"System, what's going on?"

In the God Burial Forest, Wang Feng's face was trembling, looking at the dense shadows in the sky worshiping him, and asked secretly.

He could feel that these shadows were not malicious towards him, and they even meant to thank him. However, there were too many shadows. Looking at them, the entire sky was filled. No matter who saw it, All will vibrate.

"The Blood Crow Demon Lord's crimes are so heinous that he has killed countless people. Most of the people he killed had resentful souls in their hearts and turned into resentful spirits that haunted them. However, he was so powerful that these resentful spirits could not hurt him at all. , and even became his nourishment, trapped in his body."

"When the host killed the Blood Crow Demon Lord, these resentful spirits escaped from their traps, and their karma was purified, and they were reincarnated. Therefore, they were grateful to the host, and even believed in the host from the bottom of their hearts!"

"By killing the Blood Crow Demon King, the host not only eliminated a sinful person, but also saved these resentful spirits, which is equivalent to a great meritorious deed. The number of these resentful spirits is beyond imagination. The merits and beliefs obtained by the host are also beyond imagination!"

The cold voice that sounded in his mind made Wang Feng's heart skip a beat. He didn't expect to get such an unexpected surprise after killing the Blood Crow Demon Lord.

At this time, Wang Feng remembered that he had obtained an artifact called Li Tianding in the Litian tribe, which was specially used to collect beliefs. He quickly put his mind into the world ball, but happened to see the Li Tianding that was blooming with brilliance and constantly vibrating. His heart was shocked, and he quickly Take out the Li Tianding.


When the Li Tianding was taken out, the whole world shook. An inexplicable sacred aura spread out from the Li Tianding, and the void around it was distorted in a manner visible to the naked eye.


The golden light spots that were originally suspended in front of many phantoms seemed to have found their destination, and surged towards Li Tianding. This scene was extremely spectacular.

Countless golden light spots, densely packed, like long golden rivers, gathered from all directions and poured into Li Tianding. The majestic power of faith gathered, causing the entire Li Tianding to shake more violently. The bright golden light started from Li Tianding. Shining out from above, the mountains and forests are reflected in a golden color.

When these golden light points converged towards Li Tianding, the shadows in the sky and the earth slowly dissipated. Before each shadow dissipated, they looked at Wang Feng deeply, as if they wanted to make Wang Feng's face. Imprinted deep in the soul.

One shadow after another disappeared, and the light points gathered faster and faster. After a while, there were no more shadows in the entire world, and all the golden light points merged into Li Tianding.

At this time, the golden light blooming from the entire Li Tianding was extremely bright, like a bright sun.

Wang Feng looked at the Li Tianding that was blooming with bright golden light, and his heart was slightly shaken. He could feel that at this time, there was a massive power of faith gathered in the Li Tianding, and many golden light spots seemed to have turned into water droplets in the Li Tianding. , forming a piece of golden water flowing in Li Tianding.

After gathering the power of many beliefs, Li Tianding seems to be undergoing some strange changes. This change is so mysterious that even Wang Feng cannot see through it.

At the same time, deep in the God Burial Forest.

The entire depths of the God Burial Forest were deserted, with no flesh-and-blood demon trees growing. Pieces of gravel were scattered in the depths of the God Burial Forest, as if it was a forest of rocks that had experienced a terrible battle.

In the center of this stone forest, there are several huge rocks that look like stone pillars. In the center of these huge rocks, there is a deep pool that is only about ten meters in size. What is shocking is that the water in this deep pool , turned out to be blood red in color. What emerged from the lake were wisps of cold air, and layers of ice crystals had already formed on the edge of the deep pool.

The blood-red light shining from the water of the pool shines on the ice crystals and reflects back from the ice crystals to the surface of the pool, making the deep pool look extremely mysterious and terrifying.

The most important thing is that there is a corpse floating in the middle of the deep pool. The whole corpse is in tatters, and there are not many clothes left on it. It is in tatters, and the true appearance of the corpse cannot even be seen. .

However, at this moment, the empty eyes on the corpse suddenly glowed with two green lights, and he stood up directly from the pool, his green eyes staring in the direction of Wang Feng.

"What a strong power of faith."

An ancient voice that seemed to come from the wilderness era came from this tattered corpse and echoed throughout the depths of the God Burial Forest.

As this ancient voice fell, the green eyes on the corpse suddenly changed, with layers of golden light flashing, turning into a pair of golden eyes. What was shocking was that the golden light shining in its pupils turned out to be faith. Power.

After transforming into golden eyes, he continued to look in the direction of Wang Feng. His eyes seemed to see the situation where Wang Feng was through many obstacles.

"This...this breath is...him?"

"How is that possible? Wasn't he killed back then?"

A trembling word suddenly sounded in the depths of the God Burial Forest. The entire tattered corpse shook, and the deep pool of blood was rippled by this.

"Is it possible... that he has embarked on the legendary ten reincarnations?"

"Is there no way to escape this fate?"

The whole corpse was shaking violently, as if it was greatly frightened, and the words coming out of it were even more frightening.

"Back then, I killed the God and betrayed the God Realm, and I have already suffered the consequences!"

"A ray of remnant soul is still lingering. I finally have a chance to live a new life. You still won't let me go?"

The golden eyes of the corpse were fixed on the direction of Wang Feng, and he said in a trembling voice. His violent mood swings caused the entire blood-red pool to stir up waves, with layers of waves hitting the surrounding ice crystals.


"I can't sit still and wait for death, and I will never let him step into the depths of the God Burial Forest!"

"Although he is weak at this time, he has such a terrifying power of faith. It will not take long for him to return to his peak state!"


As these words fell, an inexplicable aura centered on this corpse suddenly spread to the depths of the entire God Burial Forest. Then, the entire depths of the God Burial Forest suddenly trembled, and burly figures rose from the ground. , every figure is filled with extremely rich corpse aura.

Looking around, there are nearly a hundred statues, and the aura permeating each one is extremely terrifying, several times more powerful than the ordinary immortal peak.


A strange voice came from the tattered corpse, and many burly figures roared wildly as if they had received instructions. Their originally dark and empty eyes suddenly glowed with scarlet light, and then they looked towards the depths of the God Burial Forest as if they were crazy. Rushing away, the direction in which these burly figures went was exactly where Wang Feng was!

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