In the field, only Li Bai could barely resist the terrifying power that Monk Du'e erupted. However, although Li Bai was strong, his cultivation was still not at the peak of Tianxin, and he was two big realms away from Monk Du'e.


Monk Du'e's empty eyes glanced at Wang Feng and the others indifferently, his face was neither happy nor sad, as if he had just killed a few unimportant ants, not to mention the so-called kindness of Buddhists. The palm of the blood pattern, gently press down!

The terrifying power condensed into a huge blood-colored palm print in an instant, traversing the entire stone room, like the hand of the sky, fiercely photographed at Wang Feng and others, and in one fell swoop, Wang Feng and others were smashed into pieces!


At this critical moment, a burly figure suddenly appeared in front of Wang Feng and the others. He raised his eyes and glanced at the bloody palm, and it was a punch.

The majestic power gathered into a fist, and the fierce bombardment came out!


A palm and a fist collided violently, and a deafening explosion sounded. The powerful impact made the entire stone chamber tremble constantly, and even small cracks appeared on the incomparably solid ground.

The burly figure that appeared was the second guardian of the Immortal Sect, Shi Gandang!

When it appeared, the huge power that shrouded Wang Feng and others also disappeared, which made Wang Feng and others relieved, stood up quickly, and stared at Monk Du'e!

"The old man didn't notice the donor!"

A slightly surprised voice came from the mouth of Monk Du'er, and the empty eyes stared at Shi Gandang, as if to see through Shi Gandang.

"Don't die, live to harm the world!"

Shi Gandang glanced at Monk Du'er, with a sneer on his face, he said softly.

When the voice fell, Shi Gandang reached out and grabbed it, and the Stone Divine Sword appeared in his hand in an instant, strands of lightning condensed in his hand, poured into the Stone Divine Sword, and slashed towards Monk Du'e in the air.

The terrifying sword light, carrying the power of endless thunder, was like the sword of the god of thunder, and it slashed down like a broken bamboo.


Facing this ferocious sword, Monk Du'er stomped his feet, and the entire stone platform trembled. On, outrageously blasted!

The dazzling blood-colored Buddha light condensed into two blood-colored dragon-like palm prints. It was incomparably powerful, and only the aftermath caused the entire stone room to tremble violently. With Monk Du'e as the center, small cracks spread in all directions. !


The palms and swords intersected, and bursts of blasting sound echoed in the stone chamber for a long time, as if to pierce the entire tomb.

If it weren't for the tomb of the city lord of Tiandu being hard enough, with the strength of Shi Gandang and monk Du'er, it would have been possible to penetrate this tomb, or even the entire Immortal Profound Realm.

"Bang! Bang!"

The powerful force of the impact pushed the monk Du'e back continuously. His soles stomped heavily on the stone platform, and every step he fell made the entire stone platform shake.

Shi Gandang was also forced to retreat by this force, but compared to Monk Du'er, he only took a few steps back and stabilized his body.

Although Du’e is strong, he is dead after all, and Shi Gandang, even though he only has the cultivation of the peak of Tianwu, his combat power is enough to match the power of the peak of God, and he can even kill the ordinary peak of God!

"The donor is really amazing, and the aptitude is enough to rank in the top three among the geniuses that Lao Na has seen!"

The monk Du'er, who stabilized his figure, stared at Shi Gandang with his empty eyes, and said in surprise, Shi Gandang's combat power made him amazed by this obsession.

"Oh? Only the top three?"

Hearing the words of Monk Du'e, Shi Gandang smiled slightly and asked with great interest that Shi Gandang was quite confident about his own combat power.

But only the top three?

Even Wang Feng and the others behind Shi Gandang were amazed. In the field, besides Shi Gandang himself, Wang Feng knew Shi Gandang's strength best. Among the same level, in the current Shenxianzong, Shi Gandang's aptitude , is the top!

Apart from his invincible cheater, not even Li Bai can compare to Shi Gandang, and perhaps only the two brothers Gu Gengchou can compare with Shi Gandang.

"Lao Na's scoundrel is the strongest among the geniuses that Lao Na has ever seen, and the other one is his daughter!" Monk Du'er said slowly, even though he was disappointed with his apprentice, he had no choice but to do so. Said, in terms of aptitude, no one in the entire ancient Buddhist sect or even the entire Yuanhua Heavenly Realm can compare to the Heavenly Capital City Lord and his daughter!

In the whole world, there are countless monks of Buddhism and Dao, and there have been people who practice both Buddhism and magic, but they can't control the two diametrically opposite Dao and will shocks. Only the Lord of Tiandu is the first in the entire Yuanhua Heavenly Realm. A character who has succeeded in both the Buddha and the Devil.

