate place in the God Realm. However, due to the age, After a long time, not many people knew what that desperate place was.

If the God-Eating Devil's Cave is just a vicious place that evolved after a group of strong men below the realm of Heavenly Dao and below, how could it become one of the four great Jedi in the God Realm? How can it make so many people afraid? It has long been conquered by those strong casual cultivators of the Heavenly Dao Realm.

When Wang Feng and others followed them to the Soul-Liuing Pavilion, deep in the Soul-Liuing City, a nine-story dark attic stood here, like a giant black beast lying down, with an extremely terrifying momentum.

This attic seems to have only nine floors, but it is extremely huge, occupying almost the entire depths of the Soul Remaining City. The surface of the walls is engraved with dense and mysterious lines. Just one glance makes one's soul almost sink.

Anyone with a bit of vision knows that this attic is not just a building, but also an incredible treasure.

At this moment, in front of the Liuhun Pavilion, there were dense crowds of people. These people were basically cultivators from the Liuhun City who had heard that the Liuhun Pavilion was recruiting strong men to break into the red mist area.

The entire God-Eating Devil's Cave is divided into five major areas: blue fog area, orange fog area, red fog area, purple fog area, and black fog area. The five areas progress layer by layer, and the degree of danger increases from weak to strong. The preciousness of natural materials and earthly treasures The degree is also from low to high.

So far, most of the explorers are basically wandering in the Blue Mist Zone. Those who dare to step into the Orange Mist Zone are at least Hedao-level experts. Even if they are Hedao-level experts, they cannot enter the Orange Mist Zone. All suffered heavy casualties.

Throughout the ages, there are countless Hedao experts who have died in the Orange Mist Zone.

As for the Red Mist District, so far, there are only two records of entering it. One was organized by rogue cultivators, and the entire army was wiped out; the other was organized by Liuhun Pavilion. Although the entire army was not wiped out, only two people came back alive. .

But this shocked the entire cultivators in Liuhun City. More importantly, the two people who were still alive brought back a large amount of treasures, which made many people jealous.

Now Liuhun Pavilion has once again organized strong people to explore the Red Mist Area, and there are still successful cases. Naturally, the strong people in the entire Liuhun City are crazy about it. After all, those who dare to come here are basically brave people. Even if he knows that there is great danger, he is still willing to give it a try.

Looking around, the entire square in front of Liuhun Pavilion is basically filled with Hedao realm powerhouses. Even if they don't deliberately exude momentum, the power of so many Hedao realm powerhouses gathered together still changes the whole world. , the atmosphere in the entire square became extremely heavy and depressing.

Everyone's eyes flashed and they talked in low voices. Their words were full of excitement and excitement, but there was no fear.

"Finally, it's time for Liuhun Pavilion to organize an exploration of the Red Mist Area."

"Yes! This time there is a strong man from Liuhun Pavilion leading the way. If we can follow, we can still drink soup even if we can't eat meat."

"Although the danger is not small, the rewards are equally huge and it is worth the risk."

While everyone was discussing, the door to Liuhun Pavilion suddenly opened, causing everyone present to be silent for a moment and look up.

Wang Feng and others were hidden among the crowd and also looked towards the gate of Liuhun Pavilion.

Under the gaze of everyone, a beautiful figure stepped out from the Soul Retention Pavilion with several figures.

That beautiful figure, wearing a long black dress, with long black hair flowing down, blowing in the wind, her exposed skin, like jade cream, and her exquisite and graceful figure, made countless people present secretly sigh. Swallowed.

This woman is none other than Wei Qingyu, the young master of Liuhun Pavilion.

The two old men in black robes following her were the two deputy pavilion masters of the Liuhun Pavilion, and the five middle-aged men in black robes following her were the five elders of the Liuhun Pavilion.

With just one glance, Wang Feng saw through the cultivation of Wei Qingyu and others. He pinched his chin, vaguely feeling that Wei Qingyu might be more than just the young master of the Liuhun Pavilion.

If the other party is just the Young Pavilion Master of Liuhun Pavilion, how can he have the cultivation level of Tiandaoyang Realm? Although she hid it well, how could she escape Wang Feng's eyes?

Not only her, but the two so-called deputy pavilion masters next to her have reached the peak of the third realm of Heavenly Dao, Flame Realm. The five elders are also at the cultivation level of Heavenly Dao Flame Realm.

But even this kind of person is still very respectful to Wei Qingyu and takes the initiative to stand behind her. It is conceivable that this woman's identity is probably the most outstanding talent in the Hall of Ten Thousand Souls.

And this group of people are not the so-called people from the Liuhun Pavilion at all, but the strong men from the Ten Thousand Souls Palace.

"Interesting, the Ten Thousand Souls Palace can't help but appear in this world, right?"

Wang Feng narrowed his eyes slightly and secretly said with interest.

However, what puzzled him was that the Ten Thousand Souls Palace was born as soon as it was born, so why waste so much effort to explore the Soul-Eating Devil's Cave? Is it possible that their real purpose is not to be reborn, but to obtain the treasures in the God-Eating Devil's Cave?

What kind of treasure could interest a powerful Taoist court like the Ten Thousand Souls Palace?

At this moment, Wang Feng thought a lot and was looking forward to the next trip to the God-Eating Devil's Cave. He wanted to see what the real purpose of the Ten Thousand Souls Palace was? Is it as he suspected? Mobile phone users please browse and read, it is more convenient to read on your handheld device.

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