Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 958 Enemies of life and death meet


After dispatching these hundreds of corpses, the corpse seemed to feel that it was not safe enough. It roared again, and an increasingly dense mysterious wave centered on him and spread to the surrounding blood-red pool and several huge rocks standing there. , trembled violently.


A series of shattering sounds came from these boulders, and then, pieces of gravel fell off from the boulders, revealing several burly figures hidden among these boulders.

What is shocking is that the aura emanating from these burly figures actually has a faint aura of divinity. Even though they have become corpses, it is difficult to conceal the fluctuation of the divine realm.

Obviously, these burly figures must have been strong in the divine realm during their lifetimes, and they were not ordinary divine realms.

After counting, there were exactly five of them. Five scarlet gazes emerged from the empty eye sockets. Immediately afterwards, these five figures broke free from the boulder. Without saying a word, they stepped out directly across the body. He disappeared into the depths of the God Burial Forest and headed in the direction of Wang Feng.

"Whether you are him or not, you must die!"

A cold and vicissitudes of words resounded throughout the depths of the God Burial Forest, and the words were filled with endless hatred.

"Perhaps I should consider Satoru's suggestion!"

"Since you've already betrayed me, let's do it completely!"

As these words fell, the entire depths of the God Burial Forest returned to calm. Only the ripples on the surface of the pool were the only explanation for what had just happened.

On the other side, in the secret realm where the Great Demon Xuancha is, the Great Demon Xuancha is sitting cross-legged on the throne, with a strong demonic aura rising all over his body. Demonic lines, like long black dragons, cover his entire body, making his whole body It looks terrible.

The rich magical power permeated the entire glorious hall, filling the hall with a suffocating and oppressive aura.

During this period of intensive training, the Great Demon Xuan Cha has completely integrated into the demon kingdom of the Heaven Master Demon, and he has completely mastered the demonic cultivation of the Heaven Master Demon. His whole person has become more and more like the Heaven Master Demon. Except for their weaker cultivation and strength, they are almost the same as the demons holding the sky.

His cultivation level has gone from just entering the realm of Qian Shen to reaching the peak of Qian God. He is only one step away from entering the realm of Holy God.

"Perhaps, we can try to contact those so-called sky masters!"

After a long time, the Great Demon Xuan Cha opened his eyes, his eyes flashed with bright light, and he murmured softly.

Even though he has fully accepted all the cultivation of the Demon Master, it is not easy to understand the mystery. The most important thing is that he does not want to improve just for the sake of improving his cultivation. He wants to develop in an all-round way. Not only can one's cultivation level be improved extremely quickly, but one's combat power must not fall behind. The combat power must be at least the same as that of the Demon Master, or even stronger.

Now that he has reached the peak of Qian Shen, if he wants to continue to improve, even if he has all the cultivation inheritance of the demon who controls the sky, it is not that easy. Maybe he can use the so-called masters of the sky to help him improve. With their strength, Wouldn't it be nice to come and deal with them?

The Great Demon Xuan Cha was even looking forward to the day in the future when those so-called masters of heaven worked hard to help him return to his peak, only to be tricked by him and find out that he was actually an undercover agent. What kind of expression would they have?

It must be fun to come, right?

A playful smile appeared on the face of the Great Demon Xuan Cha, and he was eager to try. He wanted to directly contact those so-called masters of heaven and use their power to practice, but he was afraid of being discovered by them. What would happen to him then? It's very miserable.

The Great Demon Xuan Cha still cherishes his own life. He still has a goal that he has not yet achieved, and there is Queen Medusa waiting for him to conquer. How can he die?

"It's better to play it safe and wait!"

After all, the Great Demon of Xuan Cha still did not dare to risk his own life to test whether those so-called masters of heaven could discover him.

"Sir, Lord Yuan's disciple wants to see you!"

But at this moment, the respectful words from the entrance suddenly resounded throughout the palace.

Outside the palace, the entrance hall stood respectfully in front of the palace door, and beside him, Leng Lie, dressed in a simple robe, stood with his hands behind his hands. He was so heroic that all the entrance halls on the side looked at him.

He is worthy of being Master Yuan’s personal disciple!

Xuan Xuan nodded and said secretly.

If Leng Lie hadn't taken the initiative to find him and held Master Yuan's token, he wouldn't have known that there was actually a direct disciple of Master Yuan hidden in the imperial realm.

In fact, at this moment, Leng Lie was inexplicably shocked in his heart. If it hadn't been for what his master said, he wouldn't have known that there was actually a heavenly slave dressed as a master of heaven hidden in the imperial realm.

The first time he saw this entrance, he felt a shiver in his heart. He knew that this entrance had definitely reached the realm of Hongmeng God. Such powerful people were actually just a small role in the Tiannu Divine Tribunal, sent to take charge of the Imperial Realm. Some Tenu Reserve members?

In the past, Leng Lie only learned about the power of the Heaven Master from his master, but after all, he had never truly seen the power of the Heaven Master. But now, just the tip of the iceberg was revealed, and Leng Lie was shocked.

With such a terrifying force as his backing, as long as he works hard enough, he may not be able to stand at the top of the entire world in the future. So what can the so-called Immortal Sect do to compete with him?

For a moment, Leng Lie was filled with pride.

His rise to the top began with an audience with Lord Demon, the Master of Heaven. If he could be appreciated by a master of Heaven in this world, his future path would definitely be broader.

Although Master Yuan is also a master of the sky, he is trapped in the chaotic space in the dark box, and his cultivation is difficult to display. He cannot help him for the time being. He can only teach him some magical skills. The master of the sky who was rescued by him Gui, his cultivation has not yet fully recovered, he has only reached the peak of the Immortal Emperor Realm. Even though his combat power is enough to rival a strong man at the Holy God level, he still cannot really help him after all.

After all, if some strong men in the God Realm were to detect the aura of the Heaven Master Ghost, with the current strength of the Heaven Master Ghost, they might not be able to stop the attacks of the powerful men in the God Realm, and might even implicate him. The gods and ghosts have been guiding him by his side, which is undoubtedly an idiot's dream.

In the main hall, the Great Demon Xuan Cha couldn't help but have a look of doubt on his face when he heard Xuan Guan's words.

What the hell?

Master Yuan's disciple?

The one who controls the sky?

The so-called one who controls the heavens actually took the initiative to send people to contact him?

The Great Demon of Xuan Cha was shocked. For a moment, he hesitated. He had just decided not to have contact with the person holding the sky for the time being. Now, the person holding the sky sent someone to contact him. Did he see him or not?

its not right! He is a demon who controls the sky. He is just a disciple of a master who controls the sky. He is a coward!

After a second thought, the Great Demon Xuancha calmed down and sat upright on the throne. Demonic energy surged around him, and the demonic power swept through the entire hall, just like an unparalleled demon god.


The majestic and indifferent words came from the mouth of the Great Demon Xuansha.

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