If he hadn't committed suicide, even Du'er would not dare to imagine the heights he could achieve now. Even if he didn't have a double break between Buddhas and Demons, in terms of Buddhist and Taoist qualifications, the City Lord of Tiandu was the highest in the entire ancient Buddhist sect!

If that didn't happen, under his leadership, the entire Ancient Buddhism would have already become the overlord of Yuanhua Heavenly Realm!

It's a pity...the day didn't work out!

As for his daughter, who is half-Buddha and half-demon, she is destined to be a person who is both a Buddhist and a devil, and her aptitude is much more terrifying than that of the villain.

Hearing Monk Du'e's words, Shi Gandang smiled noncommittally, swung the long sword in his hand, and slashed out a sword light full of thunder, slashing out with extreme speed!

This thunder sword light, at the moment it was cut out, was divided into two, two divided into four... At the end, it formed countless dense thunder sword qi, like thunder and lightning, it fell in an instant, carrying the destruction of the sky. Earth-like power!


Monk Du'er didn't expect that Shi Gandang would take action, but he didn't panic, he roared suddenly, stomped his feet heavily, his power flowed wildly, and a huge Buddha image flashing with blood-colored Buddha light appeared behind him in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the huge Buddha figure stretched out his hands, held Monk Du'er in the palm of his hand, and guarded Monk Du'er!


The thundering sword rain fell fiercely on the fist of the huge Buddha shadow, the sound of explosions echoed, and the fierce thunder sword light, layer upon layer, bombarded continuously.

At this moment, the monk Du'e, who was guarded by a huge Buddha shadow, suddenly disappeared from the guard, suddenly appeared behind Shi Gandang, and punched directly!


It seemed that a shadow of a bell appeared on the fist of the monk Du'e, and the fist was wrapped in terrifying power, like a mountain of hundreds of millions of feet, smashing down fiercely.

Shi Gandang's eyes narrowed, and he stretched out his hand to grab it. The Stone God's Hammer instantly appeared in his hand, and he slammed it out with a hammer, colliding with the punch of Monk Du'e!

The blood-colored Buddha light and the power ripples collided together, like a wave of blood, shaking the entire stone room.

Although Shi Gandang's attack was a hasty counterattack, how powerful is the Stone God's Hammer, and its weight is far beyond what ordinary people can imagine. Coupled with Shi Gandang's strength, the power of this attack is incomparable. fear!

Immediately, the whole body of Monk Du'er was thrown out and smashed against the wall in the distance. The whole body was directly embedded in the wall. The hand that collided with the Stone God's Hammer hung down weakly, and the bones were all shattered.

Strangely, there was no blood flowing from his palm.

Once he succeeded, Shi Gandang also saw his advantage, put away the Stone Divine Sword, held the Stone Divine Hammer, swayed his body, and appeared directly in front of the monk Du'e. Ferocious smash!

With that terrifying power, the blood-striped skin on Du'er's face was trembling. With this body's fighting instinct, he managed to escape Shi Gandang's hammer!


The stone god hammer bombarded the wall, and the powerful force made the entire wall tremble, and a huge pit exploded directly from the wall!

Taking advantage of the moment the Stone Divine Hammer smashed into the wall, Monk Du'e quickly propped up his body, swayed away from Shi Gandang, and waved his hands, and bloody palm prints appeared abruptly.

"Boom! Boom!"

One after another palm prints were photographed by the monk Du'e, with an amazing momentum, walking through the void, and appearing behind Shi Gandang in the blink of an eye.

Shi Gandang stretched out his left hand, and the majestic power condensed into a shield to block the palm prints that came from the bombardment. The whole person directly held the shield and wore palm prints, constantly approaching Monk Du'er!

When he was about five meters away from Monk Du'er, the stone god hammer in his hand was thrown straight out, carrying a powerful force, and smashed it towards Monk Du'er!

At the same time, the Stone Divine Sword reappeared in Shi Gandang's hand, and the power in his body kept pouring into the Stone Divine Sword in his hand. At the moment when Monk Du'e swayed and avoided the Stone Divine Hammer, Shi Gandang shot out the Stone Divine Sword in his hand!


At this moment, Monk Du'e was just when the old power had disappeared and the new power had not yet been born. Hardly nailed to the wall.

The sharp sword light raged in the body of Monk Du'e, directly smashing the bones of half of his body, making bursts of "crack clap clap" sound of bone shattering.

"This obsession will never be completed!"

Monk Du'e's face was flat, he sighed lightly, and murmured, he was dead, and he couldn't feel the pain of broken bones at all. The reason why he could be like a living person is only because of that obsession!

Now, half of his body has been destroyed by the Stone Divine Sword, and the sharp sword light that penetrated into his body is constantly tearing apart the remaining obsession in his body.

In just a moment, more than half of the obsession in his body had been destroyed, and when the obsession was destroyed, he was gone, and completely disappeared.

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