Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 948 Fame spreads far and wide

Ji Xuanhuang's eyes flickered, and a dull voice resounded throughout the hall. He had made a good plan. Once Tuoba Tianyuan was really willing to cooperate with his Nether Clan, as long as he followed his plan, he would not worry about the Nether Clan's capture. Can’t reach the imperial realm!

The Nether Clan and the Imperial Realm have been fighting for countless years, and it’s time to end this war!

Although there have been constant frictions between the two sides, except for a few times, no large-scale war has broken out. On the one hand, both sides use this extraterrestrial battlefield as a training ground to hone the strength of their own strong men.

Another aspect is that the strength of the two sides is almost the same. Although the Imperial Realm has a large number of people, it has less high-end combat power than the Nether Clan. They are extremely afraid of each other and dare not start a war.

Now, the two major gods are willing to switch sides, which is definitely great news for the Hades.

Hearing Jixuanhuang's words, Tuoba Tianyuan did not refuse directly, but pondered, how could he not see that Jixuanhuang was plotting against his two major divine races, but he was also plotting against Jixuanhuang, It depends on whose calculation is better!

If Jixuanhuang doesn't agree, I'm afraid this cooperation plan will be ruined!

Forget it, first agree to Ji Xuanhuang and settle the matter of cooperation. As for who is the oriole behind it, that needs to be discussed!

An inexplicable light appeared on Tuoba Tianyuan's face, and he thought to himself that the people of the Shenxian Sect are now liquidating the strong men of his two major god clans. Maybe they can lure the strong men of the Shenxian Sect to the outer starry sky battlefield, so that the Nether Clan can attack. kill!

In this way, you can not only get revenge, but also make the Nether Clan and the Immortal Sect dog-eat-dog, why not do it?

"Okay, I agree to the conditions. I hope you won't disappoint me!"

Thinking of this, Tuoba Tianyuan looked indifferent, glanced at Ji Xuanhuang, and said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, a look of surprise appeared on Ji Xuanhuang's face. He didn't expect that Tuoba Tianyuan actually agreed to his plan. He felt secretly happy and said solemnly to Tuoba Tianyuan: "Don't worry, as long as you follow my instructions, With the plan in place, I, the Nether Clan, will naturally not fall behind!"

"This is a sound transmission token. After the powerful men from the Imperial Realm are lured to the extraterrestrial starry sky battlefield, I will send a sound transmission to you. At that time, you will send people to attack and kill them!"

"Remember, don't be careless and go all out!"

Tuoba Tianyuan nodded, threw a sound transmission token to Ji Xuanhuang, and said in a deep voice.

As soon as he finished speaking, he disappeared directly into the hall in a flash. He was so fast that even Jixuanhuang didn't notice a trace of him. This made Jixuanhuang's eyes full of fear.

This old guy from the Tianyuan God Clan is really scary.

"Tsk, but once I have finished using you, no matter how powerful you are, you will not be able to escape from my grasp!"

Ji Xuanhuang played with the sound transmission token in his hand and sneered secretly.


At the same time, as the powerful men of the Shenxian Sect liquidated the two powerful gods, many elders of the Shenxian Sect also became famous and were worshiped by many cultivators in the Imperial Realm!

Originally, the world only knew a few guardians of the Shenxian Sect and the sacred beasts that protect the sect, but now, with the efforts of many elders of the Shenxian Sect, the terrifying combat power of the elders of the Shenxian Sect has also shocked the entire emperor.

In an inn in a certain city, a big man with a sinewy face was rolling up his sleeves, saliva flying everywhere, and talking enthusiastically. The cultivators around him all raised their ears to listen, for fear of missing any details. From time to time, he also let out an exclamation.

"You haven't seen it, Elder Ximen Chuixue of Shenxian Sect, his swordsmanship is astonishing and makes ghosts and gods cry!"

"I saw that it was a dark and windy night, and the Protector of the Yangsheng Clan was having fun with his concubine in the room. He was so happy. At the critical moment, a gust of cold wind came and blew open the window of the room. "

"The Protector of the Yangsheng Divine Clan ignored him at all and kept moving. Who would have thought that a white shadow suddenly appeared in front of the window, and the white clothes moved automatically without wind, and the cold face of Ximen Chuixue reflected on the Protector of the Yangsheng Divine Clan. In his pupils, the protector of the Yangsheng Divine Clan shrank with fear on the spot, and his concubine even let out a scream and quickly pulled the quilt to cover her naked body!"


"The Protector of the Yangsheng Divine Clan was furious and shouted loudly. However, what greeted him was a cold sword light. This sword was invisible and extremely ghostly. It was as powerful as the Protector of the Yangsheng Divine Clan. He was decapitated by the sword. !”

"The most terrifying thing is that even though the head was severed, there was no blood spurting out!"

"There is a kind of swordsmanship that no one can see, because everyone who was lucky enough to witness it has already been buried!"

"This is the sword god of the Shenxian Sect, Ximen Chuixue!"

The big man's eyes flashed with awe, and he ended his story with a dull voice.

"Then how did Brother Fang come across Ximen Chuixue's swordsmanship?"

One of the onlookers couldn't help but ask such a question. The big man's face suddenly darkened, he glared at the man fiercely, and said in a deep voice: "Do you still want to hear it? I don't want to hear it, I don't want to say it yet! "

"Don't! Don't! Keep going!"

"Yes, let us see the elegance of the elders of the Immortal Sect!"

Seeing that the big man was angry, many onlookers quickly spoke out. The powerful Shenlong of the Shenxian Sect could not see his head but not his tail. Not everyone was lucky enough to see the elders of the Shenxian Sect take action on the spot!

Everyone's prayers caused a look of arrogance on the big man's face. After arranging the score for a while, he said with a hint of profundity: "There is a woman whose embroidery needles are frightening. She uses embroidery needles, but she uses embroidery needles." This is the sword technique, where the needle enters the sword and the sword melts into the needle. Although she has the body of a girl, her sword skills are superb!"

"Maybe not as good as a pure swordsman like Ximen Chuixue, but for a woman to be able to do this, she is already peerless!"

"She is the elder of the Shenxian Sect, Dongfang Invincible!"

"When the sun rises in the east, I am the only one who is undefeated!"

As the big man narrated, the whole inn fell into silence again. Everyone was fascinated by the big man's narration, and they were extremely eager to learn about the deeds of the elders of the Shenxian Sect!

In the most corner of the inn, a figure shrouded in black robes sat quietly. Due to the dim location and the fact that he was wearing a black robe, no one noticed this person at all.

"Shenxian Sect? It's interesting! I didn't expect that after I have been imprisoned for so long, such a mysterious sect would appear in the Imperial Realm!"

"I would like to see how strong this Immortal Sect is?"

"I hope you won't disappoint me. If I want to return to my peak, I need some powerful blood food!"

A faint voice came from the mouth of the black-robed figure. He raised his head slightly, revealing his eyes hidden under the black hat.

What a pair of eyes those are!

It is extremely red, like two blood moons. Just one glance can make people feel a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, as if the soul is being swallowed by these blood eyes!

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