As a forbidden place for Buddhism, it is reasonable to say that the Buddha's light should be prosperous. There are countless Buddha sculptures, which are solemn and contain Buddhist principles, making people feel awe and sink at a glance.

However, this ancient Buddha forbidden area is filled with gloomy winds, ghosts cry and wolves howl, and the gray mist covers the entire ancient Buddha forbidden area, as if hell has descended on the world. The human soul is hooked away in general.

A golden light flickered, and ten ancient Buddhist sect Tianjiao suddenly appeared in the forbidden area of ​​ancient Buddha.

It was also the first time for Zheng Wu and others to come to this ancient Buddhist forbidden area. When they saw this unexpected scene, a look of surprise appeared on their faces, and they looked at each other with a solemn expression.

I am afraid that no one can imagine that the forbidden place of the ancient Buddhist sect, which is a Buddhist and Taoist, is actually like this.


"The poor monk will go first, all the senior brothers will meet again!"

Enlightenment recited a Buddha's name, swayed his body, and swept directly towards the depths of the ancient Buddhist forbidden area.

Looking at the consciousness, Jue Ming and others did not fall, they scattered, and each chose a direction to swept away, but the places they were going were all in the depths of the forbidden area, but the paths they took were different.


At the same time, deep within the ancient Buddha gate.

There are stone pillars with ancient lines engraved on them. These stone pillars are densely packed and distributed in a disorderly manner. On the stone pillars, a word 'town' is engraved with a golden glow. These stone pillars form a huge stone pillar forest. Mysterious and heart-pounding.

In the center of this stone pillar forest, there is an open space. In the open space, stands an incomparably huge Buddha statue. This Buddha statue is over a thousand meters high and has a dark golden color, like a giant overlooking the entire stone pillar forest. .

The strange thing is that on the two huge eyes of this giant Buddha stone sculpture, there are two bloodstains sliding down, like blood and tears, which is extremely terrifying.

The entire Stone Pillar Forest was deadly silent, without even a slight breeze, as if there was a mysterious invisible force that enveloped the entire Stone Pillar Forest.


But at this moment, the sky above the stone platform in front of the giant Buddha stone sculpture suddenly resounded with bursts of roars, and then, a huge golden pattern slowly emerged above the stone platform.

As this golden pattern emerged, a golden storm suddenly rolled up on the stone platform, covering the entire stone platform. It seemed that several figures appeared in this golden storm.

"Lao Na, the ancient Buddha's gate is going to pass the Er, execute the ancient Buddha's order!"

"Life: The entire ancient Buddhist sect, at all costs, kill the daughter of Shenxiu!"

"The daughter of Shenxiu has been sent to the depths of the ancient Buddhist forbidden area by Lao Na!"

Accompanied by the golden storm, there was a sound like a bell. This sound, in a ripple-like manner, spread toward the entire ancient Buddhist forbidden area, and even gradually spread out of the ancient Buddha forbidden area, and spread to the ancient Buddhist gate. middle.

The Great Demon of Xuansha, who appeared on the stone platform, heard this voice, a cold light flashed in the tiger's eyes, and snorted coldly: "This old bald donkey, the heart that kills me will not die!"

Wang Feng and the others also had frost on their faces, like a real killing intent, bursting out from Wang Feng and others. I am afraid this old bald donkey did not expect that his actions would bring great disaster to the ancient Buddha.

"Since this old bald donkey is so ruthless, I will wait here for the so-called ancient Buddhist powerhouse, come and kill one, come two and kill one pair!"

Wang Feng's eyes narrowed and he said coldly, and the cold killing intent radiated from his whole body made the already dead stone pillar forest even more shady.

"Sect Master is right, kill this ancient Buddhist sect without leaving behind!"

Hearing Wang Feng's words, the eyes of the Great Demon Xuansha lit up, and he said viciously, the whole person was eager to try, and I wish that the ancient Buddhist people came over quickly, so that he could kill the Quartet!

Although Li Bai and the others didn't speak, their faces were equally cold and their fighting intent was soaring, but no one was afraid.

Xiao Wenxue, who was held by the nine-tailed fox, blinked and looked at Wang Feng with admiration.

This is his master, unparalleled domineering!


In the bare mountains and forests, reaching the consciousness of the middle stage of Tianwu, he is galloping towards the depths of the forbidden area.

With every step, the unparalleled bare trees quickly retreated, and in the blink of an eye, they appeared dozens of miles away.

If it weren't for this ancient Buddhist forbidden area, there was a strange suppressing force, and with the cultivation of consciousness, one could cross this small ancient Buddha forbidden area in one step.


Just as Zhengwu was burying his head and walking forward, there was a sudden turmoil in the void not far in front of him, which made Zhengwu's face startled.

Under the eyes of enlightenment, a simple token flashing with dazzling Buddha light emerged from the void.

"This... is this the ancient Buddha's order?"

When Awakening saw the token that shone with the Buddha's light, he, who had always been calm in the ancient well, suddenly paled in shock and murmured in disbelief.

"Lao Na, the ancient Buddha's gate is going to pass the Er, execute the ancient Buddha's order!"

"Life: The entire ancient Buddhist sect, at all costs, kill the daughter of Shenxiu!"

"The daughter of Shenxiu has been sent to the depths of the ancient Buddhist forbidden area by Lao Na!"

Immediately afterwards, a resounding sound that seemed to explode in the soul sounded, causing the entire body of consciousness to be struck by lightning.

"Ancestor Du'e actually issued an ancient Buddha's decree just to kill that daughter?"

"What happened to make Patriarch Du'e issue such ancient Buddhist orders?"

Although the voice had disappeared, the shock it brought to the consciousness made him panic and murmured incredulously.

