Hearing Wang Feng's inquiry, Li Bai was silent for a moment, and then said: "Those top forces seemed to have no movement at all, but secretly, they were gathering strong ones, with Yunwu Tiangong being the most powerful, and even more powerful ones. Powerful forces are also involved!"

"Oh? Which force is it?"

A cold light flashed in Wang Feng's eyes, and he asked, the only ones that are more powerful than those big heavenly palaces are the imperial sect or the four supreme gods. However, with the detachment of the gods, they should not be able to compete with Eternal Night City. Be an enemy.

It's not that Wang Feng feels ashamed, but with the current strength of Yongye City and the power displayed by the Immortal Sect, it is not worthy of the attention of the four supreme gods. Of course, if the Immortal Sect fully displays, it will be different. , maybe even the four supreme gods will tremble and be frightened!

"It's not clear yet, I only know that it is one of the six imperial sects!"

Li Bai shook his head and said in a deep voice, it was extraordinary to be able to spy on the secret movements of several major heavenly palaces in such a short period of time.

Hearing this, Wang Feng nodded, a cold light flashing on his face. His Immortal Sect had not yet taken action against those heavenly palaces, but they dared to do something secretly. They were simply seeking death!

Previously, if he had not happened to encounter a strong man from the Xuanyuan Divine Clan, Wang Feng would have definitely summoned the ancestors of the Immortal Sect and completely left behind those powerful men from the Heavenly Palace. However, in this way, the strength of the Immortal Sect would also be truly revealed. Being exposed in front of everyone may shock everyone, but it cannot completely cleanse the enemies of Shenxian Sect or Yongye City!

"Ignore it for now, the soldiers will come and cover it up with water and earth!"

After thinking for a while, Wang Feng said in a deep voice.

Instead of destroying them one by one, it is better to wait for them to gather together and then destroy them all. This will be more convenient and let the Chaos Emperor Realm see the terrifying strength of his Immortal Sect!


Li Bai bowed respectfully, turned around and exited the city lord's hall, and continued to inspect the entire Yongye City!

After Li Bai stepped out of the hall, the entire hall became calm again. Only Wang Feng's majestic momentum rose and fell in the entire hall, causing the hall to be filled with a heavy and depressing atmosphere.


At the same time, in the depths of the Evil Buddha's Heavenly Palace, Leng Lie sat cross-legged on the top of the mountain, his whole body shining brightly, and mysterious inscriptions surrounding his body, making him look like a god, with boundless power.

The surrounding sea of ​​clouds seems to rise and fall with the cold breathing, constantly rolling. Above the sky, the bright sun shines, shining through the clouds on the top of the mountain, making the top of the mountain look like a fairyland, very dreamy. !

"Sir, the Cloud and Mist Heavenly Palace has gathered several major Heavenly Palaces, and even the Yunding Emperor Sect, and plans to take action against Yongye City. Do I, the Evil Buddha Heavenly Palace, want to participate?"

But at this moment, Fo Lingtian's figure suddenly appeared behind Leng Lie, bowed to Leng Lie, and murmured softly.

After Fo Lingtian's words fell, Leng Lie did not stop immediately, but continued to comprehend. The mysterious runes around him were flying around him like elves.

Seeing this, Fo Lingtian didn't dare to disturb him and stood respectfully waiting. He even held his breath for fear of affecting Leng Lie. He looked at Leng Lie with eyes full of awe.

The coldness of this moment seemed to be extremely quiet, but the power on his body became more and more terrifying, making Fo Lingtian's entire soul tremble, as if the adult in front of him had turned into a terrifying black hole that devoured souls.


After a long time, Leng Lie stopped to comprehend and opened his eyes. A bright light flashed through his eyes, like the gaze of a god, directly piercing the void in front of him.

He stood up slowly, turned around, glanced at Fo Lingtian, and murmured softly: "They are just a group of guys looking for death, don't pay attention to them!"

Hearing Leng Lie's words, a flash of astonishment flashed in Fo Lingtian's eyes. He was a little confused. Is the Lord talking about Yongye City or the big celestial palaces?

"How is the matter against Yongye City going?"

However, Leng Lie had no intention of explaining, but asked instead.

"I killed some strong men in Yongye City, but it seems that the people in Yongye City noticed it. Recently, our Evil Buddha Heavenly Palace has lost dozens of strong men in the Luotian Emperor realm!"

Fo Lingtian did not dare to neglect and answered quickly.

"Cancel the targeting of Yongye City, withdraw completely, and no longer need to participate in the affairs of Yongye City!"


Hearing Leng Lie's words, Fo Lingtian was a little confused and subconsciously asked in surprise.

He didn't know what Leng Lie was thinking. Although the Evil Buddha Heavenly Palace had lost many powerful men, but now that the Yunwu Heavenly Palace had gathered such a powerful force and planned to deal with Yongye City, shouldn't he, the Evil Buddha Heavenly Palace, get a share of the pie? ?

Fo Lingtian simply doesn’t think that Yongye City can withstand the power gathered by Yunwu Tiangong. What a joke, even if only Yunwu Tiangong takes action, Yongye City may not be able to withstand it, let alone such a terrifying combined force. ?

In Fo Lingtian's mind, once the forces gathered by the Yunwu Heavenly Palace really take action, Yongye City will inevitably be bulldozed in an instant. With such an excellent opportunity, he, the Evil Buddha Heavenly Palace, will not get involved? Make a fortune?

Eternal Night City is known as the chaotic place in the Chaos Emperor Realm, where countless madmen gather. It seems to be extremely chaotic, but it also contains amazing wealth. Otherwise, the major heavenly palaces would not be so jealous of Eternal Night City.

"Back off!"

"Remember, don't get involved in the affairs of Yongye City again!"

Leng Lie waved his hand and said in a deep voice.

Feeling the coldness in Leng Lie's words, Fo Lingtian trembled all over and did not dare to neglect. He bowed respectfully to Leng Lie and then turned away. Even though he had countless questions, he did not dare to disobey Leng Lie's order!

On the top of the entire mountain, only the cold figure standing with his hands behind his back was left. He looked at the vast sea of ​​clouds in front of him, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and whispered softly: "Shenxian Sect? I hope you will not disappoint me!"

After resurrecting his life, Leng Lie had an unforgettable hatred for the Immortal Sect, but he seemed to be a different person, not as impatient as before.

After coming out of the secret realm of the black box, he investigated all the growth trajectories of the Shenxian Sect. Even though he had a deep hatred for the Shenxian Sect, he was extremely amazed at the speed of the Shenxian Sect's growth, and regarded it as the most important thing in his life. A strong opponent!

At the same time, he also understood that the truly terrifying thing about the Immortal Sect may not be its shocking growth rate, but its endless trump cards!

This is also the reason why after hearing the news about the Shenxian Sect, he did not immediately go to seek revenge from the Shenxian Sect, but only made some small moves. Even with his current strength, he was extremely afraid of the Shenxian Sect.

Especially when he heard that Wang Feng could compete with Jianyi, who was comparable to the Holy Immortal Emperor Realm, with a cultivation level below the Guo Stage Emperor Realm, the fear in his heart became even more intense!

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