Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 426: The Selection of Buddhist Sons

Good guy, these two masters and apprentices, one calculated and the other calculated, simply refreshed Wang Feng's worldview. They were masters and apprentices, but they turned out to be the biggest enemies. Good luck!

The city lord of Tiandu is okay. For the sake of his daughter's smooth birth, he committed suicide to save his daughter. This father-daughter bond is very touching, but what the hell is a monk Du'er?

Are Buddhist precepts really that important? Not only did he kill the woman his apprentice liked, but he also led a team to hunt down his apprentice. In the end, he even spared his apprentice's daughter.

After knowing that he didn't have much hope of killing his apprentice's daughter, he even committed suicide directly and set up an ancient Buddhist sect teleportation formation, hoping that the ancient Buddhist sect powerhouse would kill his apprentice's daughter!

This monk Du'er is really a wonderful person!

From Wang Feng's point of view, this monk Du'er lived a really sad life. He should have been happy and happy, and he was able to take care of his life, but for the sake of Buddhist precepts, he personally destroyed his apprentice's family and himself.

To be honest, Wang Feng doesn't hate Buddhism. The only thing he hates is that the old bald donkey who puts Buddhism's precepts above all else doesn't know how to be flexible at all, and only knows to keep the old rules.

Obviously, Monk Du'er is just such an old bald donkey.


When Wang Feng secretly slandered, the golden pattern on the stone room was completely activated, and the majestic power permeated from the golden pattern, shaking the entire stone room.

The expressions of Li Bai and the others changed slightly. They were about to use their power to resist, but they were stopped by Wang Feng. Wang Feng narrowed his eyes, staring at the pattern of the bright light above, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He was going to take the entire Divine Immortal Sect to Yuanhua Heavenly Realm, but with this teleportation array, he saved a lot of trouble.

As for Xiao Wenxue, with him around, Gu Fumen dare to touch a single hair of her? Demolished the entire Gufamen!


The huge golden pattern trembled violently, the golden patterns in the pattern circulated extremely fast, and a golden storm slowly emerged in the stone chamber with the flow of these golden patterns. It spread out, sucking Wang Feng and others into the golden storm.

At this critical moment, Wang Feng and others burst out with powerful forces, condensing into chains, linking everyone together, preventing accidents and causing everyone to disperse after being teleported to the ancient Buddhist gate.

Among them, Xiao Wenxue was taken care of by everyone. Wang Feng and others formed a circle, guarding the nine-tailed fox holding Xiao Wenxue.

At this moment, the golden storm suddenly swept Wang Feng and others up, pouring into the golden pattern in the air, and in the blink of an eye, they disappeared into the entire stone room.

With the disappearance of Wang Feng and others, the huge golden pattern also slowly dissipated, and the entire stone room returned to calm, leaving behind a devastated stone room, interpreting the shocking war that took place in it!


There is a mysterious place in Yuanhua Tianjie, where the ancient Buddhist gate resides.

As one of the five superpowers in Yuanhua Heavenly Realm, Ancient Buddhism has always been synonymous with mysterious and powerful in the entire Yuanhua Heavenly Realm. Compared with the other four superpowers, there are fewer disciples of Ancient Buddhism, but each of them is the favored son of heaven. , looking at the entire Yuanhua Heavenly Realm, it is the top level.

Today is the day for the selection of Buddhist disciples in ancient Buddhism.

Each generation of Buddhist sons, as long as there are no principled problems or more enchanting existences, are basically the successors of the next ancient Buddhist sect master.

Therefore, the selection of Buddhist disciples is a major event in the entire ancient Buddhist sect. Many strong ancient Buddhists gather in the ancient Buddhist gates to watch this grand event that affects the entire ancient Buddhist sect.

Hui Kong, the contemporary head of the ancient Buddhist sect, wore a golden red cassock and stood solemnly outside the forbidden area of ​​the ancient Buddha. The golden light of the Buddha was looming on him, making him look like a Buddha, with unparalleled power.

Behind him, stood the ten ancient Buddhist geniuses who participated in the selection of Buddhist disciples this time. Each of them is an unparalleled genius selected from the middle layer of ancient Buddhist disciples. Looking at the entire Yuanhua Tianjie, except for the top of the other four superpowers No one can match them except Tianjiao.

The aura of a powerful heavenly state of mind permeates out of them,

Let the ancient Buddhist disciples in the distance be in awe of it, and a few have reached the terrifying Heavenly Martial Realm.

This level of cultivation is enough to look at the Yuanhua Heavenly Realm, but in this ancient Buddhist sect, it is only a disciple, and the background of super power is undoubtedly revealed at this moment.

"I don't know how many senior brothers, who will become a Buddha?"

"Although the other brothers have reached the peak of Tianxin, but the three brothers, Jue Xin, Jue Ming, and Awakening, have all reached the realm of Tian Wu, and the Buddha may fall on the head of one of these three brothers!"

"Not necessarily, the gap between cultivation bases may be difficult for us to cross, but for the brothers, it is easy to cross."

"Yeah, what is certain is that no matter who becomes the son of Buddha, my ancient Buddhist sect will prosper!"

"Of course, in the entire Yuanhua Heavenly Realm, there is only one Buddhist and Taoist sect of my ancient Buddhist sect, and my ancient Buddhist sect should be the leader of the Yuanhua Heavenly Realm!"

The ancient Buddhist disciples in the distance were talking a lot, and their eyes were full of anticipation.

"Amitabha, the master of ancient Buddhism, Hui Kong, upholds my Buddha's will, and starts the selection of Buddhist disciples today!"

