Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 840 The Empress Rules the Sky

When the voice of the Desolate Heaven Demon fell, Tianxuan Daozu and Di Qin looked at Ye Muqing one after another. Since they had already seen that the adults would be in danger, it has become inevitable to delay the opening of the Lost Battle Realm, but how long to delay it is very particular. .

If the delay is too long, the group of sky masters will notice it. But if the delay is too short, the master's strength will not grow and he will not be able to withstand the inexplicable crisis. What's the use?

"One month!"

After pondering for a moment, a ray of light flashed in Ye Muqing's beautiful eyes and she murmured softly.


"So short?"

When Ye Muqing finished speaking, the Desolate Sky Demon God and others looked at each other and couldn't help but exclaimed.

For their realm, a month is no different than an instant. Even for the powerful ones in the Chaos Emperor Realm, it is nothing. It is not even enough time for them to comprehend a move.

After reaching the imperial realm, which time of cultivation and enlightenment did not take thousands of years? What can you do in just one month?

"How long has it taken for my husband to grow up to this day? How can his growth rate be viewed through ordinary people's eyes?"

"What's more, we are only assisting your husband's growth and eliminating fatal crises for him, not interfering with his growth!"

"I believe that with your husband's qualifications, one month is enough!"

Ye Muqing glanced at the Desolate Sky Demon God and others, and said in a serious voice, that pretty and beautiful face was full of seriousness.

If the corner of the future she had glimpsed was not enough to cause a fatal crisis to her husband, she would not even delay the start of the lost battle. Sometimes, a crisis is not a disadvantage, but an opportunity, especially for a person like her husband. Even more so.

Whoever can reach the top can only achieve the highest level if he has experienced countless crises and transformed each crisis into his own opportunities!

Hearing Ye Muqing's words, the Desolate Sky Demon God and others looked stern and nodded. They knew that what Ye Muqing said was not wrong. Too much interference would only affect the adults.

"Just follow what the Empress said!"

The Desolate Sky Demon God and others looked at each other, and then spoke.

"After my husband comes out of the Lost Battle Realm, the plan can begin. Let my husband see the power of the Heaven Master, and let those guys know that the final battle is about to begin!"

A cold light flashed in Ye Muqing's beautiful eyes, and she said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, the Desolate Sky Demon God nodded. Even if the Lord obtains the Ninth Life Relic, it is not certain whether he can recover his memory. It is necessary for him to experience the terror of the Heaven Master.

Although they hate those who hate the sky, they have to admit that this group of people is indeed terrifying and powerful.

"Help me with all your strength!"

Then, Ye Muqing did not hesitate, glanced at the Desolate Sky Demon God and others, and said in a solemn voice.


After her words fell, Ye Muqing didn't wait for the Desolate Sky Demon God and others to reply. She directly stretched out her jade-white hands and began to pinch them. A complex and incomprehensible seal appeared between her hands!

As she pinched, wisps of mysterious aura spread out from her exquisite body, and profound runes surged between her hands, like agile elves flying. .


The entire strange place suddenly shook, and the vast sea of ​​clouds around the mountaintop seemed to be affected by this mysterious aura and were forced to disperse.


Following Ye Muqing's move, the Desolate Sky Demon God and others also took action one after another, and majestic and terrifying power surged out of them, like a vast sea, surging towards Ye Muqing.

When this terrifying power was about to touch Ye Muqing, it was instantly pulled by the mysterious inscriptions between Ye Muqing's hands. It surged towards Ye Muqing's hands like a whale swallowing it. In an instant, it was fused by Ye Muqing and transformed into She pinched the seal's power to bless her!

"Xuanzong of heaven and earth, the true spirit of ten thousand, the great energy of all directions, praise my true name, the legacy is too empty, the return of light is delayed!"

"Beidou Heavenly Dao, the underworld transforms all directions, the empress rules the heavens, edict!"

A loud word came from Ye Muqing's mouth and resounded throughout the entire strange place. This word seemed to contain some mysterious power. As soon as it resounded, the entire strange place was shaken.

The power erupted by the Desolate Sky Demon God and others boiled even more, and they were pulled away by Ye Muqing even more rapidly. Layers of brilliance bloomed from between Ye Muqing's hands, illuminating the entire mountain top, making the mountain top become... Become beautiful.


Strange visions rose up from the top of the mountain. The roar of dragons and tigers resounded, followed closely by the cries of phoenixes and luanans. It was a dreamy and mysterious scene!

The Desolate Sky Demon God and others looked at Ye Muqing, who was so powerful, and couldn't help but tremble in their hearts. He was indeed a terrifying existence second only to adults. Such mysterious methods were really beyond their reach!

They vaguely felt that the secret technique Ye Muqing unleashed involved extremely mysterious powers, such as time and space cause and effect, etc. It was hard to imagine how profound Ye Muqing's cultivation had reached!

This is still Ye Muqing before she reaches her peak. How terrifying will Ye Muqing be after she returns to her peak?


As the seals between Ye Muqing's hands moved faster and faster, the light blooming from her palms became more and more brilliant. Gradually, a pattern exuding bright light gradually appeared between Ye Muqing's hands!

It was a five-pointed star-like pattern, with links of light patterns in every direction. The entire pattern was covered with densely packed mysterious inscriptions. Just one glance was enough to make one dizzy.

People as powerful as the Desolate Sky Demon God and others are unable to understand the mystery contained in this pattern.

This seemingly ordinary five-pointed star pattern seems to contain the profound truth of the beginning of chaos and the beginning of heaven. It makes people unable to help but get stuck in it and cannot extricate themselves!

Ye Muqing's face was serious, and drops of cold sweat appeared on her fair forehead. She took a deep breath, and waved her slender hands continuously. Wisps of mysterious inscriptions emerged, and she was pulled into the five-pointed star pattern!


As this deep shout sounded, Ye Muqing pushed his hands suddenly, and the five-pointed star pattern suddenly bloomed with brilliance. Then a slight trembling sound sounded, and the five-pointed star pattern disappeared directly between Ye Muqing's hands. , as if it had never appeared!

At the same time, the endless visions on the entire mountaintop also disappeared one after another, and the vast sea of ​​clouds gathered happily again, guarding around this extremely high mountain.

The Desolate Sky Demon God and others were shocked, and their eyes were fixed on a certain direction outside the mountain top. There, there was a ball of light, moving towards the gap between the Chaos Emperor Realm and the Hongmeng God Realm at an incomprehensible terrifying speed. Projected away from the realm of space!

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