Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 424 1 transaction, the real capital of heaven

"Old man, ashamed of my Buddha!"

Following Monk Du'e's sigh, his body solidified like a stone sculpture, and then cracked open inch by inch, turning into a stone and falling to the ground.

Wang Feng glanced at the stone that fell on the ground, his face was flat, this grievance that has been entangled for countless years seems to end, but in fact it is just the beginning.

Once the ancient Buddhist sect of Yuanhua Heavenly Realm knew that the City Lord of Heavenly Capital still left a heir, he would do everything possible to kill him.


At this moment, the entire stone room trembled violently, causing Wang Feng and the others to look solemn again, staring at the huge magic Buddha stone sculpture that caused the entire stone room to tremble!

After killing the monk Du'e, Shi Gandang had already disappeared, leaving only Wang Feng and others, but never thought that such a change would happen. Could it be that Shi Gandang just left and wanted to summon him immediately?

There was a bit of bitterness on Wang Feng's face. Who would have thought that the tomb of the city lord in Tiandu would be so dangerous, one after another, giving no peace at all.

I saw that the huge Buddha and magic stone sculpture suspended in the air kept shaking, and strands of black and red light shone out from the lines on the stone sculpture, making the entire stone room shrouded in a dark red.

Under the astonished gazes of Wang Feng and the others, the head of the huge Buddha and Demon stone carving was split open, and a stone platform of about three meters slowly rose from the split head.

Wang Feng and others vaguely saw that on the stone platform, there was a crystal clear ice jade bed, on which lay a pink and tender little girl, but the distance was too far, and it was blocked by the black and red light. Wang Feng and others did not see the little girl's face clearly.

"Could it be that she is the daughter of the city lord of Tiandu?"

Wang Feng's eyes flashed slightly, and he whispered softly.


A wonderful sound reverberated in the entire stone room, causing Wang Feng and others to tremble. The entire Buddha and Demon Stone Sculpture, under this wonderful sound, suddenly shone brightly.

The black and red lines on the stone carvings seemed to be drawn, and they frantically condensed towards the chest of the stone carvings. The stone carvings that were originally engraved with dense black and red lines appeared to be clean at this moment.

Those black and red patterns gathered on the chest of the stone carving, forming a small pattern like gossip, and a deep light bloomed from the pattern.

What puzzled Wang Feng and others was that this change seemed to be very moving, but they did not sense any danger.

"he died!"

Suddenly, a vicissitudes of life echoed in the entire stone room, causing Wang Feng and others to flee, and the Great Demon of Xuansha even roared directly: "Who?"

With the cultivation base of Wang Feng and others, they didn't even realize where the voice came from. If someone in the dark wanted to sneak up on them, I'm afraid none of them would be able to escape.

When Wang Feng and others looked alert, an illusory light and shadow flickered out from the pattern on the chest of the Buddha and Demon stone carving, appearing in front of the stone carving.

"Are you... the Lord of the City of Heaven?"

Wang Feng's face was startled, as if thinking of something, he asked tentatively.

"Tiandu City Lord? I'm not worthy!"

The light and shadow shook his head, and a complex color flashed in his illusory eyes, whispering softly.

As soon as these words came out, Wang Feng and others were shocked, what happened? From the words of this phantom, it is not difficult to guess that he is the ancient Buddhist sect master, that is, the city lord of Tiandu, but he actually said that he is not worthy to be the city lord of Tiandu?

Could it be that Tiandu City Lord is someone else?

"Don't worry, I have been dead for many years, this is just a means I left behind during my lifetime, in order to protect my children!"

The phantom glanced at Wang Feng and others, and continued to speak.

It seemed that even if they didn't take action, Monk Du'er wouldn't be able to touch the daughter of the city lord of Tiandu. Monk Du'er probably wouldn't have thought that his apprentice still had a hand.

Sure enough, the more powerful the existence, the more profound the city, and the more it cannot be underestimated.

Wang Feng was stunned in his heart, and his expression was still alert, and he did not relax his vigilance because of the phantom's words.

"You can destroy his obsession,

And destroying the corpses of those ancient Buddhists without any scruples shows that you are not from the ancient Buddhism, and I want to make a deal with you! "

When Xu Ying's voice fell, Wang Feng's face showed a hint of surprise, took a deep look at Xu Ying, and asked, "What deal?"

"Protect my daughter for a lifetime, I will give you the real heaven!"

The phantom's eyes fell on Wang Feng, and he said solemnly.

"What's the meaning?"

Wang Feng frowned slightly and asked.

"Tiandu is a treasure, a treasure beyond everyone's imagination! The world thinks that Tiandu is just an ordinary city, so they regard me as the city lord of Tiandu, but in fact, what virtue and what I can do, I can be the city lord of Tiandu. If I have the ability, she will not die!"

The ghost shook his head and laughed at himself.

Without waiting for Wang Feng to ask, he continued to say: "In an ancient ruin in Yuanhua Tianjie, I got Tiandu by chance, and it is precisely because of Tiandu that I jumped from a little monk with ordinary aptitude to Yuanhua. The top arrogance in the Huatian world!"

