Listening to Ye Huang's words, Wang Feng's face was solemn. Although he coveted the rhythm of the Heavenly Dao people, it did not mean that he hoped to face the people of the Heavenly Dao and the Ming people.

This family can be said to have been favored by heaven.

At the same level, few people can match it!

Don't look at him killing the dead people of the Ming clan like slaughtering pigs and dogs, but looking at the entire Yuanhua Heavenly Realm, who can be the opponent of the people of the same level of the Underworld?


In this battle, if he hadn't happened to be there, the entire Yuanhua Heavenly Realm would have fallen, becoming the logistics base of the Death Clan, and another springboard for the Heavenly Dao Clan to attack the Holy Realm.

"The most terrifying thing is that the ethnic group of the Heavenly Dao and Ming Clan in the Qiankun Holy Realm is only a branch, but the seven kingdoms have joined forces, and they were barely able to resist!"

"Their real battlefield is Chaos Emperor Realm and Hongmeng God Realm!"

Ye Huang said solemnly, if it wasn't for Wang Feng's tyrannical strength, who was in charge of the huge immortal sect, and would even go to Qiankun Sacred Realm soon, he would definitely not tell Wang Feng the situation of Qiankun Sacred Realm in such detail!

Wang Feng's pupils shrank, and a storm surged in his heart. Qiankun Sacred Realm is so powerful, but it can only block the branch of the Heavenly Dao and Ming Clan?

This special Heavenly Dao Ming Clan actually used the power of a family to turn the three supreme realms of Hongmeng God Realm, Chaos Emperor Realm, and Qiankun Sacred Realm into battlefields?

"The seven kingdoms are so powerful that they can only withstand the branches of the Heavenly Dao and the Underworld?"

Wang Feng looked surprised and asked solemnly.


"The seven kingdoms are indeed powerful, but they seem to be alliances, but in fact they are fighting against each other, and no one obeys the other. In addition, there are those more complicated sect forces, and there are even secretly instigated by the forces of the heaven and the underworld. , causing the forces of the Qiankun Holy Realm to barely keep their own territory."

A bleak smile appeared on Ye Huang's face, and he murmured softly, with a sadness in his tone.

How could it be possible for the hundreds of millions of people in the entire Qiankun Holy Realm to unite against the Heavenly Dao and the Underworld? There are countless people who are selfish and selfish.

Of course, the most important thing is that there is still no leader who can cover the Quartet and subdue many forces!

Hearing this, Wang Feng was relieved. If the forces of the entire Qiankun Sacred Realm unite and can barely resist the branch of the Heavenly Dao Ming Clan, then he will have to re-evaluate the strength of the Heavenly Dao Ming Clan!

"Sect Master Wang, I know you are a very ambitious person!"

"I don't expect you to join the Tianyong Sacred Dynasty, but I hope that if the Sect Master Wang enters the Qiankun Sacred Realm and seeks an alliance, the Tianyong Sacred Dynasty will be given priority!"

"After returning to the Qiankun Holy Realm, I will tell your Majesty what happened in the Yuanhua Tianjie. If you want to come, your Majesty will also look forward to the alliance of the Immortal Sect!"

Ye Huang did not recount the matter of the Qiankun Holy Realm, but bowed to Wang Feng and said sincerely.

Seeing Ye Huang's attitude, Wang Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, took a deep look at Ye Huang, and said with a smile, "Thank you fellow Taoists, if there is a need, I will definitely go to the Tianyong Holy Dynasty!"

With the situation of the Qiankun Holy Realm, it is not impossible for Wang Feng to form an alliance.

It's just that he doesn't want the Divine Immortal Sect he has worked so hard to create to become cannon fodder for others. After all, everything is still based on strength. Only with a big fist can he take the initiative.

Since there is no principal in the Holy Realm, let him Wang Feng and his Immortal Sect be the principal!

"In that case, let's say goodbye!"

Ye Huang smiled, cupped his hands towards Wang Feng, and said loudly.

When the words fell, he moved and disappeared directly here, leaving only Wang Feng, who had deep eyes and didn't know what he was thinking.

"Sect Master, all the treasures of the Heaven-Mending Sect have been collected!"

After a while, the Great Demon Xuansha and others appeared beside Wang Feng, handing over the space ring and murmured.

"it is good!"

Wang Feng nodded and reached out to take the space rings.

However, as soon as he came into contact with those space rings, Wang Feng's expression froze, and he suddenly felt a tremor in the system space.

Wang Feng stretched out his hand and waved,

An ancient wooden box suddenly appeared in his hand. At this time, the wooden box was constantly shaking, as if something was about to break out of the wooden box!

His pupils shrank, and the memory in his mind kept recalling that this wooden box was actually the Heaven-sealing Jedi Treasure Box that he abandoned in the corner of the system space!

It was the treasure box that sealed the seed of destiny that was obtained from the ancient emperor of the God of Wind Empire!

He glanced at a space ring that was also trembling in his hand, a ray of light flashed in his eyes, and after leaving a sentence, he directly entered the world ball!

"You stay here, this seat is closed for a while!"

The Great Demon Xuansha and the others looked at the empty place, looked at each other, didn't say much, and sat up on the spot!


The ball of the world, in the hall of the Immortal Sect Master!

Wang Feng's figure suddenly appeared. He was holding the space ring in one hand and the Jedi treasure box in the other. At this time, both the treasure box and the space ring were shaking violently, like two magnets, attracting each other. Get close to each other!

When his thoughts penetrated into the space ring, Wang Feng found that it was a stone in the space ring that caused the movement of the Fengtian Jedi treasure box.

This is a full-body purple stone, as crystal clear as ice crystals, with dense and mysterious patterns on it.

When Wang Feng took out the purple stone, the Fengtian Jedi treasure box trembled even more, and there was a faint aura that made Wang Feng feel palpitations, constantly emerging from the wooden box.

"System, check this stone!"

Wang Feng's eyes narrowed, and he firmly grabbed the trembling Fengtian Jedi treasure box and said secretly.

"Ding, automatically spend 100 million sect value exploration!"

"Ding, this stone is the holy stone of repairing the sky!"

"The holy stone of repairing the sky is a treasure that is naturally generated by the heavens and the earth. It can repair the defects of the heavens, and it contains infinite wonderful uses!"

"At the same time, the Heaven-Mending Holy Stone can also transform the Nine Great Divine Trees of Heaven and Earth!"

When the system explanation sounded in his mind, Wang Feng's eyes narrowed, secretly delighted.

Unexpectedly, the destruction of the Heaven-Mending Sect would bring unexpected rewards!

The Destiny Seed in this Jedi Treasure Box is the Tree of Destiny, one of the Nine Great Trees of Heaven and Earth!

If it weren't for such a change, he would have even forgotten about the seed of destiny, the treasure among the treasures!

"Since you want it, I will give it to you!"

"I want to see if this sacred stone can make your seed grow out of the box and grow vigorously!"

A ray of light flashed in Wang Feng's eyes, and he put the Heaven-Mending Holy Stone on the Jedi Treasure Box and whispered softly!

Even for him who has the system, the Tree of Destiny is a top-level treasure that can be met but not sought after, and its infinite magical effects are enough to make the Immortal Sect even stronger!

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