"The forbidden area of ​​ancient Buddha, open!"

Hui Kong, who was wearing a golden red cassock, murmured in a low voice with a gleam of Buddha light in his eyes.

When his voice fell, the dazzling Buddha light burst out from his body, and the patterns of Buddha and Dao emerged in the Buddha light, and rushed into the void representing the forbidden place of ancient Buddha.


When the dazzling Buddha light poured into the void, the whole world shook suddenly, and a mysterious and powerful breath burst out from the open space in front, sweeping the entire area, making many ancient Buddhist experts recite Amitabha Buddha, He stared forward in awe.

In front of everyone's eyes, a quaint stone stele rose from the open space in front and stood in front of everyone. The quaint stone stele was ten feet high, and on it was engraved with countless Buddhist principles. The four golden characters in the forbidden area of ​​the ancient Buddha shine on the stone tablet.

The Ancient Buddha Forbidden Area is the inheritance place of the entire Ancient Buddhist Sect. In the Ancient Buddhist Sect, it has a supreme status. At the same time, it is also the Ancient Buddhist Sect that created the Ancient Buddhist Sect, which is now one of the five superpowers in the Yuanhua Heavenly Realm!

According to legend, countless years ago, the first-generation sect master of the ancient Buddhist sect, just an ordinary monk in the Yuanhua Heavenly Realm, accidentally broke into this ancient Buddhist forbidden area, and was inspired by the Buddha to become a Buddhist disciple.

After becoming a Buddhist disciple, the first-generation Sect Master of the Ancient Buddhist Sect also obtained the inheritance of a Buddhist master from the ancient Buddhist forbidden area. With this inheritance, the first-generation Sect Master of the Ancient Buddhist Sect has made great achievements in the entire Yuanhua Heavenly Realm. The head of the ancient Buddha, and in the ancient Buddha forbidden area, created the ancient Buddha gate.

Up to now, there are countless ancient Buddhist disciples who have stepped into the forbidden area of ​​ancient Buddha, but no one has really understood what kind of mystery is hidden in the forbidden area of ​​ancient Buddha.

Under normal circumstances, no one can enter the ancient Buddhist forbidden area, even the gatekeeper of the ancient Buddha gate, can not enter, only after being inspired by the ancient Buddha forbidden area and opening the selection of Buddhist sons, can you step into the ancient Buddha forbidden area.

Therefore, each selection of Buddhist disciples is not only a selection of the inheritors of ancient Buddhism, but also an opportunity for the strength of ancient Buddhism to skyrocket.

Every time they enter the forbidden area of ​​ancient Buddhism, those ancient Buddhist disciples who participate in the selection of Buddhist disciples can more or less get some opportunities in the forbidden area of ​​ancient Buddha, and these opportunities are very important to the entire ancient Buddhist school.


Suddenly, a dazzling golden light bloomed from the stone tablet, and the entire stone tablet was shaking violently. From the four golden characters in the ancient Buddhist forbidden area, four rays of light were shot out, condensing on the ground one meter ahead, forming a streak. A golden portal two meters high and one meter wide.

"Go, whoever gets the approval of my Buddha can become a disciple of the ancient Buddhist sect!"

"Even if you fail to become a Buddha, you must try your best to get the inheritance in the ancient Buddhist forbidden area!"

When the golden portal appeared, the ancient Buddhist sect master Hui Kong turned to look at the ten ancient Buddhist sect masters and said loudly.


The ten ancient Buddhist sect Tianjiao put their hands together, recited Buddhist principles, bowed towards Hui Kong, and then walked towards the golden portal without hesitation.

In less than a moment, ten ancient Buddhist arrogances stepped into the golden portal and disappeared here, and the golden portal also disappeared.

"I hope this time, they will get some more inheritance."

Standing beside Hui Kong, Hui Gang, the master of the Ancient Buddha Gate King Kong Temple, stared at the ancient stone tablet and sighed softly.

Since that taboo, the ancient Buddhist sect has suffered heavy losses, and even now, it has not fully recovered. The current strength of the ancient Buddhist sect is only equivalent to three-quarters of the ancient Buddhist sect that was in its peak state.

This is also the first time that Gufomen has opened the selection of Buddhist sons since the taboo defected.

"If that person hadn't done such a stupid thing, perhaps, my ancient Buddhist sect has already surpassed the other four superpowers!" Hui Zang, the master of the Buddhist scriptures hall, murmured softly with a flash of regret in his eyes.

"Amitabha! Betrayed my Buddha for a woman, that person can no longer be called a person in Buddhism, and his demonic nature is hard to disappear. Going to hell is the best outcome for him!"

A cold light appeared on the solemn face of Hui Jing, the master of the Arhat Hall, and said coldly.

As soon as these words came out, many of the ancient Buddhist powerhouses were silent, and no one spoke again. Buddha has Buddhist rules.

"Don't move, don't speak, don't read!"

The ancient Buddhist sect master Hui Kong folded his hands together and gave a light drink.

"Senior brother in charge is right, it's me waiting for delusions! Amitabha!"

Many ancient Buddhist experts recited Buddhist principles, and once again restored the ancient well without waves, the whole world fell into peace, many ancient Buddhist experts sat cross-legged, quietly waiting for the birth of the ancient Buddhist monks, a touch of brightness The lustre shone on their guarded heads.

All the ancient Buddhist disciples are extremely solemn, as if they are silently reciting Buddhist scriptures for the ten ancient Buddhists, hoping that they can get more inheritance.

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