"But who could have imagined that I didn't even enter the gate of Tiandu, just because I have been comprehending the city of Tiandu all the year round, I have raised my aptitude to the strongest level in the Yuanhua Tianjie!"


When the voice of the virtual shadow fell, Wang Feng and others shrank their pupils and couldn't help exclaiming, their faces were full of moving expressions.

Just by comprehending all the year round, can the qualifications be improved to the strongest level in the Yuanhua Heavenly Realm?

Rao is Wang Feng, who has the system, and he is shocked!

The Yuanhua Heavenly Realm is above the Ten Fangyuan Realm. The territory is vast and the people are outstanding. The number of peerless talents born in it is inexhaustible. Those who can stand as the strongest talents in the Yuanhua Heavenly Realm are sure to enter the holy realm of Qiankun. , Even in the Holy Realm, you can also be vertical and horizontal!

"It's incredible, isn't it? At the beginning, I was pleasantly surprised, thinking that I had encountered a great opportunity, but I have never been able to step into the portal of the heavenly capital in my entire life. Otherwise, I am afraid that I would have given them a happy life together. It's gone!"

Xu Ying smiled bitterly and whispered softly, with a touch of sadness in his words.

"Do you know the origin of this day?"

Wang Feng's eyes flickered, and he asked aloud, Rao is him. After learning the mysterious power of this day, he was moved. Such a treasure may not be comparable to the system, but it is definitely one of the best treasures in the world!

"After many years of comprehension, although I can't step into the portal of Tiandu City, I still understand some information about Tiandu City!"

"The capital of the heavens, the city of all worlds!"

"This city of the Heavenly Capital is transformed by the corpse of a certain supreme being. Even if you just stand under the city wall, you can feel an incomparably rich heaven and earth rhyme. That supreme being is the real Heavenly Capital. City Lord!"

When Xu Ying's voice fell, Wang Feng's surface was calm, but his heart was shaken to the extreme. He was able to evolve such a treasure just by relying on his corpse. The cultivation level of this existence is far beyond his imagination, at least it is also Hongmeng. above the realm of gods.

"So treasured, are you willing to take it out and trade it?"

Wang Feng glanced at the phantom, and said with a half-smile, this kind of treasure, if it is an ordinary person, even if it dies, it will not be easily given to others.

"I thought about giving it to her, but once it leaks out, she will surely die! Rather than let her live a life of fear, it's better to keep her safe!"

"My daughter, even if she doesn't have the city of Tiandu, can achieve extraordinary achievements. A powerful protector is the trump card I should leave her, not a treasure that can put her in a mortal danger!"

The virtual shadow kindly glanced at the sleeping girl with her eyes closed on the stone platform, and said softly.

"How do you know that I will be able to keep her safe?"

Wang Feng's words made the virtual shadow silent for a while, before he raised his head and looked directly at Wang Feng: "I can't see through you!"

"Although I am dead, people who can't see through the image I left behind, even people in the Holy Land of Heaven and Earth, may not be able to do it, but you, the mere peak of Tianyu, did it, I am willing Take a gamble!"

"What's more, I have no other choice besides you!"

"I will accept her as a disciple! If she wants to take revenge, I will be her backing!"

After thinking about it, Wang Feng looked directly at the ghost and said seriously!

He is already happy in his heart, not only can he get a half-Buddha and half-devil arrogance, but also a mysterious treasure. Fomen.

How to see how to make money from this transaction!

To ordinary people, the Ancient Buddha Sect is indeed an unattainable behemoth, but to Wang Feng, it is only a power that can be surpassed in a short time!

"Thank you, I will use the power of this last image to wake her up later, and I will ask you to do so!"

"By the way, her name is Su Wenxue!"

The virtual shadow looked at Wang Feng and said solemnly.

Did he trust Wang Feng? No, if Wang Feng dared to abandon his daughter after obtaining Tiandu, then the secret hand he left behind would make Wang Feng die miserably, and at the same time, Tiandu would return to his daughter!

How could he not guard against Wang Feng's heart, but he didn't want the secret hand he left behind to be activated, he wanted his daughter to live safely!

Wang Feng nodded and didn't say much!


Seeing this, the phantom did not hesitate, stretched out an illusory finger, a ray of light shot out from his finger, and landed on Su Wenxue's chest on the stone platform, the girl's body trembled, and then, A small city was pulled out from the girl's chest!

The phantom pulled the tiny city and let it fall in front of Wang Feng.

This is a pitch-black city. Wang Feng looked at it for a moment and found nothing different. Instead, it was very ordinary. The only thing that could be called abnormal was that he could not see through the situation inside the city.

"As long as you focus your mind on Tiandu, your soul will be introduced into Tiandu, so you can feel the rhythm of Tiandu!" Xu Ying looked at Wang Feng with a calm face, a strange color flashed in his eyes, and he said said!

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