The ancient Buddha decree is the supreme decree of the entire ancient Buddhist sect! Once promulgated, the entire ancient Buddhist sect, no matter who or who is, must execute it, even if they sacrifice their lives, they must be completed!

An ancient Buddhist sect master has only one chance to issue an ancient Buddhist decree in his life. Except for the one who committed the taboo, all the other ancient Buddhist sect masters are entitled to the ancient Buddhist decree, but many ancient Buddhist masters may not issue them in their lifetime. Opportunity for the ancient Buddha order!

"The disciples of the ancient Buddhist sect have awakened and received the ancient Buddha's order! They will kill the daughter of Shenxiu at all costs!"

After a while, Awakening forcibly suppressed the vibration in his heart, looked up at the Buddha Light Token in the void, and said loudly.

When his voice fell, the Buddha's Light token instantly turned into a little Buddha's light, and merged into the body of the enlightenment. A golden command word appeared on the eyebrows of the enlightenment, and the huge momentum suddenly burst out from the enlightenment body!

This is another wonderful use of the ancient Buddha decree. Once the ancient Buddha decree is accepted, in a short period of time, it can bear part of the strength blessing of the person who issued the ancient Buddha decree!

This was the awakening in the middle stage of Tianwu. With the blessing of this ancient Buddhist order, it suddenly rose to the peak of Tianwu.

Feeling the majestic power surging in his body, he was full of self-confidence, burst out at a faster speed than before, and galloped towards the depths of the forbidden area. He was going to rush in front of several other senior brothers and kill the daughter of Shenxiu. !

Those who have completed the ancient Buddhist order are equivalent to making a great contribution to the entire ancient Buddhist sect. They can enjoy the resource tilt of the entire ancient Buddhist sect, and even let several holy Buddhas of the ancient Buddhist sect teach them personally.

When the consciousness went to the depths of the forbidden area, the remaining nine ancient Buddha sect Tianjiao also got the ancient Buddha order and chose to accept it without exception, and they went towards the depths of the forbidden area excitedly.

If they can become Buddha's sons and complete the ancient Buddha decree issued by the ancestors of Du'e, then their position in the entire ancient Buddhist sect will be unshakable. The most important thing is that they can get the personal teaching of several holy Buddhas, even if they are They, who are peerless evildoers, are very happy with this.

At the same time, outside the forbidden area of ​​ancient Buddhism, many strong people of ancient Buddhism are still sitting in meditation to realize Buddha.

Suddenly, the dazzling Buddha light bloomed in this area, awakening many ancient Buddhist powerhouses, the Buddha Lord Hui Kong and the hall masters of each hall, standing up one after another, staring at the void with solemn eyes.

From that Buddha's light, they felt a familiar and powerful aura.

"Lao Na, the ancient Buddha's gate is going to pass the Er, execute the ancient Buddha's order!"

"Life: The entire ancient Buddhist sect, at all costs, kill the daughter of Shenxiu!"

"The daughter of Shenxiu has been sent to the depths of the ancient Buddhist forbidden area by Lao Na!"

When the faces of many ancient Buddhist experts were puzzled, a loud voice sounded in the whole world. With the emergence of this voice, in front of every ancient Buddhist expert present, a beam of Buddha light appeared. token.

"Hey! Ancestor Du'e issued an ancient Buddha decree?"

"Oh my God, when the ancestor Du'e went to chase Shenxiu, there was no news. What happened to make the ancestor Du'e suddenly issue the ancient Buddha decree?"

"I didn't expect that the poor monk would encounter the ancient Buddha's decree in his lifetime!"

"Yeah, it's a pity that the so-called Shenxiu's daughter was actually teleported in the depths of the ancient Buddhist forbidden area. There are brothers who are enlightened and waiting. I am afraid that I will not have the opportunity to execute the ancient Buddha's order. It would be great if the teleportation was in the Buddhist station!"

The ancient Buddhist disciples were all talking in shock, with shocked and regretful expressions on their faces.

Compared with these ancient Buddhist disciples, Hui Kong and other senior ancient Buddhists, while shaking, their faces became more dignified, and it was enough to allow Du'e Patriarch to issue the ancient Buddhist order, which is enough to see how serious the matter is.

Although each generation of ancient Buddhist sect masters has an opportunity to issue an ancient Buddhist decree, it is impossible to issue an ancient Buddhist decree unless there is something that can endanger the entire ancient Buddhist sect, or even cut off the ancient Buddhist sect’s inheritance.

"The daughter of Shenxiu, He De He Neng, let Patriarch Du'e issue the ancient Buddha's decree? Where is Papa Du'er now?" Hui Gang, the master of the King Kong Temple, murmured in confusion.

"If Patriarch Du'e could issue the ancient Buddha's decree in this way, Papa Du'e would probably have passed away in bliss!" The Buddha Lord Hui Kong flashed a sad expression on his face as he whispered softly.

Hearing this, many ancient Buddhist experts also showed sorrow and fell silent.

If it can be killed, the ancestor of Du'e has already killed it with his own hands, so why is it necessary to issue the ancient Buddha's decree in this way? Lord Buddha's guess, I am afraid that it is almost inseparable!

The death of Du'er's ancestor is definitely a huge loss to the entire ancient Buddhist sect!

If there is no such thing as Shenxiu, who betrayed the Buddha, with the qualifications of the Du'e ancestor, he will definitely be able to add another holy Buddha to the ancient Buddhist sect. Like now, his life has been cultivated into nothingness, and the lights are extinguished when people die.

"To make the ancestors of Du'e unkillable, and to issue the ancient Buddha's decree, this daughter of Shenxiu is definitely a huge disaster to my ancient Buddhist school!"

The Buddha Lord Hui Kong squinted his eyes, stared at the Buddha Light Token in front of him, and murmured coldly.

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