Wang Feng shook his head, laughed at himself, and continued to move forward. Even if the flesh and blood tree demon could condense the flesh and blood elixir, he would not take him seriously. With his physique, it would not be enough to cut down the God Burial Forest. He promoted.

As Wang Feng advanced, corpses one after another, as if smelling some great tonic, rushed towards Wang Feng like crazy, opening their bloody mouths, filled with a fishy smell, making Wang Feng frown again and again. .

Although there were many dead corpses coming to kill, Wang Feng was not afraid. He punched each dead corpse directly like a child. With his current strength, he was lower than the dead corpses in the Immortal Emperor Realm. No need to look, just one punch and it's done.

In this way, Wang Feng fought his way through many dead corpses and continued towards the depths of the God Burial Forest. If anyone saw Wang Feng acting so unscrupulously in the God Burial Forest, they would be extremely shocked.


While Wang Feng was exploring the God Burial Forest, in the Nirvana Clan's station in the outer starry sky, Tuoba Tianyuan faced the gazes of many powerful Nirvana clan members and slowly stepped into the main hall of the Nirvana Nether Clan.

"He is indeed the strongest member of the Tianyuan Divine Clan, he is so courageous!"

"Aren't you afraid that I will leave you here?"

Sitting on the main seat, Ji Xuanhuang looked at Tuoba Tianyuan who was slowly walking into the hall, with a sneer on his face and threatened.

He knew that Tuoba Tianyuan was very strong. If it were one-on-one, he would definitely not be his opponent. However, this was his base camp to destroy the Imperial Clan of the Nether Clan. There were countless strong men lurking in it. He could even defeat Tuoba Tianyuan. Pile to death.

"You should have received the news of Ji Xuanyou's death, right?"

Facing the threat of Jixuanhuang, Tuoba Tianyuan did not change at all. He looked at Jixuanhuang calmly and said indifferently.

Hearing this, Ji Xuanhuang's face was gloomy, he stared at Tuoba Tianyuan, his eyes flashed coldly, and he shouted in a deep voice: "Do you really think that I don't dare to take action against you?"

"If I were here to cause trouble for the Nirvana Clan, I wouldn't have said so much to you."

Tuoba Tianyuan raised his eyes, met Ji Xuanhuang's gaze, and said with a hint of meaning.

"What's the meaning?"

Ji Xuanhuang's pupils narrowed slightly and he frowned and asked.

If Tuoba Tianyuan hadn't suddenly arrived, he would have planned to use all the Nirvana Clan's army to attack the Imperial Realm and avenge his brother Ji Xuanyou and even the Nirvana team.

"I represent the Tianyuan Divine Clan and the Yangsheng Divine Clan, and come to cooperate with you to destroy the Netherworld Clan!"

When Tuoba Tianyuan said these words, Ji Xuanhuang's face was startled, and he stared at Tuoba Tianyuan, wanting to see if the other party was joking. If these words had not come from Tuoba Tianyuan, he would have blasted him away. out.

The four major divine clans have been fighting against the Nether clan for many years, and they have long been on the same level. Now they suddenly come over to talk about cooperation. Are you kidding?

"I'll give you time, you'd better make it clear, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

Ji Xuanhuang stared at Tuoba Tianyuan and shouted in a deep voice. The momentum surged all over his body, filling the entire hall with a depressing aura. At the same time, many powerful Netherworld tribesmen surrounding the hall also exuded... The momentum intimidated Tuoba Tianyuan, and he was very ready to attack him if he disagreed with him.

"My disciple Tuoba Tiance is dead, and my great elder Tuoba Tianxing is also dead. He died at the hands of the strong men of Yongye City. Now our two major divine tribes are being liquidated by the strong men of Yongye City!"

"My God Clan has been protecting the Imperial Realm for many years, but what we got in return is this result. So, what else can we do to protect this Imperial Realm? How can it be worth protecting?"

Tuoba Tianyuan's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he didn't care about the momentum that Ji Xuanhuang and the others burst out, and spoke out as he thought about himself.

