
Just when Wang Feng just pasted the Heaven-Mending Holy Stone on the Fengtian Jedi Treasure Box, an unspeakable fluctuation suddenly overflowed from the Fengtian Jedi Treasure Box, making Wang Feng's whole soul a one. shock!

At this moment, his soul seemed to have crossed time and space, wandering in the universe of heaven, earth, and glimpsed the towering ancient trees that had grown in the universe of heaven and earth many years ago.

It was a terrifying giant tree covering the heavens and the world. Each branch seemed to be connected to a world, and the dense leaves on the branches seemed to represent the fate of all beings in that world.

This feeling is very strange, so strange that it is only a moment, but Wang Feng feels as if countless epochs have passed, and he has experienced the birth and death of the universe and the reincarnation of all beings in the world.


A peculiar noise brought Wang Feng back to his senses completely. He quickly fixed his eyes and looked around, only to see two tender branches that suddenly tore apart the treasure box made by the ancient great power.

A dark and simple seed, driven by the fresh branches, floated out of the Jedi treasure box.

When this seed emerged, the entire world ball suddenly shook, and the endless power of heaven and earth gathered from all directions, poured into the hall, and was absorbed by the seed!

"what happened?"

"It seems to be the Sect Master's Palace?"

"It should be the sovereign's return!"

"Don't disturb the sect master, the sect master is in retreat!"

Such an abnormality disturbed the disciples of the Immortal Sect in the World Ball. Many elders of the Immortal Sect quickly appeased those disciples, and at the same time, they appeared around the main hall and protected Wang Feng!

In the main hall, Wang Feng had already closed his eyes. In front of him, the seed of destiny, after absorbing the endless power of heaven and earth, burst into a dazzling light, like the ultimate light condensed into a little, extremely dazzling, let Wang Feng Had to close my eyes.

However, what Wang Feng didn't expect was that after he closed his eyes, his body of Liuying on the other side started to function independently, and the breath of the fireflies on the other side surged out of him, pulling the seed of destiny in front of him violently. In Wang Feng's mind!


When the seed of fate entered Wang Feng's mind, Wang Feng was shocked, as if there was a gust of wind and waves swept through his mind, making his whole mind seem to be torn apart, extremely painful!


Wang Feng's entire face was twisted, looking extremely ferocious, he fell to the ground screaming, rolling on the ground constantly, how could he never have imagined that this seed of fate would run into his mind!

The seed of fate was quietly suspended in Wang Feng's mind. Two fresh branches swayed gently. The bright light illuminated Wang Feng's dim mind like daytime. Under the seed of fate, it was Wang Feng. The pained, twisted soul.


Suddenly, the Destiny Seed was shaken, and endless mysterious power spilled out from the Destiny Seed, mixed with ethereal sounds, and poured down suddenly, all pouring into Wang Feng's soul.

These mysterious powers and the ethereal sound of the Tao were condensed into countless mysterious runes, which were engraved on Wang Feng's soul. In just a moment, Wang Feng's soul was covered with dense and mysterious inscriptions, as if they were for Wang Feng's life. Some kind of baptism of the soul!


The baptism of those mysterious inscriptions is not easy, but very painful. The dense inscriptions seem to be eroding his soul, as if there are countless ants biting. The severe pain is simply beyond the imagination of ordinary people. .

Even with Wang Feng's will, he couldn't help roaring.

Even though Wang Feng has reached the peak of Saint Yuan now, his soul is still the most vulnerable in his body. Being bitten like this, even he has become extremely weak, sweating profusely, as if he was seriously injured.

The most important thing is that not only the soul is tormented, but even his body is also suffering from brilliance. The body of the fireflies on the other side doesn't know what's going on, it runs fiercely, and the fireflies on the other side at the heart also overflow. The power of the fireflies on the other side flows through the meridians to all parts of the body.

At the same time, mysterious powers emerged from his mind, intertwined with the power of the fireflies on the other side, and circulated all over Wang Feng's body.

Every time he ran, his internal organs, bones and even meridians suffered a sharp attack. The pain of biting the bones, kneading the meridians, and hitting the acupoints made Wang Feng almost faint.


The washing of the majestic force made Wang Feng's body emit bursts of roars, and the majestic force circulated in Wang Feng's body, as if the Yangtze River was galloping.

The Tree of Destiny is one of the nine divine trees in the world, and the firefly on the other side is the ultimate in the world.

The fusion of the power of these two horrible things, even if it is just a drop, is like an ocean.

Wang Feng's whole body's meridians couldn't bear this huge force at all. They were shattered again and again and repaired again and again. gradually become firmer.

The most dangerous thing is Wang Feng's mind.

The seed of destiny seemed to feel that it was not tempered enough, and dozens of fresh branches broke from the seed and plunged into Wang Feng's soul. Flowing out, following those fresh branches, pouring into Wang Feng's soul.

The strange thing is that when those streamers poured into his soul, Wang Feng didn't feel the slightest pain, or he was already unconscious, or was the pain to the extreme just enjoyment?

Wang Feng's soul seems to be fused with the seed of destiny, and his thoughts seem to follow the inheritance memory hidden deep in the seed of destiny, and have experienced the growth process of the seed of destiny when the universe was born.

He seemed to have touched the true meaning of fate, which was very vague, but it shocked Wang Feng's heart. He saw that in the incomparably chaotic and extremely difficult infancy, the seed of fate resisted thousands of thunder tribulations, broke and stood, and evolved the fate of all beings. .

The disappearance of the pain made Wang Feng's whole person become ethereal, allowing his mind to quietly follow the memory hidden in the depths of the seed of destiny, to comprehend, to watch the evolution of the tree of destiny, he seemed to realize this. The mystery of the fate of the world, know the changes in the fate of all lives!

At the same time, on the soul of Wang Feng, dense and mysterious runes were imprinted into the depths. On the surface of the soul, layers of halos suddenly appeared, surrounding Wang Feng's soul, as if guarding and as if for Wang Feng. The soul works.

If you look closely, you will find that the halo is composed of dense light particles, as if it is the fate of one creature after another, manifesting.

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