At the same time, Eternal Night City in the Chaos Emperor Realm.

Li Bai took Wu Ming and others outside the city lord's hall where Wang Feng was.

Looking at the majestic city lord's hall in front of them, Wu Ming and others were filled with excitement, their faces could not hide their excitement, and their whole bodies even trembled slightly with excitement.

They never imagined that one day they would be so close to the legends of Yongye City. Their idols, even if they were as wise as Dugu Zhi, could not remain calm!

"Let's go!"

Li Bai glanced at the excited Wu Ming and others, a faint smile appeared on his face, and murmured softly.

As soon as he finished speaking, he led Wu Ming and others into the city lord's hall in front of him.

As soon as they entered the main hall, Wu Ming and others saw Wang Feng sitting at the top of the hall, like a high god, and their eyes couldn't help but shine with awe.

"See the Lord of the City!"

Without Li Bai opening his mouth, Wu Ming and others bowed respectfully to Wang Feng, as if they were on a pilgrimage.

At this time, although Wang Feng did not exude the slightest aura, just like an ordinary person, sitting there, he had a noble and unparalleled temperament. Just one glance was enough to make people tremble.

"No need to be polite!"

Wang Feng waved his hand, a slight smile appeared on his face, and said.

At the first glance, he could feel the tyrannical qualities of Wu Ming and others, and he was extremely satisfied. Li Bai was worthy of being the guardian of the Immortal Sect, with such a sharp vision!

Wu Ming and others may seem immature, but if they can be cultivated, they will definitely become extremely strong men and can definitely become the mainstay of his Immortal Sect.

"Now that you have been recognized by Li Bai, you will become disciples of the Shenxian Sect from now on!"

"Our Immortal Sect does not have those rules and regulations. The only requirement is loyalty. As long as you pay loyalty, you can get everything you want, whether it is training resources or power and status!"

"In our Immortal Sect, there is an elder of the Imperial Realm who will teach you personally. As long as you are willing to practice hard, becoming the strongest is not a dream!"

"I hope you will not slack off, practice hard, and contribute to the strength of our Immortal Sect!"

Wang Feng glanced at Wu Ming and others and said solemnly.

From Li Bai, he learned that Wu Ming and others came from a small force in Yongye City. If they joined the Immortal Sect for a while, it would be easy for them to become arrogant and arrogant.

After all, although the Shenxian Sect today is surrounded by wolves, it is undeniable that the status and reputation of the Shenxian Sect has far surpassed the major forces in the Chaos Emperor Realm, and is second only to those top forces!

"Don't worry, City Lord, we will live up to your expectations, practice hard, and contribute to the strength of the Immortal Sect!"

Wu Ming and others' expressions were stern, and without any hesitation, they saluted Wang Feng directly and shouted loudly, with determination shining on their young faces.

At this moment, Wu Ming and others were extremely excited, feeling honored and blessed to be able to join the Shenxian Sect. In the entire Chaos Emperor Realm, which force could be like the Shenxian Sect and be personally taught by a strong person in the Fruition Emperor Realm?

Even the most powerful forces cannot achieve this level.

After all, a strong person in the Fruition Emperor Realm may not be too powerful for the top forces, but they are definitely among the strong. Ordinary disciples and even those who have just joined, if they want to get the teachings of a strong person in the Fruition Emperor Realm, It's simply impossible.

Seeing the determination flashing on the faces of Wu Ming and others, Wang Feng nodded with satisfaction, stretched out his hand, put Wu Ming and others into the world ball, handed it to Zhang Sanfeng and others, and asked them to focus on teaching Wu Ming and others. people!

The individual qualifications of Wu Ming and others may not be as good as those of elite disciples such as Gu Chou, but if they are combined to form the Five Elements, they can definitely exert extremely terrifying power.

After handling the affairs of Wu Ming and others, the smile on Wang Feng's face suddenly disappeared, replaced by a touch of coldness. He looked at Li Bai and asked in a deep voice: "How?"

Previously, he asked Li Bai and others to take action, not only to protect the people of Yongye City, but also to track down the Evil Buddha Heavenly Palace's attack on Yongye City and to explore what forces in the Chaos Emperor Realm are hostile to his Shenxian Sect. .

With the current strength of the Immortal Sect, it is invincible in the entire Chaos Imperial Realm. Wang Feng is not sure. After all, the water in this Imperial Realm is too deep and can wipe out several top forces. Wang Feng asks himself whether he can still do it.

Even if the Fourth Guardian and the Fifth Guardian Divine Beast do not take action, the current strength of the Immortal Sect alone is not much weaker than those so-called top forces. After all, the strength of Jiang Ziya and the Fourth Guardian Divine Beast is not ordinary. It is comparable to those at the peak of the Immortal Emperor Realm.

"Why the Evil Buddha Heavenly Palace attacked Yongye City has not yet been discovered!"

"However, during the beginning of the battle for the city lord of Yongye City, a major event happened in the Evil Buddha Heavenly Palace."

"Oh? What's the matter?"

After hearing Li Bai's words, Wang Feng's eyes flashed with light and he asked in a deep voice.

"It is said that a mysterious and powerful man broke into the Evil Buddha's Heavenly Palace without any injuries. He not only killed the owner of the Evil Buddha's Heavenly Palace, but also led out the five immortal emperor-level ancestors of the Evil Buddha's Heavenly Palace."

"However, the strange thing is that there was no news of the mysterious man afterwards. Instead, it was the boss of the Fifth Evil Buddha Patriarch who was re-assigned as the Lord of the Evil Buddha Celestial Palace!"

"When many powerful forces came to Yongye City to seek Dharma because their geniuses died in the battle of Yongye City, the Evil Buddha Heavenly Palace did not send strong men, as if they did not care about the lives of those geniuses at all."

"The real time he took action against Eternal Night City was when our Immortal Sect's name moved the Chaos Emperor Realm!"

Li Bai's words resounded in the city lord's hall, causing Wang Feng to narrow his eyes slightly and a cold light appeared on his face. It seemed that the reason why the Evil Buddha Heavenly Palace targeted Yongye City was perhaps because of that mysterious man?

Could it be that he was a former enemy of the Shenxian Sect?

Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence? If you don’t target him sooner or later, why should you target him just when his name is rising? Wang Feng would definitely not believe it if there was nothing fishy about it, but he couldn't figure out who was behind it?

The past enemies of the Shenxian Sect were almost eliminated. Even if there were one or two fish that slipped through the net, they would never be able to enter the Chaos Emperor Realm in such a short period of time, or even reach the peak of power such as entering and exiting the Evil Buddha Heavenly Palace. It's like entering the terrifying level of no one's land.

After thinking for a long time, Wang Feng still couldn't figure out who the mysterious man was. He shook his head and suppressed his doubts for the time being. With the current strength of the Shenxian Sect, he was fearless whether he came overtly or covertly. fear!

After thinking for a while, he continued to ask Li Bai: "What's going on with the top forces who came to Yongye City to ask for an explanation?"

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