Hearing this, Ji Xuanhuang's eyes flickered, and he said with a hint of doubt: "With your strength, it shouldn't be difficult to deal with the so-called Eternal Night City, right?"

"you are wrong!"

"The Lord of Yongye City, Wang Feng, is in charge of a mysterious sect, the Immortal Sect, where there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers. Even my disciple was killed when he used the Tianyuan Talisman."

"You should know the power of Tianyuan Talisman!"

Tuoba Tianyuan shook his head and said in a deep voice.

Ji Xuanhuang's pupils shrank. Not only did he know it clearly, he also experienced it personally. When he was not the head of the branch of the Imperial Realm of the Ji Xuan Clan, he saw with his own eyes that the head of the previous generation was attacked by Tuoba Tianyuan using the Tianyuan Divine Talisman. Killing, that terrifying blow, now that he thought about it, he still felt palpitations.

He finally understood why Tuoba Tianyuan came to cooperate with him to destroy the Nether Clan. He could block the existence of the Tianyuan divine talisman, but Tuoba Tianyuan alone could not be killed at all.

"How do you want to cooperate?"

After pondering for a moment, Ji Xuanhuang's eyes flashed and he asked in a deep voice.

"My two great clans of gods withdrew from the starry sky battlefield and let you enter. At the same time, we pretended to fight against you with the powerful forces of the Imperial Realm. At the last moment, we counterattacked and completely destroyed them!"

When Tuoba Tianyuan finished speaking, a look of doubt appeared on Ji Xuanhuang's face. After looking at Tuoba Tianyuan, he said in a cold voice: "Are you sure this is not a trap set for me, the Nether Clan?"

According to Tuoba Tianyuan's plan, if the Tianyuan God Clan and the Yang Sheng God Clan don't fight back, they will definitely be gone without any return. It means they have entrusted their lives to these two great God Clan. How is this possible?

Do you really think that he, Ji Xuanhuang, is a fool?

"I and the old patriarch of the Yangsheng Divine Clan will hide in your Nether Clan army!"

"Tsk, Tuoba Tianyuan, Tuoba Tianyuan, if this is what you call cooperation, then get lost!"

Hearing Tuoba Tianyuan's words, Ji Xuanhuang sneered again and again and scolded him unceremoniously. With the strength of Tuoba Tianyuan and the old patriarch of the Yangsheng Divine Clan, hiding in his Nether Clan army, if there was a sudden attack, his Nether Clan army would be destroyed. There will definitely be countless casualties. Do you think the Nether Clan didn't die quickly enough?

If he hadn't been afraid of Tuoba Tianyuan's strength, he would have been able to blast him out!

Tuoba Tianyuan frowned slightly and said in a deep voice: "I really want to cooperate. Are you really going to miss this opportunity?"

"Cooperation is fine, but you have to listen to me! Who knows if you, Tuoba Tianyuan, really want to cooperate? You, the human race, are full of bad intentions. How many times have we, the strong men of the Nether Race, been killed by you and others in the past few years?"

After all, Jixuanhuang still did not drive Tuoba Tianyuan out. As Tuoba Tianyuan said, if Tuoba Tianyuan really wants to cooperate, this is definitely the best opportunity for his Nether clan to invade the Imperial Realm. Although there are risks, he Don't want to miss it either.

What can you do without risk? The opportunity was missed, but it will never happen again!

"What's your plan? Let's talk about it. If it's suitable, it's not impossible!"

After hearing Ji Xuanhuang's words, Tuoba Tianyuan's eyes flashed with an inexplicable light and he said in a deep voice.

"We, the Nether Clan, will mobilize all our troops and pretend to attack the Imperial Realm. Then, you will lead some powerful men from the Imperial Realm to come and kill them together with me. This cycle will repeat itself. When the time is right, I will lead the Nether Clan again. The army entered the pass and captured the imperial realm in one fell swoop.”

"As long as you help me, the Nether Clan, to capture the Imperial Realm, the benefits of your two major divine tribes will definitely be indispensable. It is not impossible to even extradite you to the God Realm!"

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